As for water.

As long as it is not a devil fruit ability user, there is no navy that is not good at water.

You must know that at least [-]% of the whole world is the sea, and water is not fun with a hammer.

There is a subject in the navy that specializes in teaching underwater combat.

"Okay, move on."

Daneku didn't say any more, and led the navy named Noke just now to sneak away along the shadows.

The other navies also started to move.

The prelude to a great battle is about to begin.



5 points in the early hours.

At this time, there is already a hazy light on the sea, and the sky has begun to brighten.

But for the vast majority of pirates, this time is still the time to sleep soundly.

Even the gamblers who gamble all night are now the most difficult time.

However, on the Mawson, about two nautical miles away from the Pirate Country of Skechenfe, the entire battleship was brightly lit, and there were busy figures everywhere.

The deck is full of soldiers coming and going.

The inside of the cabin was even more busy, a large amount of ammunition was moved to the cannons, and a soldier was standing next to each cannon, and was urgently adjusting the cannon that belonged to him.

"Daneku, except for Smoker and the others, everyone else is under your command in this operation."

At the very front of the deck stood the most powerful members of the ship, with Mo Sen leading the way, and Smoker next to him.

Then there are Ian, Xun, Drake, Danecu and Binz.

To be honest, they are too young. If they are given ten years, they will definitely be able to fight against any of the current Four Emperors.

"Yes, sir." Danecu came out and saluted Mawson.

"Okay," Mo Sen looked at the watch on his wrist, "at a quarter past five, let's start to act, and the same sentence, no prisoners will be accepted until the end of the war."

Mo Sen's words doomed the fate of these pirates, and also doomed this dawn to be soaked in blood.

"Understood, sir." Everyone replied solemnly.

For the pirates entrenched here, everyone's guilt is enough to die more than ten times.

No one will feel pity for these people.

The Mawson moved, like a gigantic predator, pounced on the prey that had gathered together and had no idea of ​​the danger.

The action plan has changed slightly.

Because the rudders of the pirate ships were completely destroyed, Daneku directly ordered to shell the key buildings and small towns he had explored first, and wait until the last round to tilt the artillery fire to those pirate ships.

First a test shot!

The artillery fire was extremely conspicuous in the beginning of hazy night sky.

After a slight adjustment, the battleship flew towards the island under the hazy night with a round of 18 shells making an extremely sharp whistling sound.


The extremely violent sound of artillery fire woke up this sinful island.

This island is not too big, and the small town of more than [-] people is all within the range of artillery fire.

The shells on the Mawson were improved. Although they were not comparable to the bucky shells that could destroy half a town with one shell, they were several times more powerful than ordinary shells, so there was no problem.

You don't even need to watch this round of artillery fire, at least hundreds of people were killed or injured.

After a short interval, another round of artillery fire roared towards the island not far away.

The base number of shells on the battleship is enough for the 36 cannons to pour over a dozen rounds.

Not to mention covering the entire island, but covering this small town is still very easy.

The team led by Danecu was very effective in detecting island towns, and the buildings they marked were under the focus of artillery fire.

Most of those buildings are the high-level residences of pirates.

Under the sudden shelling, an unknown number of pirate leaders were killed in their sleep.

There are even more disabled people, except for the roar of artillery fire, the screams for help are the most ear-piercing.

There were even a few shells whizzing towards the tallest and most conspicuous crystal-like palace, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

This criminal country, which has existed for decades, ushered in the artillery fire of destruction at this time.

In the past, they brought destruction and war to other countries, but they did not expect the retribution to come to them now.

In these more than ten rounds of bombardment, at least thousands of people were killed and injured.

Many people began to flee like headless chickens, while the captains of various pirate groups and other powerful pirates began to gather their subordinates to prepare for resistance.

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