Big O is the Four Emperors of the New World, and Mo Sen is the most popular and legendary monster lieutenant general in the navy. The two can be said to be the representatives of the most advanced combat power of pirates and the navy.

Such a collision is nothing less than a planetary opposition, and it will definitely set off huge waves all over the world.

You know, this is not a navy chasing pirates in the normal sense.

Instead, Big O led people to attack the naval base.

This is a real confrontation with the Navy, and it is something that Roger and Whitebeard, including One Piece, have never done before.

However, there have been records of the Golden Lion and Kaido invading the Navy Headquarters, so this time it is not so unacceptable.

At the very least, Big O did not fully declare war on the Navy.

It also proves that things are still controllable.

It's just that the direction is a little unclear.


Somewhere in the New World.

A long line of ice spread from sight to the distance, and at the end of the line of ice was a tall and slightly slender figure riding a tall bicycle on the sea.

In the wind, you can occasionally catch a few crisp bells that have not yet been scattered.

Sweet and clear.

The speed of bicycles on the icy road formed by the freezing of the sea is not much slower than that of ordinary sailboats. Such a spectacle is unique in this world.

After all, not everyone has such a powerful fruit ability, nor does everyone have such physical strength.

He is Admiral Kuzan.

One of the world's top combat forces is the smallest group of people at the top of the world.

So, it's not all that unusual.

"Well, it's a bit of a mistake. I haven't encountered a ship that can be boarded for such a long time." The words mixed with the sound of the waves came from the wind, "I hope Brother Mo Sen can support me until I come, after all he He is the most perverted guy I have ever seen. Who knows how he will grow after seeing him for three years.

Even though the other party is also a powerful guy with the name of a monster, Brother Mo Sen has never suffered a disadvantage in these years, and this time he will not... maybe. "

Kuzan, who was riding a bicycle, muttered to himself, holding a newspaper in one hand, which he just bought from a passing newsbird not long ago, thanks to this newspaper, he can Know what's going on right now.

Because many reporters who are not afraid of death have appeared around the Navy's G-7 base.

For some reporters, they are not afraid of their own safety, but they are afraid that there will be no big news in this world.

This kind of news hadn't been released for many years, and the reporters naturally became crazy like a shark smelling blood... bah, like a shark smelling blood.

So, now the world is beginning to have news reports.

However, there is no way for the latest reports to be delivered to the people of the world as soon as possible. After all, there is no Internet or a certain blog here. Relying only on newspapers will inevitably compromise the timeliness of news.

This is inevitable!

Kuzan pushed the blindfold that was sliding up and down his head with his other hand that was not holding the newspaper, otherwise he would have fallen asleep right there if he covered his eyes.

He opened his mouth wide and yawned, and Kuzan covered his mouth again.

"It's too boring to be alone. The main reason is that it's too easy to fall asleep in the sun. Don't you think Mr. Camel?" Beside Kuzan is a swimming standing up, but it seems that he is still in its infancy Gala Pagos penguins.

The penguin was met by Kuzan during this mission. The juvenile penguin seems to be a guy who left the group to live alone.

It just so happened that this penguin ran into some troubles, and Kuzan helped it out.

It's a small thing for Kuzan, but Penguin obviously doesn't think so.

Anyway, it has followed Kuzan ever since.

It seems that the purpose is to repay the kindness, although it can't speak, the meaning it expresses is: I am a penguin with clear grievances and grievances, and I will repay my kindness.

I don't know what it's past experience is, but the current penguin looks a bit like his student - they all like to put on a cold face.

As if it would look cool.

Well, it's kind of cool indeed!

The penguin obviously heard Kuzan's words, a blister came out of its long nose, and the disdainful expression of the small eyes was anthropomorphic on its face.

With a very cold 'squeak' from his mouth, he answered Kuzan's words.

Kuzan didn't care about the penguin's attitude, and still talked lazily: "It's really similar, even the expression is exactly the same. After seeing this expression too much, I feel a little cute for no reason."

"Squeak... squeak!"

I don't know which word stimulated the penguin, and the penguin rushed over excitedly to express his anger to Kuzan.

"Ah?" Kuzan turned his head in surprise, "Is that so?

I can't praise you for being cute. Well, I take back what I said just now. Mr. Camel is a very interesting and powerful penguin. "

The little penguin turned his head and gave Kuzan a side face that counts as your knowing expression.

"It's really interesting, Mr. Camel."

"Hey, did you finally meet a ship? It's a naval warship from the G-3 base. What a coincidence."

In front of Kuzan, a naval warship appeared in sight, with the G-3 logo marked in black font on the ship.

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