As soon as Smoke arrived at the gate of the palace made of glass, he saw a figure standing there.

He was wearing a proper white tuxedo, with a gentle smile on his face, not like a pirate about to go to war, but like a nobleman attending a dinner party.

Ferdinando looked at Smoker who stopped and said with a smile: "I thought the first person I saw was your powerful Lieutenant General, but I didn't expect Major General Smoker to come first."

Smoker had two cigars in his mouth as usual, and fine ash fell from the upper thread, causing Ferdinando, who was still smiling just now, to frown.

Thinking that the other party was not his subordinate, he stretched out.

"It doesn't matter who comes." Smoker exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "The important thing is that you were arrested, pirate Ferdinando."

Ferdinando smiled and shook his head, talking as if he was chatting with a friend, "Although I don't want to say that, but with all due respect, it's very difficult for Lieutenant General Smoker to catch me alone."

Speaking of which, he is a bit different from other pirates, as if he is not worried about the current situation at all.

Smoker didn't pay attention to Ferdinando's words, and it was meaningless to talk about it. What he just stated was his duty.

As for whether it can be caught, it has to be beaten.

"Then wait until I can't catch you."

Following Smoker's words, a puff of smoke exploded, and Smoker's figure disappeared in place.



Area [-] marked by Danecu.

This place belongs to the actual manager of this pirate country, that is, the captain of the Blood Glass Pirates, and also the chief steward of the entire country, Shardo.

If there is anyone in the entire Skechenfe country who really cares about this place, it is undoubtedly Shaldo.

For he is the highest authority in the country, apart from the careless Ferdinando.

In fact, most of the time, he is also in charge of managing this place.

One must know that he, a pirate with a bounty of more than 2 million, wants to take charge of a country in the new world, it is simply as difficult as heaven.

And only here.

Even if this pirate country only has more than 8 people.

But the feeling of life and death is that no matter how many people there are, it makes no difference.

That's why he resents the navy that has created this country.

He was also the most active one in discussing how to deal with the navy before. Those people dared to ask Ferdinando about these things, and he was all connected together.

It's just that I didn't expect that all the plans would be in vain.

Who would have thought that this vice admiral would play his cards out of common sense.

Before you took over as the chief of the g-7 base, you directly attacked the door.

Isn't this...isn't this hooliganism?

Forget it, who would have thought that a warship could have such a large firepower.

After a few rounds of bombing, they suffered heavy casualties.

However, he had no time to think about it.

As soon as he returned to him from the palace, he happened to meet Xun who arrived with soldiers.

At that moment, his scalp exploded, and his subconscious reaction made him jump to the side on the spot, barely avoiding Xun's knife.

A piece of cloth that seemed to be well-made slowly fell down.

It turned out that the moment Xun saw him, Shaldo, he shot directly.

No signs, no words.

Very clean and neat.

But that's Xun's style.

That group of soldiers had long understood Xun's character, and they rescued those who gathered on the other side without waiting for his orders.

It is naturally unrealistic for them to want to wipe out these pirates.

But if all the high-level pirates are wiped out, the remaining pirates will naturally have no room to resist.

Their targets have never been those scattered pirates, but those leaders who have gathered the pirates to fight.

The [Dead Wood] of Da Kuai Dao [-] Works does not look eye-catching, but it fits perfectly with Xun's temperament.

But this can't hide the edge of a powerful famous knife.

On the opposite side of Xun, Shaerdo's figure changed, and her limbs were no longer in the original human form, but turned into animal forms.

The two hands turned into cat's claws, and the sharp claws shone coldly in the firelight.

Including his face also turned into a cat face with gray and black stripes, which is exactly his fruit ability - cat cat fruit bobtail cat form.

Xuncai doesn't care about the form of the enemy. For him, no matter how strong the enemy is or what form it is, he just needs to go up and slash it.

Either you die or I die.

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