The flame fist just now was really useless!

Ace's expression became extremely ugly, such a scene he had never imagined.

In the half a year since he got the Burning Fruit, no one has ever been able to hold his Fire Fist head-on without being injured at all.

This is his famous move, which can be seen from his nickname - 'Fire Fist' Ace.

"This is impossible!"

【God Fire Shiranui】

Ace did not release his skills remotely this time, but shot his whole body towards Mawson like a rocket. He formed a flaming spear in both hands and stabbed Mawson at the same time.

This kind of flame condensed spear has a higher temperature than the fire fist just now because it compresses the flame extremely, and its single attack is also more powerful.

This can be seen from the color of the two fire spears.

At this time, it is no longer fiery red, but is starting to change to orange.

There is no doubt that the power of such a flame spear must exceed the attack just now.


Ace, holding a flaming spear in both arms, opened the middle door completely.

Speaking of it, it seems that the speed of Ace with the flame thruster is definitely not slow, at least many people will be directly pierced by the fire spear if his speed is completely fundamental.

But for a real master, such an attack...

It's just a bit hot on the eyes.

Bang! !

There was a muffled sound, and before everyone could see what was going on, Ace, who had rushed towards Mo Sen just now, flew back at a faster speed.

All of a sudden, it hit the snow-covered hills behind it.

The inertia brought by the huge force did not allow him to slide out along the ice and snow, but was directly inserted into it like a giant hammer.

The field suddenly became silent.


I don't know who sighed.

Then he said in a low tone: "5 seconds..."

"It's over!"

Chapter 4 Correct Posture for Teaching (Continue to 5k[-])


With the voice falling.

The crowd reacted, and for some time it seemed like water was boiling, and there were endless discussions.

Whether it's the Shanks gang, the Spades Pirates, or the Navy, there are people discussing in low voices.

The nature of the Spades Pirates is unbelievable. In their eyes, the extremely powerful captain, Ace, who has a strong natural ability, is like a child who has no resistance at all among the fourth generals of the navy.

This shows how powerful the three generals of the navy are, and how powerful the white beard who is known as the world's strongest man is.

Many of them were full of confidence before, thinking that even if the captain challenged Whitebeard and lost, he should still have the ability to protect himself. Now...

"Still too young."

Drake stood in front of the navy and couldn't help sighing.

On one side of him is the cute and beautiful little lieutenant Ian and the dull-looking Xun, and on the other side is the cadre of Shanks and his gang.

These words immediately resonated with the navy behind him.

"Yeah, sir, who is that? Who in the navy doesn't know how to be ruthless... Cough, he is best at convincing people with virtue. In this case, he must teach people how to behave."

"I don't know how he survived tenaciously as the officer's student and Lieutenant General Garp's grandson."

"I'm not curious about this. I'm thinking that since I can grow so big, wouldn't it be good to live well?"

You are right!


a long time.

Ace finally stood in front of Mo Sen again, and his expression was no longer as relaxed and confident as before.


No matter how strong the fruit ability is, it will be divided into people. How long did it take you to get a fruit?With your current level of strength, you want to challenge White Beard, and even brazenly say you want to defeat him.

You think you are as handsome as me, and you are not strong enough to be good-looking, let alone I dare not directly confront that man with white beard.

After all, the guy who has been known as the strongest man in the world for decades, even though he is old and sick, he is still the strongest guy. "

Mo Sen watched Ace speak, and didn't save face with him at all, although Ace was not only fine in the plot, but also became the son of the guy with white beard in the end.

But the mentality must be adjusted.

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