Now he followed Mo Sen around and found them again.

It has to be said that sometimes fate is so wonderful and elusive.

The arrangement from the unpredictable existence in the dark is even more impossible for people to avoid.

After many years, Drake has actually let go of the past.

It's just that, no matter how you say it, the Don Quixote family is the life and death enemy who wiped out his father, the pirates, who he no longer worships.

At that time, the pirates who were killing each other in the white cage were his nightmare.

Then he came out.

But to put it bluntly, this group of people is his enemy.

The revenge of killing the father is not shared by the sky!

Relief is relief, revenge is revenge, these are not in conflict.

"I can see the seeds of hatred in your eyes, Navy." Virgo also stood firm, and lightly tapped the green bamboo in his hand on the ground.

"It seems that you have some unknown hatred with me or with the family, although in my memory you have never had any intersection with us.

Maybe it's because of your officer? "

Drake stood up, clasped the epee into two hands, and sneered: "Hehe, don't put gold on your face, so the officer won't care about you scum.

With the notoriety of the Don Quixote family, the evils you have done in this world are probably beyond count.

Moreover, I have no obligation to explain to you, a pirate undercover guy. "

Today's Drake is not the shivering little Shou who just escaped from Doflamingo's birdcage in fear.

Today, he has already grown into a powerful rear admiral who is also well-known in the new world.

Clutching the epee in both hands, Drake's brown pupils turned into vertical pupils without any emotion.

The upper body of the whole person has turned into the appearance of an Allosaurus.

He stomped heavily, and in an instant, countless gravels and dust were scattered and splashed on the shattered round platform that had been affected by the fight between the two of them.

And Drake's terrifying half-beast figure had already appeared not far in front of Virgo.

The extremely sharp Western epee covered in jet-black armed color slashed down in the air.

【Longwei·Cross Epee】



The news of Drake's battle with Vergo made the entire Dressrosa even more excited.

If the fight between Drake and the former champion Mr. 91 was an ordinary friendly match, then this is now an All-Star game full of big names.

The effect of attracting the crowd is naturally completely different.

After all, Mr. Champion of 91 sounds very powerful, but in fact, it is not useful, but it is over in a short time.

But the reputation of the Virgo Arena has been recognized as invincible in recent years, and Rear Admiral Drake is also a man of the New World.

The battle between these two people is naturally a rare visual feast for the enthusiastic Dressrosa people.

So in front of the big screen with not many images, it has long been tightly surrounded by crowds from the inner three floors and the outer three floors.

Under such circumstances, naturally, no one noticed that there were faint traces of humans in the dense forest in a corner of Dressrosa.

"Ahem, let me tell you, what did Adjutant Ain ask us to go to the northernmost Greenbit Island, where there are really virgin forests that are really inaccessible.

And according to what we know, there are many big guys in the river ahead, and it is not a small trouble to get there. "

A depressing voice sounded, but it didn't attract any attention.

"Then you're going to ask Ain or the officer directly. I'm a little dizzy now. This place is really not for people."

The tone of the other soldier was not much better. He stretched out his hand and slapped the thumb-thick leech that had just crawled onto him into a mass of flesh and blood.

Tropical rainforests are not only beautiful, but sometimes deadly.

The more inconspicuous little things are, the more deadly they are.

Fortunately, both of them have [Iron Block], so there is not much risk, but sometimes many creatures in the dense forest are really disgusting.

No wonder they are impatient.

The only iron bridge leading to Greenbit has been occupied by a group of fighting fish a few years ago, and this already desolate place has not been visited by humans for several years.

Judging by the growth rate of the plants here, I am afraid that both sides will be covered by dense forests in a short time.

Even now, both of them are in a bit of a mess.

"Hush! Look there!" The person who spoke earlier pointed his finger.

Following the direction he pointed, a single-legged toy soldier with a red figure and a white spear model appeared in the sight of the two of them.

With a wheel under its feet, it headed straight for the iron bridge at a fairly fast speed.

The two looked at each other, and it seemed that they had indeed come to the right place.

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