Next to the gate at the entrance of the arena, there is also a special counter set up for the registration of participants.

It's just that there is no important competition to be held now, there is only one boring staff member clasping his fingers boredly.

The gate of the bullfighting arena is facing a straight and wide stone road, and there are not many people at this time.

Therefore, when a tall figure led several people to appear here, it actually looked very conspicuous, especially since they were all wearing almost the same uniforms.

They were originally going towards the gate, but only came here when they saw the counter next to them.

There is also a small iron door behind the counter, which seems to be for the contestants only.

"Major General Drake, do you really want to go in and participate in the battle? This is a very eye-catching news, otherwise let me go in and participate, and I promise to complete the task."

The person speaking has the rank of lieutenant colonel in the navy and is about 2 meters tall. Even wearing clothes, he can feel his muscles that seem to be exploding.

He is one of the old men in this army, and he is not weak. He has already mastered the third of the six styles-【shaved】【finger gun】【iron block】.

And in the recent period of time, there is a faint meaning of awakening the domineering armed color.

Before Drake could speak, another soldier with the rank of major who accompanied him couldn't help but complain.

"Nalip, I think it's you who wants to go in and fight. None of us know that you are a fighting madman."

"I said, you bastard, do you want to fight! I'm also thinking of Major General Drake, but sir, this arena is not easy. Of course, I have to do my part." Narip would not admit it He was a little itchy.

In this army, except for one or two top-notch ones, the strength of the others is basically the same.

For teammates, it is naturally very familiar, and they know everything about depth and length.

In the arena in front of him, Mo Sen had confessed that he might get some clues inside.

Such a person who can fight and do tasks in a legitimate way will naturally strive to be the first.

"Cut, pull you down, it's not a skill to fight me, why don't you challenge the officer?"

Narip choked.

Why don't you go to the officer when your head is pumped? That's not to challenge, but to be beaten!

How much water has entered the brain to be so overwhelmed?

Drake kept walking, he turned his head and said to these old bastards: "Okay, leave it to me, what should you do, Virgo probably has mastered two-color domineering ten years ago , with the strength of you guys, aren't you going up to deliver food?"

Heartbroken, Major General Drake!

It's easy to have no friends if you imitate Chief Mawson like this, let me tell you.

But Drake gave orders as an officer, and they could only obey.

After all, business matters.

Several people separated, and only Drake went straight to the registration counter.

In charge of registration is a hot girl in a three-point bikini, which is also the unique style of Dressrosa.

In fact, it is not only Dressrosa, most tropical countries can see such a unique style.

She looked at Drake in shock. At this time, Drake was already well-known in the New World, especially the news that he followed Mo Sen to Dressrosa had spread.

Obviously, the hot body beauty in this job can easily recognize him.

"De...Major General Drake, are you planning to sign up?"

Drake nodded. After following Mason all these years, his character has also been greatly affected, and he is not as serious as in the plot.

He smiled and said, "Why, is it still stipulated that the navy cannot sign up for battle?"

"No, no, of course not. This is the registration form. Please fill it out. Here is the template for filling out. After you fill it out, I will take you to the contestants' room."

"So, thank you."

With the template, Drake quickly filled it out. In fact, it was not a complicated thing, it was just a basic piece of information.

He handed the form to the three-point form of the work: "Okay, let me show you."

The female staff didn't look at it at all, and then led Drake through an iron door behind the counter.

This is the player channel, which can directly reach the preparation room.

"Major General Drake, there are not too many rules here, the most important thing is not to take the initiative to others before entering the ring."

"Okay, when I came here, I heard about a gentleman who has won 91 games... heck, an old driver who has won 91 games?" Drake has been in contact with Mosen for a long time, and he will often pop out some unclear words. Apparently the same is true.

"Ah..." Three Points exclaimed: "So Master Drake also came for the 'Champion' r Stoya?

Yes, and only he can attract the attention of a big man like you, Drake. "

"Oh, is he very famous? I heard that the most powerful person here is not Virgo, the top cadre of the Don Quixote family, 'Ghost Bamboo' Virgo? I came here to challenge him. After all, an animal-type devil fruit is also considered Not a small gain."

Drake naturally wouldn't pay attention to an arena, even if it was well-known in the New World.

Therefore, he naturally does not know many rules of the arena.

"Uh..." Three Points was a little stunned. She thought that Drake was interested in R Stoya, who had won 91 games in a row and was known as the champion, but she didn't expect that the target was the owner of the arena, Mr. Virgo.

Naturally, she didn't know whether Mr. 91 or Drake heard it on the way here.

"But to challenge Lord Virgo, you must win a hundred games in a row, otherwise you are not qualified to challenge Lord Virgo."

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