The area a few meters below Doflamingo's feet has turned into a world of threads. Countless thin threads are entwined to form an indestructible shield wall composed of fine white threads. The shield wall is even more attached with armed colors to enhance its defense. Maximum reinforcement.

In such a moonlit night, you can actually see that Doflamingo's armed colors, including fruit abilities, have improved a lot. Presumably, it has something to do with the pressure Mosen put on him before.


呲! !

The long knife cut through Doflamingo's defense, or Mo Sen's speed made Doflamingo's moves useless. Before the shield wall was formed, Mo Sen had already rushed in front of Doflamingo .

This is his speed and the suppression of Doflamingo in terms of knife skills!

This knife was changed from a slash to a straight stab, and Mo Sen's moves were not straight forward. In fact, at his current level of knife skills, he could use all kinds of postures at will.

The sharp point of the knife directly broke through Doflamingo's hasty armed defense. In front of such a sharp demon knife with the ability and armed domineering blessing, Doflamingo's powerful body trained by physical skills is even more powerful. Not worth mentioning.

The long knife pierced directly into Doflamingo's abdomen, the tip of the knife pierced to a depth of more than ten centimeters, and if it was deeper, it would have pierced him right through.

Pulling the thread, Doflamingo's figure exploded back!

Mo Sen withdrew his knife and backed away, suddenly a few silk tentacles wrapped in armed colors wrapped around him.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and it wasn't until this time that the cadres of the Don Quixote family realized it.

"Young Master, be careful!!"


Accompanied by exclamations, Torrebol and Pica, two of the top cadres of the Don Quixote family, were the first to realize, no, to be precise, Virgo was the first to understand what happened, but he was seriously injured during the day At this time, he has more energy than energy.

Torrebol is the first to attack!

【sticky chain】

The brown snot-like mucus formed a chain and quickly entangled the retreating Mo Sen, while Pica on the other side also controlled two extremely thick arms from the ground to stop the retreating Mo Sen.

As the top cadres, although they seldom cooperate and fight like this, the tacit understanding they have lived for decades still allows them to find the best way to cooperate.

However, all this is of no use to Mo Sen.

The attacks of the two were much slower than Doflamingo's, not to mention Pica's ability, which can be said to be extremely clumsy against a single powerful combat force.

It's just that he can't beat people but he is disgusting!

For example, the snot-nosed monster Torrebol, in the plot, I thought this guy could be called the most wretched and disgusting guy, but I found out when I saw the real person-this is simply disgusting without limit!

What is the experience of a snot attack that has been magnified countless times and multiplied countless times? !

Mo Sen's face turned black: "Disgusting guy, let's take you first."

"Torrebol beware!"

The reminder came from Doflamingo, and he was the only one who could detect Mason's attack earlier than the others. He even ignored his own injuries, and attacked Mason again following his reminder.

It's just that whether it's his reminding voice or his actions, it seems too slow for Mo Sen today.

When his voice fell, Mo Sen had already slashed out like a ghost.

In the end, Doflamingo could only receive the body of Torrebol who was chopped off.

Well, it's still broken!

Unlike Doflamingo's stab wound just now, Torrebol was almost cut in half.

It was because Mo Sen disliked this disgusting guy covered in snot and mucus and didn't attack the old demon directly, mainly because he felt the old demon's resistance.

That clearly means that if you dare to cut it down, I will dare to strike and show you.

Obviously, the old demon also thinks this snot monster is too disgusting.


"Lord Torrebol..."

Torrepol, who was caught by Doflamingo, had already taken in more air and less air out at this time.

A scar stretching from the left shoulder across the heart to the right abdomen looked extremely ferocious, the blood inside and some severed organs flowed out from the wound under the rolling of flesh and blood.

"Duo...Dover, hey hey hey, I'm afraid I can't go on with you.

Remember...remember, such a monster is invincible, only by keeping yourself..."

Torrepol, the top cadre of the Plum Blossom Army of the Don Quixote family, fell to the ground without taking a breath, and followed in the footsteps of the Cube Army Diamanti.

Doflamingo's forehead had bulging veins, and he looked like a ferocious beast released from its cage.

The cadres of the Don Quixote family were at a loss for a while, at a loss.

They never imagined that in just a short time, there was a top cadre who didn't even have the qualifications to make a move in the opponent's hands, so he just fell to the ground like gg.

This is actually no wonder to them, just like they have always known the horror of the Four Emperors, but they have never had any idea where the horror is.

It's like many famous rookie pirates who always want to challenge the Four Emperors to replace them, but they don't understand how desperate the gap between them and those monsters standing at the top of the world is.

For example, Luffy, known as the fifth emperor in the plot, defeated Doflamingo and Kaji, provoking the drunk Kaido to attack for a long time was like scratching an itch, and then he was hit by Kaido who was sober. over.

Besides, Ace, who has a natural system and is called a super rookie, was no different from a baby when he assassinated Whitebeard.

But now, for the cadres of the Don Quixote family, understanding this terrifying gap makes people almost lose the courage to resist.

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