Those village pregnant women and children like Lu Jiu are innocent.

When the navy checks them one by one, it will inevitably cause casualties, so in this respect, the role of the navy is very disgraceful.

Without the intervention of the Navy, Lu Jiu would not have passed away after giving birth to Ace.

Maybe with Lujiu's teaching, Ace's character is not so extreme-although after getting acquainted with Sabo, Luffy broke him back.

"So you mean to say that this year's super rookie 'Fire Fist' Ace is actually Roger's blood?" Raleigh had already believed what Mo Sen said, but he was obviously hesitant in his heart.

If you look at the appearance alone, Ace does not have much similarity to Roger, but more like his mother, including freckles on his face, and his appearance is biased towards his mother.

Mo Sen nodded: "Yeah, so to speak, Old Man Garp is a bit bad. He actually asked Roger's son to call him Grandpa. Isn't it just because he is a generation older than you, and he took advantage of you!"

Roger: I treat you like a brother, but you want to be my bully? !

Garp: Well, we have our own opinions. Your son is my grandson, and you are my brother.

Such pictures kept playing in Mo Sen's mind, which made him shiver uncontrollably.

Raleigh was not only speechless, but also asked if your thinking is too out of the box... However, Karp is indeed a bit too much, and he still wants to take advantage of them in this place.

It took a while for Raleigh to get back on track the thoughts that were led by Mawson.

"Wait, let me stroke it."

Raleigh stopped Mawson from talking nonsense, "Ace is Roger's son, and then he was adopted by Garp as Garp's grandson, so no one in the Navy except you should know Ace's true identity.

He was taught by Karp and you when he was growing up, no wonder he is so good at such a young age.

Hahaha, today is really a happy event one after another. "

It could be seen that Raleigh was genuinely happy.

Roger is not a scumbag, but his personal charm is undoubtedly very strong.

Not only the Golden Lion appreciates him very much, but White Beard also has a very good relationship with him. Even the old man Garp in the navy has a sympathetic relationship with him as an enemy and friend.

This shows the horror of Roger's personal charm.

If this is placed in the game character, it will be a super boss with a charm value of ax, who can instigate opponents every minute.

Therefore, the old fellows on their ship would be very relieved to know that Roger has blood left behind and has thrived.

"Mosen, thank you. I owe you a favor for what happened today. In the future, if you have anything to ask me, I will never refuse." Lei Li looked at Mosen solemnly and made a promise.

Mo Sen shook his head: "It's too far-fetched when it comes to favors, Uncle Rayleigh, aren't we friends? Friends don't need to be so far-fetched."

Lei Li's expression froze for a moment, and then he smiled relievedly: "You are right, but today I really want to thank you for the good news you brought me, and I will punish myself."

"Hey, I said you are too treacherous. If you want to drink more, just say so, and use such a lousy excuse as punishing yourself for a drink."

"Hahaha, I was actually seen through by you, so let's have a toast together!"



It's another day when the sun rises and everything is renewed.

The sunrise and sunset in this world are undoubtedly beautiful, there is no heavy industrial pollution, and the azure water is blue and the sun is shining through, even though most of the time people are already used to it.

But with an inadvertent glimpse, there may be different discoveries and inexplicable emotional restlessness.

Usually at this time, there will be a special term to describe it-for example, Sichun.

In layman's terms, it can also be called out of love!

Well, the two characters in the middle are just used to prevent the crabs from descending.

"From the far sea,

You who are slowly disappearing,

The originally blurred face,

It gradually became clear... quack quack.

Who is singing to warm the loneliness,

The white clouds and the blue sky are still drifting with tears,

Living alone in that vastness..."

"Okay, okay, you are not of the same kind as those seagulls at all, and you can't attract their attention if you sing again, not to mention that your voice can make people spit out from several sea miles away, let's stop."

Mo Sen couldn't help interrupting the fuming old demon, he had to make noise in the early morning.

How can you sing by yourself?

The old demon fell from the sky a little reluctantly, and complained: "You don't understand at all, this handsome bird is called hanging throat in technical terms.

You think I was singing nonsense, naively, this handsome bird just showed my hands at will, with Ben Shuainiao's cleverness and wit, wouldn't he know this?Quack quack, versatility is synonymous with this handsome bird. "

Mo Sen didn't want to be as knowledgeable as the old demon. He sat on a special chair made by a huge flying fish and controlled the direction of the flying fish.

Flying fish is a specialty of the nearby waters, not only can swim in the sea, but also can leave the sea and fly in the sky for about 5 minutes.

This means of transportation was later vigorously cited by the Flying Fish Knights in the plot, and made a big name in the Chambord Islands.

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