Even the crowd watching couldn't stand it.

at last,

After another round, Jesus Bu, who belonged to the same farmer as the old demon, couldn't help throwing the cards in his hand, and left the field angrily.

"Hey, who the hell, don't leave the long-nosed guy, I think we cooperate very well, we can continue, and we will definitely win." The old demon is not yet happy, it thinks that Jesus Bu is a good teammate, and wants to keep him.

Shanks frowned, and finally understood why Mo Sen just left without speaking.

What the hell, whoever plays such a game with IQ will lose, okay?

A group of people huffed and went back to sleep.



The outer waters of Winter Island.

Because of the magnetic field, the surrounding area of ​​Winter Island is an independent ecosystem.

When this system collides with a larger system outside, the area in the collision zone becomes extremely unstable.

Not only the various ocean undercurrents, but also the weather will also be affected.

I don't know when it started, the sky here is filled with snowflakes.

The sea surface also seemed to become manic, far less calm than the surrounding area.

In such weather, a pirate ship broke in from the manic but somewhat monotonous scene in front of him.

This pirate ship is a common two-masted sailing ship. In the snowy weather, someone dragged the sail with difficulty so that it could better benefit from the wind.

The several-meter-high waves made the boat shake violently, and the wind and snow became more and more violent.

Fortunately, they could already see the outline of the island before.

On the bow of the ship, a figure stood there, staring fixedly into the distance.

He wore a certain cowhide hat on his head, decorated with a smiling face and a sad face, and a cloak was wrapped around his body to keep out the wind and snow.

"Captain, we'll be there soon. I don't know how long it will take in this horrible weather." The person controlling the sail is Yanliu, a member of the long-hand tribe, who is also a relatively good navigator. "Under the snowy weather just now, our The direction has changed, it is difficult to find a suitable docking point, and I am afraid that the boat will be parked in some bad areas."

I have to say that some people in this world do have a pig-foot temperament.

Just like Ace, it has only been half a year since he went to sea, and he already has so many good enough companions.

As far as the strange weather in the new world is concerned, it is hard to say whether they can survive all kinds of bad weather without a reliable navigator.

"I'm sure you'll find a suitable place, Rockstream.

Shouldn't peers trust each other?

You have never let me down, so don't worry about it. "It can be seen that after more than half a year of tempering, Ace has become more mature than before.

There was already something about him of a good captain.

Most of the long-handed races with strong fighting talents are straight-tempered. Ace's words made Yanliu feel moved to die for his confidant.

His slightly dull brown-black face was not revealed, and he worked harder to operate the sail while observing the changes in the sea water and the weather.

The ship became a little more stable than before. Ace sighed and said, "Speaking of which, I didn't expect that such a powerful guy as Shanks would choose this place as a station. They can survive in such an environment."

Not to mention Ace, even Mo Sen couldn't figure out what Shanks was thinking.

Look at the two monster guys Kaido and Big Mom.

One is to establish a country by oneself and become the queen, and the other is to conquer a country and become the overlord.

Instead, Whitebeard and Shanks have never done this.

The boat was getting closer and closer to the shore. Although the boat staggered under the control of the rock current, it finally stopped safely.

"Let's go, big guy, come with me to visit one of the most powerful guys in this time, this is a rare big guy, hahaha." Ace jumped off the boat first after speaking.



One of his feet lost his footing, and the other slipped and fell on the snow.

"Hahahahahaha, captain, you have been given a slap in the face before you meet anyone."

"It can't be done, Captain, I'm going to laugh so hard that I can't walk, puff hahaha."


The atmosphere suddenly became joyful. It was not too late at this time, and there was at least an hour before evening.

So the embarrassing blush that rarely appeared on Ace's face was also seen by others.

He stood up from the ground, scratched his head, and said awkwardly: "Accident, accident, don't care about these details."

At the same time, a ball of flames appeared under his feet, evaporating all the ice and snow in the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters, exposing the scorched ground.

"That's all right, come down quickly."

"Oh, what a useful ability. The captain is such a monster. His strength grows every day."

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