Just wait for us...

Forget it, forget it, don't wait any longer, let's go!

Just kidding,

Go back and get busy.

Chapter 4 Prison robbery incident (more than [-]k)

G-5 Naval branch base.

The current situation of this naval base is very different from that in the plot, whether it is the facilities of the base or the appearance of the naval soldiers, it is very different from the plot.

This is not surprising.

In fact, since Jonathan was transferred to the g-5 base as the chief, the base where this soldier is more like a pirate than like a navy has begun to change drastically.

The base has been built from its humble beginnings into a real fortress.

The temperament of the soldiers is also very different, and the dress is no longer the original casual style, but has become the same standard attire as other navies.

Civilian relations with neighboring island countries are also less tense.

Especially after Virgo, the original spy who belonged to Doflamingo, was cleared out, many soldiers were also cleared out, and the base soldiers became more pure.

This is the second day that the base chief, Lieutenant General Jia Ji, led a fleet to G-7 for support.

The soldiers on the island learned about the result of the battle through the news. Although it was a pity that they did not see the news of Chief Jiaji, the idol, Lieutenant General Mo Sen, was able to beat the Four Emperors big o, which made all the soldiers very excited.

These soldiers in their new world understand the horror of the Four Emperors far better than the first half of the great route and the four seas.

Now there are not only three generals in the navy, but also a legendary lieutenant general who can be tough with the four emperors, and is everyone's idol, which will naturally make all the navy feel sincerely proud.

Even a prison ship that came to the G-5 base, the soldiers on it were more active than before.

This time the prison ship was here to escort a more important criminal to Imperton. Maybe this criminal was not very powerful, but he was definitely far more dangerous than some big pirates with high rewards.

Among other things, it is said that Punk Hazard, who was originally full of vitality and had the title of "Treasure of Life", was destroyed in his hands.

The Navy established a science troop base for an unknown period of time and was destroyed in the process.

At the same time, many scientific researchers, navy, world government and other personnel died in this poisonous gas explosion.

As for the pirates who were the test subjects, the casualties were even more unknown.

Such a guy, of course, should be treated with care. Sending a prison ship to escort him to the deep sea prison is just the meaning of the question.

In the dock of the G-5 base, Caesar Courant, wearing a black and white striped prison uniform, with strange horns and purple hair, was escorted up by several soldiers.

The dark gray chains on his wrists looked rather heavy.

Naturally, this is a sea tower stone chain specially prepared for ability users. Even if Caesar's strength is mediocre, no one dares to be careless if the prestige of natural ability users is there.

"Hurry up, don't grind!"

In front of the prison ship, Caesar Courant stopped suddenly, and a soldier almost bumped into him, so he couldn't help but pushed him and scolded him.

Caesar Courant was staggered by the push, and couldn't help saying angrily: "You bastard, you dare to push me, a little private, and I will make you look good when I am free!"

"Freedom, hmph, the prisoners who have entered the city of advancement still want to be free?" The soldier disdainfully.

"That's not necessarily true, my uncle..." Caesar Courant couldn't help retorting, and then he suddenly reacted and stopped talking, "Forget it, my uncle doesn't have the same knowledge as a guy like you, so I lost my status as the greatest scientist for nothing. "

After finishing speaking, Caesar Courant ignored the soldiers, and then looked around the dock.

"Wake up, stop dreaming, the greatest scientist has always been Mr. Vegapunk.

Hurry up, wait until the deep sea prison is there for you to see. "

The two soldiers glanced at Caesar Courant with some disgust. How could a criminal be ashamed, did you think you were that scientist?

The greatest scientist is just a criminal who killed many people.

Caesar Courant jumped: "What? How can that bastard Vegapunk be compared with my uncle? Just watch, this uncle must research the greatest results and surpass that bastard Vegapunk!"

Vegapunk is indeed his sore foot. If he hadn't been tied to the Hailoushi weapon now, he must make these soldiers look good.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense with him, take him up, it's time for us to return!"

A colonel reprimanded behind them. It was he who led the prison ship to escort Caesar back this time.

"Yes, Colonel!"

The two soldiers quickly agreed, and then carried Caesar Courant from left to right to the troop carrier.

The wooden ladder built on the boat is enough for three people to go up in parallel.

Soon, everything will be handed over.

Under the guidance of the base soldiers, the ship slowly sailed out of the dock, and after a certain distance, it sailed out from the gate of the fortress.

The two warships of the headquarters also sailed out of the fortress, one on the left and one on the right, and guarded behind the prison ship.

They were responsible for escorting the prison ship until it left the base area, and then the two warships patrolled the surrounding waters.

It happens to kill two birds with one stone.

in case……

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