Perhaps the familiarity brings some security?

But the newspaper just now made his mood less beautiful.

I don't know that after the failure to challenge Shanks, all his courage and ambition were wiped out.

It was still because of the experience of pushing forward the city that he was a little timid.

In short, he became a little timid after learning about Mo Sen and his younger brother.

To be precise, he was a little scared!

This is a ruthless person who destroyed the Pirate Country again. In comparison, he thinks that c0 guy is nothing more than that.

Why do you say again, because such a situation has already appeared in the information he knew before.

It's just that the influence of those pirates at that time is not worth mentioning now.

From the information he has learned, it can be known that this legendary general is a ruthless person who must take revenge. When he thinks of...

Gron closed the newspaper with a gloomy face.

He felt that maybe he should change his strategy, and always felt that he was looking for death by provoking such a guy.

"Change the original plan, and repair for a period of time after arriving at the front island." Gelong conveyed the order, "Also, the navigator prepares a piece of letter paper for me, and I want to write a letter out."

He wants to drive away the tiger and devour the wolf with one hand!

Chapter three hundred and sixty one is good to use

G-7 base, base conference room.

In addition to Mo Sen's core team, there are also school officers from the original g-7 base, as well as a veteran brigadier general - Darwa.

This is a long-legged general, with a pair of legs that are more than 1 meters long, and their strength is enough to smash iron and gold.

Brigadier General Darwa is over 50 years old this year. He is still tall and strong, with a thick and well-groomed beard and a pipe dangling from his mouth.

He joined the Navy at the age of 17, and now it has been 35 years, and he has won almost every rank.

Promotion can be said to be one step at a time, and it couldn't be safer.

As a long-legged man from the New World, he has spent most of his life here in the New World, whether it was at the beginning or after he joined the navy. It can be said that he knows many places here like the back of his hand.

What is rare is that this naval figure who has been in the navy for most of his life is unexpectedly hearty, without the kind of fierce aura formed by killing for half his life.

It can be said that it is very transparent.

With such an experienced commodore, Mawson can quickly understand the surrounding situation at the G-7 base.

In the conference room, Mo Sen was sitting at the main seat, Smoker and Brigadier General Darwa were at his left and right respectively.

Mo Sen looked around. The people he brought were easy to talk about and he was familiar with him, but the school officials in the base looked at him with admiration.

There are too many such gazes, and he was able to take it calmly a long time ago, and said with a smile: "Now that everyone is here, let Brigadier General Darwa tell us about the various situations around here, so what are your plans?" It's good to have a judgment.

Commodore Darwah, as a veteran navy who has fought in the New World for decades, we are newcomers, but we have to learn from you, so you don't want to hide your secrets later. "

Mawson's tone was very brisk, and in the end he even made a joke with the bold Commodore.

Make the atmosphere of the meeting room less formal.

No way, with an idol like him serving as the officer, it's no wonder that these school officials in the base are not nervous when they come into such close contact.

"Huhahaha, since Lieutenant General Mo Sen has said everything, the old man must tell me everything I know." Darva took down his pipe and smiled boldly.

He is close to 4 meters tall, the tallest one in the entire conference room.

Even sitting, he was much taller than everyone else.

"Okay, just wait for the words of Brigadier General Darwa, let's start with our two most powerful neighbors." Mo Sen nodded with a smile, and then told Ain who was next to him, "Ain, You should pay attention to record it, and you must memorize what Brigadier General Darwa said in the future."

Ai En looked serious, and answered Mo Sen solemnly: "Yes, sir, please rest assured, sir, I will definitely write it down."

"let's start."

After Mo Sen finished speaking, Darwa habitually tapped his pipe on the table twice before he calmly said, "Let's start with the two so-called Four Emperors of Vega New World.

The Big O Pirates are the largest except for the Whitebeard Pirates. There are as many as 34 islands in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms she ruled, and I don't know how many other countries and islands are protected by her.

These 34 islands and the 3 islands bordering our base area are nothing too noteworthy. The strength of the pirates stationed on these two islands can only be considered average.

But there are two that need attention, one of these two islands is Creak Creek Island..."


At this moment, Mo Sen couldn't hold back, and almost spit out the tea in his mouth. What the hell is the name of Creak Creak Island?

"Ahem... I'm sorry, Brigadier General Darwa, please continue." Mo Sen wiped his mouth and said apologetically.

"There are two important figures from the Big O family stationed on this Creaky Island and Potato Island, one is Charlotte Daifuku, Minister of Beans, and also the third son of the family, a superman with transpiration fruit ability.

There is another one who is even more powerful. He is the top cadre of the Big O family, Charlotte Snuggle, one of the four dessert generals, and a powerful guy with a bounty of 6 million Baileys. "

Darva said that he took a puff of cigarette here, took a moment and continued: "Moreover, this Charlotte Daifuku has another identity, he is the triplet brother of Charlotte Katakuri, the second son of the Big O Pirates , Daifuku has a good relationship with his older brother Katakuri.

And Katakuri is the most powerful guy in the Big O Pirates except for Charlotte Lingling, with a bounty of over 10 billion Baileys, and he is the owner of the special Superman Nuo Nuo Fruit.

It is said that he even has a powerful ability to see the future, and he is an out-and-out monster. "

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