But as the pillow person, Violet could feel Doflamingo's complicated feelings.

She took a sip of the straw, and said with deep meaning: "As long as you wait patiently and develop with peace of mind, there will always be opportunities."

"Fufufufufu, you are right, Viola. No matter how powerful a guy is, he will always have weaknesses. The important thing is to be strong so that he is not afraid of anyone." Doflamingo stretched out His tongue licked around his lips, which was his habit.

"Then, our next plan must be foolproof. What's the result of your investigation?"

"A total of three naval warships have now arrived in the Bakarus waters, and two naval warships at the G-5 base are ready to return."

"Bacarus sea area, um, hehehehe, inform Virgo that there must be no mistakes in this plan, and the identity must not be exposed. You must know that our neighbor, Lieutenant General 'Tea Dolphin', is not a guy who can be underestimated." !"

"I see."



Barcarus waters.

On an unnamed desert island, an armed ship without any signs is docked.

But in the eyes of experienced boatmen, it can be easily seen that this ship is most suitable for sailing as a pirate ship.

Because this kind of ship with a slender hull and simple operation is not only good in performance, but also faster than ordinary sailing ships.

Very popular with pirates.

On the deck of the ship docked on the shore, there are several very iconic figures standing.

The leader is wearing a plaid-style casual robe, with short black hair, and the hair at the temples is in the shape of a striking lightning bolt.Beside him is a handsome man with eyes wrapped tightly around himself, next to him is a beautiful woman decorated by a maid with a cigarette in her mouth and a long cannon, and a fat man with a strange shape.

These are all senior cadres of the Don Quixote family. Now that they are secretly gathered here, there must be something important to do.

Otherwise, almost half of the family cadres would not have been dispatched.

Virgo put the phone bug in his pocket, and pushed the slender sunglasses on the bridge of his nose with one hand, "Buffalo, baby5, you go to the sky to check the situation now, and report back to me after you check it out, and the others follow. I went to the fairway to camouflage.

In this mission, no one can be let go, nor can they have a chance to ask for help, understand? "

Just now, not only the news from Violet, but also other sources have confirmed that there is only one colonel of the headquarters as the highest officer on board the prison ship.

But even so, Virgo is still very cautious.

This is a habit he has developed since the Tianshangjin incident a few years ago-one cannot stumble over the same stone twice.

At least he Virgo can't!

"Yes, Monsieur Virgo."

The others responded quickly, even the two funny combinations of baby5 and Buffalo were very afraid of Virgo, even more afraid of Doflamingo.

Under Virgo's order, the ship propped up the sail without any markings.

Then, the flags of the world government and the navy logo were hung on the mast-this is the standard configuration of merchant ships with backgrounds.

Everything is waiting for the prey to take the bait!

This kind of waiting didn't take too long, after all, the other party's whereabouts were all within their grasp.

A naval prison ship appeared, and not far from the prison ship was another merchant ship.

The soldiers on the prison ship were not surprised. After all, the waterway was fixed, and it was no surprise to meet a merchant ship.

It wasn't until the two ships got closer that the navy soldiers on board realized that something was wrong with the merchant ship.

However, it was too late.

"Enemy attack, the enemy is Tang Ji..."

The rest of the voice was blasted into the stomach by a sudden shot.

The battle started suddenly, and Virgo Yuebu boarded the ship first, followed by the flying Buffalo and baby5 to clear out the rebels.

After Gladius also boarded the ship, the battle could basically be declared over.

Inside the prison ship, Virgo opened the prison door, and Caesar Courant was already getting impatient.

"Get off my handcuffs, you guys are too slow, the two fucked up men who humiliated me before must make them look good."

Virgo was silent for a while before saying: "Sorry, apart from you, there is probably no navy left alive on this ship."

Caesar Courant was stunned for a moment!


(I heard that it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival, but the poor author has nowhere to go, so he can only code at home for three days. I hope I can update and repay the debt for everyone.)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The moon is hidden and the stars are sinking.

The night in Dressrosa is drier than in other places, and the air is full of hormonal restlessness. This country known as 'love and passion' always releases the slightly reserved side of the day at night. .

And darkness always makes people bolder, and they often have the courage to do things that they dare not do during the day.

Let the energy unscrupulously vent in this darkness!

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