"Okay, everyone sit down, don't be in such a hurry, it will take a long time to get to this island, so it's not too late to make a plan before getting excited."

Mo Sen called the three people to sit down, and then nodded to Ain: "Ain, the information here is collected by you, and you know the most detailed information. Let me introduce to them, the commander-in-chief of this operation, Smoker , you can arrange the details, and I will not interfere in the whole process."

"Yes, sir." Ain did not refuse, and introduced the situation of the island after taking Mo Sen's words.

The Pirate Kingdom of Skechenfe has a history of several decades. The earliest pirates can be traced back to the era of Lockes. Now the island has a population of more than 8, and [-]% of them are men. There are only a few children and women. less part.

And there are very few old people in this kingdom, because as pirates, unless they are powerful captains, the old people have long been eliminated in the process of plundering.

Most of the children came from robbery, and the women came to ensure a normal daily life.

Even if there is any desire to vent, it will usually be resolved when going out to rob.

"Therefore, no one in this country is worthy of sympathy. Even if he is a child, he does not know how much blood has been stuck to his hands. Not to mention, there are no children who are too young here, because there is no way to survive."

Only Mosen and Smoker knew some of this information, and it was not comprehensive.

After listening to Ain's introduction, the atmosphere on the deck was a bit oppressive.

Obviously, such an evil country has existed for decades, and now it has grown to nearly [-] people. It is self-evident how much disaster this will cause to the surrounding area.

"My request to you this time is not to take a single prisoner until the battle is over."

Mawson had the last word.

Killing intent has been decided!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The island where the Pirate Country of Skechenfe was originally had no name.

It was originally a deserted island, and it began to develop after the first generation of pirates arrived and occupied it.

Pirates are updated very quickly in this world, and there is no problem in changing them two or three times in ten years. Of course, if you are at the level of the Four Emperors, you will be like Whitebeard if you grow up for decades.

However, there are more than a million pirates in this world, and how many can become the level of the Four Emperors and Seven Martial Seas.

So either you can't do that, then become their subordinates and help the whole pirate group.

The Pirate Nation of Skechenfell is one such kingdom.

First, the first generation of pirates slowly gathered to keep warm, and then the number of pirates increased, and it became such a fixed pirate interest group, which is a hundred times more brutal than those ordinary pirate countries such as the country of flowers. .

The Nine Snake Islands like the Country of Flowers and Hancock are still serious countries. There are pirates plundering foreign countries, but the citizens also have their own jobs and lives.

And their pirate country is different, here is a country glued together by pure violence.

Internally, there is a group of big pirates suppressing it at the top, while externally, it is like a group of hyenas, greedy and cruel.

There are no normal people's livelihood, economy, commerce, etc. in the kingdom.

So if this pirate country hadn't been suppressed by top-down force internally, it would have collapsed a long time ago.

It is not that there have been rebellions and riots in the country before, and the pirate group that is now at the top of this pirate country came to power by force 8 years ago.

Mo Sen did not intervene in how to eliminate this cruel pirate country.

Everything in the plan was made by Smoker and his team.

There are more than [-] people, more than a dozen pirate groups, large and small, and dozens of ships. If such a pirate force doesn't plan well, there will be less than [-] soldiers on one of their Mawson ships. It is difficult to wipe them all out.

This is a test for Mawson.

It seems that 80 vs. 8 is an exaggerated number comparison, but sometimes numbers are nothing in this world.

There are countless people who conquered the country by one person.

"Surprise." Smoker was smoking a cigar, looking very casual, but serious, "I don't think anyone except us would have thought that one of our battleships would attack such a pirate country.

This country is not one of those weak (lei two tone) kingdoms, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the whole people are thieves. "

"So those pirates would not have thought that we would directly attack at this juncture. This is why the chief wants to do it before the handover, just not to give those pirates a chance to be prepared." Ain took over the conversation.

Drake also said: "Yes, the meaning of the officer is already very obvious. This is not only a test for us, but also allows us to familiarize ourselves with the rhythm of the new world again, and it also has the meaning of deterring other forces.

Of course, destroying this group of pirates entrenched in the jurisdiction of the base is also the meaning of the question, this is the way of killing birds with one stone. "

This guy Danecu has now been promoted to colonel, and he is also discussing the battle plan. At this time, he couldn't help but said: "The sir is the sir, and he thought about it before us."

Xunya stood next to Mo Sen, but he never interrupted about these things.

He is only responsible for hands!

Binz took a sneak peek, saw that he was not paying attention to him, and interjected weakly from the side: "I think, maybe the commander also means that there are people who are worried about these pirates in the base."

Obviously, the poor guy has been hacked to autism.

After Binz finished speaking, except for Smoke, the others all looked at Mosen with admiration.

Mo Sen laughed and said, "Calm down, basic operation, didn't you think of this too? Leave me alone, you continue to discuss the plan."

What the hell!

I myself don't know that there are so many meanings in the impromptu decision to shoot down this group of pirates.

In fact, Mo Sen's idea is very simple, because their route is only half a day away from this island, he had a sudden idea and decided to pull out this cruel cancer first.

He didn't expect to be made up by several people.

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