The blood flies!

boom! !

Bashas was fired like a large-scale cannonball, flying over the pool at an extremely fast speed, and the whole body directly hit the stone wall below the audience in the front row.

wow... wow...

Countless cheers and screams pierced the sky.

"Drake, Drake, Drake!"

"The mighty Major General Drake, I really can't imagine how powerful Lord Mawson is as an officer."

"Major General Drake, that's right, it's him!" The bearded host sounded like a high-pitched voice, "We can see that the major general who defeated the opponent with one blow still doesn't have any expression. To be honest, if I were a woman at this time, I would definitely I can't help but throw myself into his arms..."

"Pfft...hahahahaha, Brother Doflaming, you are an interesting subordinate. I also want to see the scene where he throws himself into Drake's arms."

In a room where no one was paying attention, Mo Sen couldn't help laughing out loud.

He really didn't expect Doflamingo to have such an interesting guy under his command.

"Fufufufufu, I think General Mosen really deserves his reputation. The strength of your subordinates is really amazing. If this Major General Drake is placed in any other base, he can be the commander of the base."

"Where..." Mo Sen said with a humble face, "Drake needs a few more years of training.

But isn't Virgo not giving up too much?Tsk tsk, I remember you already mastered two-color domineering when you sent him into the navy boot camp as an undercover agent. Sure enough, you bastard is really willing to pay for it. "

Which pot is not open to mention which pot!

The corners of Doflamingo's mouth twitched, and the veins on his forehead were a little bulging.

Speaking of which, it wasn't all thanks to you, not only Virgo was exposed, but also the top cadre Diamanti and the powerful Rao G were killed by him.

Even if he, Doflamingo and Virgo, were not lucky, they would have died in the sea long ago.

That is to say, the bastard in front of him has no chance of winning even if he makes a move, otherwise Doflamingo would not be able to bear it long ago.

"Vergo is on the stage. I hope General Mo Sen will not be impulsive if he loses his beloved general."

"Hey, we have a good understanding, Brother Ming, I was also thinking that if Virgo was accidentally beaten to death by Drake, don't be sad.

after all……"

"You've already lost one!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Drake didn't know that the other party was the first captain of the Blackbeard Pirates in the future, just like Mo Sen didn't actually recognize this guy as Bashas.

Or he almost forgot that there is such a guy as Blackbeard who can be the first captain.

This is not common in this world where the strong are king. Generally, the order of the captains of the pirate team is based on strength by default.

Take a look at Whitebeard's No. [-] team captain Makoto, the fire disaster in Kaido, and the most powerful member of the Big Mom Pirates is Kaji instead of Perospero, the eldest son, which can explain the problem.

Even in Dressrosa now, apart from Doflamingo No. [-] in the Don Quixote family, Virgo is the most powerful.

Looking at the Blackbeard Pirates, the second captain of Hiruren was overwhelmed by Bashas, ​​and the criminals on the sixth floor who were not famous big pirates were also overwhelmed by Bashas who offered a reward of [-] million.

Of course, this also shows how much Blackbeard thinks highly of him.

I don't know how this Mr. Champion who has not yet joined the Blackbeard Pirates, let alone in the new world, is not a top guy in the first half, is so valued by Blackbeard.

But for Mo Sen and Doflamingo in front of them, the opponent who was easily defeated by Drake is not worth their attention at all.

In the middle of the arena, a standing figure appeared in the same suit as Drake.

Short black hair, plaid suit, black slender industrial-style sunglasses, and lightning-shaped sideburns are very iconic.

It is the current No. [-] figure from the Don Quixote family - 'Ghost Bamboo' Virgo.

He was holding a blue bamboo stick in his hand, and the two stood opposite each other, and they felt exactly the same.

"Brother Doflaming, you know that some people are very annoying. On the surface, they look righteous and awe-inspiring, but they are full of bad things secretly, and they don't do a single good thing." Mo Sen commented on the screen, "This At this point, I think you are doing a good job, you know that you are not a good thing on the surface, and you are doing all kinds of bad things behind the scenes, so you are what you say."

Doflamingo licked his lips with his tongue, and smiled: "Fufufufufu, such praise is really frightening.

You may not believe it, but I used to have great hopes for this world. I desperately begged them to let me go, but in the end I found that being weak is useless.

Until I realized that only by doing all the bad things can I survive, and live better and more freely.

So, can you tell me in the Navy, is it my fault or the world's fault, eh fuff? "

Apparently, Doflamingo wasn't looking to Mawson for an answer, and he continued to answer it himself after asking.

"In this world, there is no such thing as justice or evil, because only the ultimate victor can define the good and evil of others.

The winner is justice, that's all! "

"Hehe, Doflamingo, you impress me a little bit. You are right about one thing... Only the victor controls everything." Mo Sen was not surprised that Doflamingo had such a deep understanding. It can be seen from the plot that this guy is one of the few villains who can see through everything.

This is a serious hero!

However, in the end, the halo of Jiangzhi, which couldn't match the pig's feet, was overwhelmed by that stubborn guy of Luffy.

So sometimes a shrewd mind is no match for the strength of the halo.

Of course, hard power is everything.

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