Mawson's direct army had already recruited a hundred people before, but Smoker asked him to take a third when he took office, and now there are only 65 people on board.

As the night drew to a close, these soldiers were busy with their own work.

These people are roughly divided into two groups, one group is helping to repair the battleship, and the other group is responsible for sorting out the cave and assisting the chef to prepare today's dinner.

Mo Sen came back with injuries all over his body, which made the navy agitated.

But he was suppressed.

A ship doctor had already gone to find various wound medicines and other medical items, and Drake was in charge of explaining the situation.

This relieved everyone.

After all, it is impossible for them to be completely ignorant of the loud noise before and the movement that caused a series of avalanches, but now they understand.

Commander, this is another wave with another Four Emperor Shanks.


Why say it again?

Forget it, they can't take care of the officer's affairs, just eat melons quietly... just work.

The wound was quickly treated by medical soldiers.

His injury this time was worse than the one against big o, but the injury was easier to deal with.

Although the armed domineering has been cultivated to an extremely profound level by Shanks, this power will soon dissipate without support after leaving the body.

This ability is not as difficult to clear as the fruit ability has various characteristics.

Compared with the big bear in the plot, there is still a big gap between Mo Sen's ability to develop the fruit of sliding away pain.

Big Bear can eject all of Luffy's serious overt and hidden injuries at once, and Mo Sen is far from being able to do this now.

In the past three or four years, he hasn't been injured much at all, and it's understandable that he didn't focus on the development of this characteristic.

However, with the medical soldiers on board to help him treat his wounds and the fact that he was constantly using his ability to slip away the pain, he was already alive and kicking by dinner time.

Fighting is a very exhausting thing, especially after being injured, you need nutritional supplements.

Where does all the energy the body needs come from?

For the strong in this world, of course they need a variety of food.

Although Mo Sen is not as perverted as Luffy's single-minded guy for food digestion, he still needs a lot of food to replenish his physical strength and energy.

After all, guys like Green Bull are scorpion shit—the only ones.

At dinner, Mo Sen turned into a big eater, and he ate food for 5 people by himself, before he finally fully recovered from all aspects.

The cave has been widened enough to accommodate everyone, and three piles of bonfires have been lit, making the cave as warm as spring.

Just as Mo Sen was about to take a break, Ain came over with a phone bug.

"Sir, Lieutenant General Smoker is looking for you."

"Hmph, this guy has been gone for so many days, did he finally think of me? Hang up, don't answer!"

Ain: "..."

Phone Bug: "..."

Mo Sen, you are enough, what's the matter with this sudden arrogance?

"Hun Dan Mo Sen, my uncle is looking for you for something, or else you think..."

"Tsk tsk tsk!" Mosen interrupted Smoker, "After becoming a lieutenant general, his aura is different, it's really scary!

By the way, have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by me, huh?Brother White Smoker! "


The phone is hung up.

Mo Sen looked at Ain, who was covered in black lines, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I bet Smoker will call back within five seconds."

"How about betting on a pack of spicy sticks?"

Chapter 4 Stop quickly! (more than [-]k)

This is not a question of betting or not at all, okay?

Two childish guys!

"I won't bet with the officer. Last time you said you bet 6 Bailey's Mala Tang, but you haven't cashed in. It's all a lie." Ai En rolled his eyes and said that he would not fall for you. when.

Don't think that there is no way to eat Malatang in this world.

Even if there is none, Mawson can create it for him.

That's right, Malatang is a way of eating brought by Mo Sen.

Later, it was spread from the Navy Headquarters, and now it is a very popular way of eating in the Chambord Islands. After all, there is the reputation of the legendary guy Mo Sen.

It's just that no one dared to name it after him.

In addition, there are many ways to eat hot pot, stuffy pot and so on.

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