Not knowing where she fell, she clapped her hands and turned around, looking at the stunned guards and Mo Sen, showing a red and cute expression.

"I'm sorry, my concubine is too impulsive, you don't mind?"

"Wow, it's so cute, Master Snake, we don't mind at all."

A group of guards nodded desperately, and even Mo Sen couldn't help but nodded before he could react.

Can't help laughing, Hancock is really...

So cute!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Nine Snake Island is a very magical country. As a daughter country, there have been no living men on the island for hundreds of years before Mawson's arrival.

Well, I haven't seen any dead ones.

I don't know when the rule passed down from Jiu Snake Island is that any man who breaks into the island will be executed.

It's hard to imagine how this country without any men has survived for hundreds of years.

However, there are so many miraculous things in this world that cannot be suppressed by coffin boards, and there is no need to delve into them too deeply.

Even if you are looking for the root cause, sometimes you may not be able to figure it out.

For example, Grandma New was thrown tens of meters away by Hancock from a few floors higher, smashed through countless things, and was still unscathed after landing. How can there be any reason for such a thing.

So let's leave it to people like Vegapunk to worry about it.

Mo Sen didn't think about these messy things at all.

At this moment, he felt that he had been fascinated by Hancock's smile. One minute he was queen, and the next minute he was cute. This kind of transformation is simply heart-warming.

It's like an electric current passing through the whole body, and I can't help shivering, that kind of comfort.

Presumably everyone has a deep understanding, don't say too much, it is easy to be harmonious (manually funny).

Mo Sen came back to his senses first, he looked at Hancock and shook his head with a smile: "Grandma New is so old anyway, next time... don't throw it so hard, don't worry about it if something goes wrong. All right."

"My concubine knows."

Hancock sweetly agreed, perhaps because he felt that he was being too submissive, and she added: "Just because she is disrespectful to my concubine, this concubine is already very tolerant of her, but my concubine is not Disrespectful person, next time she will be pardoned for the crime of assaulting my concubine."

Mo Sen nodded, and then said: "Okay, let's not talk about this for now, have you prepared any food? I haven't had a good meal during my travels all the way."

"Cosmos, do you hear me, go to the kitchen and let them prepare the most exquisite dishes."

Hancock turned around and spoke to Cosmos, the chief steward of his palace, his tone was completely different from his appearance just now.

People like Hancock are easy to go to extremes. For example, she hated men extremely before, but when she fell in love with someone, she would be extremely obedient.

"Yes, Master She Ji, I'll go right away."

"Sandasonia, go and announce to the people that I will not be present at the banquet tonight."

The banquet that Hancock was talking about was a banquet that would be held every time he returned from a good harvest at sea. Over the years, the form has long been more than the content.

However, there are generally no special circumstances, and Hancock, as the emperor and the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, is rarely absent.

Obviously, what happened today had a big impact on Hancock.

"I see, sister..."


Mo Sen asked, he didn't know the details of Nine Snake Island, "Can you tell me in detail?"

I can see that his eyes are bright. As a standard foodie, he expressed great interest in this kind of banquet.

What's more, an island with regional characteristics like Jiu Snake Island usually has its own food heritage.

The development of hundreds of years must have made all aspects mature.

For any foodie, whenever you go to a place, you can put other things first, and food must be the first.


You say young lady.

Miss sister, can I eat something?

Of course, if it’s Hancock’s level, Mawson thinks it’s okay to put food aside, because it’s beautiful and delicious, and such stunning food is absolutely full and delicious.

What to eat is not to eat!

"This banquet is also called the Harvest Banquet by us..."

Sandersonia hadn't left yet, so she explained it to Mo Sen.

Of course, it is impossible for the banquet to gather people from the whole country together, mainly the Nine Snake Pirates, the Kingdom Guard and some representatives of ordinary people.

Even so, the number of people is not small.


After understanding the situation, Mo Sen coughed and said to Hancock: "Hancock, this kind of banquet is very interesting. I don't think you should be absent. There are some misunderstandings today. You can also clarify by attending the banquet. a bit.

In addition, as a world-renowned gourmet food connoisseur, it would be a great pity to be absent from this kind of banquet that is representative of the gourmet characteristics of Jiu Snake Island. "

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