It's just that in this windless belt where there is no biggest but only the biggest, it's really a younger brother.

The kind that can be swallowed by any Neptune.

The strange thing is that the calm zone has raised so many large sea kings without disturbing the ecological balance...

Under the sun, the broad back of the flying fish, which is nearly three meters wide, is more than enough for several people to stand on.

Yesterday's free-fall landing also failed to damage the extra-large comfortable leather seat fixed on it. It seems that the quality of things in this world is as reliable as ever, and there are very few shoddy situations.

fish head position.

Standing there, Hancock was as beautiful as an elf princess who fell from the sky in the morning sun. The golden snake earrings on her ears not only did not look tacky in the sun, but also set off Hancock more gorgeous.

At this time, Hancock is like a lark out of its cage, and the cheerful breath can be felt even from a long distance.

You must know that Hancock has lived on Hydra Island since he was a child. He was taken away and became a slave when he went out to sea for the first time at the age of 12. He was kept in a dark place until he was 16. He was freed again.

Then, with the help of Leili Xiaqi and Granny New, he returned to Nine Snake Island, and later became the captain of Nine Snake Pirates and the emperor of Nine Snake Island.

Until now!

It can be said that Hancock has hardly lived for herself in the past 27 years-even if she has been an empress for ten years.

Especially this morning, I secretly 'escaped' from Nine Snake Island, and I felt a sense of excitement about elopement.

It's like being a good girl for 27 years, and then once you are free, you can arrange your own life at will, not to mention the satisfaction and freshness.

"Mosen, where is the first stop?"

"Mosen, my wife...I'm going to buy some clothes. I didn't bring any clothes when I sneaked out this time."

"Tell me, what do those fun places look like?"

"Also, and, where are you going to take this concubine? I have gone to sea in the past, and I have returned after grabbing enough supplies. I have never stopped except for supplies."


Hancock has been chattering all the time. At this time, she is completely different from the previous queens, completely releasing the girl hidden in her heart.

"Haha, Hancock, you ask so many questions at once, which one is better for me to answer?"

Mo Sen's eyes never left Hancock's body. At this time, she was so cute under the sun, exuding beauty and vitality from head to toe.

Mawson's words finally made Hancock calm down a bit, and she blushed and sat next to Mawson—fortunately, his seat was big enough.

Although the two of them were a bit crowded, the feeling of being together was obviously just right for the two chicks.

Salome is coiled behind the seat. It has never left since it followed Hancock, and it insists on following this time.

Thinking that Hancock might be a bit uncomfortable without it, Mawson didn't object.

A snake, simply let it go.

As long as it doesn't bother the two of them, it seems to be doing well so far-a little beeping in my heart!

He kind of fell in love with such a sincere pet.

In comparison, the bastard Lao Yao sometimes deserves a beating.

For example, when he sneaked out of Nine Snakes Island with Hancock this morning, he was almost exposed by his voice.

Then he was beaten by Mo Sen, and returned to the scabbard like a dead dog facing the wall and thinking about it.

It just so happens that you don't have to worry about being disturbed for the next two people's time.

Mo Sen gently held Hancock's unbearable waist, and did not continue to tease her: "Of course the first stop is to buy some beautiful clothes, and then go to other places. Of course, you must look good when you go out, especially It's Hancock, you are so beautiful."

The two came out in a hurry, so naturally they didn't bring much.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

These are little things.

At this time, Mo Sen had already thought about the place of the first stop.

With Miss Hancock's figure, the flour-like sandy beach, the crystal clear and deep blue sea water, and the bikini are the first choice for vacation.

There may not be many other places in this world, but if you want to find such a place, you can find it everywhere, and there are plenty of alternatives.

Sunshine Beach Jelly Sea, the first choice for vacation!

The only pity is that ability users are somewhat insulated from the sea, swimming and diving can basically say goodbye.

But it doesn't matter, with Hancock by his side, how can there be any extra eyes to pay attention to these? !

As for buying clothes, it is of course essential.

His knowledge of Mo Sen's theory is very solid, the first style of Mo Sen's love book: There are thousands of beautiful clothes, only the new ones are the best, if you love her, take her to buy, buy, buy!

As for Bicheni, believe me, his navy appearance and responsibility for justice are definitely just to show Hancock's beautiful figure, and he has no other meaning.

He dares to guarantee this with his character and integrity!

As for Mo Sen's integrity and character, you can see how strong it is by looking at the author.

Hancock's big, watery eyes became incredibly bright.

No matter what kind of woman she is, she always has a strong interest in shopping and dressing herself.

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