Not to mention that although Mo Sen was away from the base for a lot of time, the regulations of the base were basically formulated under his influence, and they had never heard of these regulations in other bases.

Now go to the surrounding bases and ask, who doesn't envy being able to serve as a soldier at the g-2 base, not only the strength improves quickly and the security is high, but the salary is also higher than other places.

Where to find such a good thing.

In this world, fools and white-eyed wolves are still a minority.

It is of course a big deal for the soldiers that such an officer who has done so many things for them is suddenly transferred.

Personality charm is something that is difficult to describe specifically, but it can be truly felt.

For example, there are many guys with high strength in the base who want to squeeze into Mo Sen's direct troops in a roundabout way, so that they can go to the new world with them.

However, the request was scolded by Major General Smoker before reaching Mosen's place at all. In the words of the soldiers, it was the demeanor of Chief Mosen who was so angry that he would not pay for his life.

At that moment, they almost thought that the officer had switched bodies with Major General Smoker.

Cough... Changing bodies is naturally impossible, but it also shows that Major General Smoker was deeply influenced by Chief Mosen.

The soldiers have calmed down, but the soldiers in the base have become more diligent in everything including training in daily life, and tasks such as patrols that everyone most wanted to go to in the past are now neglected.

On the contrary, patrolling, training, cleaning, etc. in the base work harder than before, and the strange thing is that the time has become longer, and the work of cleaning the chief's office is now all rushing to clean the officer's office.

But the figure of the officer was nowhere to be seen in the base. For some reason, these soldiers suddenly felt that something was missing and became empty.


Mawson has long avoided these.

Humans are not plants, even with the detached mentality he can maintain, it is impossible to calmly face the parting of so many soldiers.

After getting along for so long, there are naturally feelings in it.

Speaking of which, in his previous life, he also signed up for his military service on campus.

But he has a pair of breathtaking eyes... Even the inspection machine has to be admired - he is a fat version of Li Qing after taking off the glasses and covering the cloth, so naturally he can't pass the inspection. I didn't expect that now I can experience it a little a handful.

Mo Sen didn't like the atmosphere very much, so he sneaked away by himself.

The place is the same place, after all experience baby, oh no, it is the world's number one swordsman, and there is still a farewell.

On the island of Culegana, a group of baboons happily welcomed Mawson's arrival, but Mawson sent them away.

Ruins of the royal palace.

This is naturally the place where the eagle eye used to rest every day.

If there is something more here, it is probably books to pass the time and some rare red wine.

Hawkeye is very similar to red hair, or many pirates are like this, drink what you have.

He likes red wine but does not deliberately pursue quality, but likes to try more categories. After all, life alone is really boring.

This approach can bring him some freshness, which can be regarded as a little fun in boring days.

Of course, if it can provide a more wonderful taste in addition to fun, that would be great.

"Valendreux red wine is hand-brewed in all processes, and the annual output does not exceed 3000 bottles at most. It is exclusively for the world's nobles and ancient royal families. The taste is full and strong.

I have always heard the name of this red wine, but I have never tasted it. Today, thanks to you, I can see two bottles. "

Seeing the red wine brought by Mo Sen, Mihawk's eyes lit up, and those eagle eyes were not much worse than when he met his opponent.

As for the price, he didn't say, because the price is not a problem for them.

This kind of wine is very difficult for ordinary people to get.

If Mihawk wants to get it, of course it is not a big problem, but he himself is a boring and Buddhist-like world's number one swordsman, and he never deliberately pursues such things.

In his view, being deliberate loses the fun in it.

Mo Sen threw the two bottles in his hand, and Mihawk raised his hand and took them carefully.

Mosen has no research on red wine. Compared with red wine that needs to be savored slowly, he prefers refreshing beer, strong-flavored white wine and sweet rum. These wines all have one characteristic, that is, just take a big sip and you're done.

So essentially he is a layman.

The red wine brought to Mihawk was given to him by a certain royal family before. He doesn't know much about it, so he might as well give it to an expert.

"It's fine if you like it. I don't know much about red wine, so I can't say I hate it, but it's better to drink it refreshingly."

Good red wine is the most delicious dish, and it doesn't need to be accompanied by appetizers or peanut barbecue.

Mihawk was not so pedantic that he had to follow the particulars in the red wine. After sobering up, he poured a glass for himself and Mo Sen.

Mihawk gently shook the goblet in his hand, and when he put it in his mouth, a mellow taste came to his nostrils. He took a sip lightly, showing an intoxicated expression, "Sure enough, in terms of freshness, the more The more expensive the taste of wine, the more it can capture people's hearts, and it is really hard not to be satisfied with such wine."

Mo Sen learned to take a sip, and it did have a flavor different from others, no wonder so many people like it.

"It's true, sometimes money is also an incomparably powerful force, it just depends on how people use it."

In this regard, Tezolo, who Mosen met before, was undoubtedly one of the examples.

If he hadn't opened up the joints of the Tianlong people through the power of money, his Grand Tai Zolo would not have become a legal neutral zone recognized by the world government.

Even Doflamingo can sometimes be attributed to this. He made countless money through the secret business of arms, slaves, drugs, etc., and then used the money to open the way.

Of course, this world ultimately depends on strength.

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