This knife can be cut out at any time.

Mawson and Doflamingo were standing almost shoulder to shoulder, and the distance from him was only 5 meters away.

On the contrary, because of her acting skills just now, she was closer to Mo Sen, only about one meter away. She looked at Mo Sen's smile at such a close distance and suddenly shuddered.

His whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Mo Sen is not Usopp in the plot, and he needs various props and other things to scare Granu.

With Mo Sen's killings over the years and his strength rising to the current level, just his aura is enough to make many people terrified.

Mo Sen glanced around, and finally landed on the woman dressed as a maid who was facing him and raised a strange cannon, "I thought it was a grand welcome ceremony, but I didn't expect it to be so ingenious.

If I remember correctly, some people dared to point weapons at me like this more than six years ago, and their fate seems to be not good...Huh?It seems that you all still remember.

Then you should be glad that you didn't meet me six years ago, at least you can live for a few more years, right?

Of course, it's not too late now, after all, no matter for the navy or the pirates, raising their weapons against the enemy has already made such an awareness, right?

Especially when this superficially cute little loli has shot at me just now, so can I ask you to turn your gun on this brat-looking guy in front of you, and then shoot her, baby5? "

Mo Sen finally turned his attention to baby5, who was dressed as a maid, and he also spoke to her.

Naturally, this was his temporary idea, and it just happened to be easy to experiment with interesting things in the plot.

His expression was gentle, but what he said inside and outside the words made these people a little terrified.

For others, including Doflamingo, Mawson's words tore open the scars in their hearts again.

At the same time, his words also showed his incomparable familiarity with the Don Quixote family, whether it is for Granu or for baby5.

It is not difficult to know baby5's ability as a navy, but it does take some work to understand her character flaws.

Mo Sen's fruit ability already has this kind of bonus, especially when he asked baby5 with a gentle face, under the double effect, no effort was wasted at all, baby5 in maid outfit turned red, without even struggling, directly She pointed the muzzle of the cannon in her hand at the sugar that was not far away.

With his finger on the trigger, he fired directly... or rather fired.

boom! !

The cannonball was exploded in the air by a transparent silk thread. It was Doflamingo who shot, and he was already standing opposite Mo Sen.

As for Granu, being protected by Doflamingo, she was completely frightened.

Torrepol, the top cadre who was originally in charge of protecting Sasuke, shot and restrained baby5 who almost made a big mistake.

Doflamingo's face became extremely gloomy: "Navy, are you going to tear up the agreement between the world government and us, and directly declare war and break up with the king's Shichibukai?"

"Hey, it's such a big hat, I can't bear it." Mo Sen picked out his ears with his fingers, and looked at the scene in front of him with some amusement.

He didn't stop Doflamingo from making a move just now, not because he couldn't stop it.

It's because he didn't want Granary to die here.

You must know that devil fruit is the most uncontrollable thing in this world. Without the slightest preparation, no one knows where it will appear.

If Granose dies right here in front of him, the Devil Fruit will reappear somewhere.

Who knows who's next to have it?

It would be funny if Kaido or Big Mom got it.

As for baby5, he tried it out. Sure enough, the character in this plot with a rather pleasing personality really did not disappoint.

Although her whole body was sealed up now, her eyes turned to look at Mo Sen with fire-breathing eyes.

Mo Sen showed him a bright smile, and then she fell silent with a peach blossom face and spring in her eyes.

This momentary change is indeed comical.

Mo Sen no longer teased her, but turned his gaze to the opposing Doflamingo, and continued the previous words: "However, it was your own people who shot against your own people just now, right?

Besides, what about the world government, or what about the idiots of the Tianlong people?

You think they can stop me?Just kidding... well, they sure can stop me.

But you have to understand that it was Miss Xiaotang who shot at me first, and after that, it was you, a group of short-sighted subordinates who were the first to point their weapons at me.

You should understand what that means, Doflamingo? "

In this world, whether it is a navy or a pirate, as long as the weapon in your hand is aimed at the opponent, it shows that you have already wagered your life and death consciousness.

This is battle!

It's not playing house!

If you show your weapon, you will live and die in peace.

Doflamingo was silent for a long time, his teeth were about to be gritted, and he squeezed out three words with difficulty: "I'm sorry."

"I apologize for their reckless behavior, and I can also make amends to General Mawson for this."

Mawson frowned.

It's a little bit out of Doflamingo.

Given this guy's haughty character, he shouldn't be able to bear it, so it's time to attack him.

Now that he is so tolerant, doesn't it mean that he has bigger plans?

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