The acting skills are like flowing water!

What Zeng Xiaoxian performed was a sparring scene, but he had no opponent, he was the only one, but 777's performance was just right in terms of eyes and body movements, as if it was a sparring between two people, and the fight was very intense.

Tang Youyou and Xiong Dailin also rubbed their eyes subconsciously.

Xiong Dailin: "Yuyou, do you think Xiaoxian is really performing alone? Why do I feel that someone is really fighting him?"

Tang Youyou: "I also have this feeling. I can only say that Mr. Zeng's acting skills have reached the point where the fake ones can be confused with the real ones!"

Zeng Xiaoxian used Wing Chun's Xiao Nian Tao's moves, and his feet were Wing Chun's plum blossom footwork. With the combination of the two, it is realistic and at the same time gives people a sense of strength and beauty.

"it is good!"

An old actor couldn't help but shouted "Hello", and then applauded.


Immediately after the thunderous applause, the director Ye Weixing looked excited, he had a premonition that this movie would definitely be popular!

The audition session is over, and it's (afag) dinner.

All actors and crew members who have passed the audition have to have a meeting meal. After all, everyone does not know each other. Having a meal and having fun together, and then filming on the basis of understanding each other, it is easy to make a good film.

In a five-star hotel in the capital city, Zeng Xiaoxian served wine with the director first, and several veteran actors drank a glass.

"Teacher Hong Dabao, I offer you a toast."

Among the several veteran actors invited by the crew this time, Hong Dabao is the oldest and most famous one. Like Ye Weixing, he is also from Xiangjiang. He was born in Gan Wuxing. He has grown up and is an important brother in the film industry.Because of my friendship with Ye Weixing, I only came here this time to play a cameo role.So Zeng Xiaoxian wanted to toast him first.

Hong Dabao is a big fat man, weighing three hundred catties, but his eyes are piercing. He stared at Zeng Xiaoxian with great interest for a long while, then raised his glass, laughed and said, "It's really the right time to come to the mainland." Now, I can see a young hero like Xiaoxian." He drank the wine in his glass.

Zeng Xiaoxian also drank the wine in his glass, and said modestly: "Mr. Hong is absurd, I am just a newcomer, and I still have to learn a lot from you seniors."

Hong Dabao was straightforward, he waved his hand, "You don't have to be overly modest, if my prediction is not bad, within ten years you will definitely become a generation of stars!"

Then, he went on to say: "The moves you used to perform on stage just now are all Wing Chun's moves, and your skill seems to be very deep. Did you practice Wing Chun since you were a child?"

He himself was born in martial arts, and now he mainly develops in the film industry by playing dramas. He knows martial arts very well, and he is also a disciple of the Hong family.

Of course Zeng Xiaoxian would not reveal the system to others, so he had to say a few perfunctory words.

After a meal, Zeng Xiaoxian's legs fluttered from drinking, and Tang Youyou and Xiong Dailin left the restaurant with their heads bent.

I have to say that these old dramas performed well, and they can drink a lot, all of them are old wine barrels, and their table alone has killed a whole eight bottles of Moutai.In addition to drinking meeting wine with other actors, in the end he almost got two bottles of Moutai alone.


"Drink! Come and drink! Enjoy this wine today!"

Looking at Zeng Xiaoxian, who was drinking madly, Xiong Dailin and Tang Youyou had their hands on their hips, panting heavily. It took a lot of effort for them to get Zeng Xiaoxian into the room just now.

"Teacher Zeng doesn't usually look fat, why is he so heavy when he moves?" Tang Youyou wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

Xiong Dailin was also very tired, and used her hand as a fan to slap her chest a few times, "He seems to be full of muscles, so hard!" He said and squeezed Zeng Xiaoxian's arm.

Tang Youyou followed suit, and squeezed, "Well, it's really hard!"

But after speaking, the two of them glanced at each other. It seems that what they said just now is prone to some ambiguity. Thinking of this, both of them blushed.

After a moment of silence, Xiong Dailin said, "What should I do? Just put him in the room alone? Will there be any accidents?"

Tang Youyou also didn't feel right, they lived on the [-]th floor, what if Zeng Xiaoxian became drunk later, used the window as a door, opened it and jumped down?

After thinking for a while, she said, "How about we both stay to take care of him tonight?".

136. Fragmented

The two looked at each other, their cheeks blushing, they were still single, and it was somewhat uncomfortable to be in the same room with a man.

What if he gets drunk at night?

What if he wants that?

Tang Youyou and Xiong Dailin felt their little hearts thumping, so nervous!

But both of them silently comforted themselves, "What are you afraid of, I'm not alone!"

After struggling for a while, the two came to Tang Youyou's room, took a shower, and changed their clothes.

Although Xiong Dailin didn't bring any clothes, he could barely wear Tang Youyou's clothes, but they were a little small. The hot pants became hotter, and the T-shirt was a little tight on his body, making his figure more visible.

Looking at Xiong Dailin in front of him, Tang Youyou looked envious, "Wow, Dai Lin, you are so promising!"

Xiong Dailin blushed, "Yuyou, the two of us should stop chatting here, Xiaoxian is still in the next room, let's go there earlier?"

The two came to Zeng Xiaoxian's room, opened the door with the key card, and were stunned by the scene before them.

"Huh? Teacher Zeng vomited 05!"

"It's disgusting!"

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian was lying on the bed with his legs stretched apart, and a large pile of vomit was spewed out next to him, emitting a sour smell.

"What should I do?" Xiong Dailin was confused and pinched her nose. She didn't expect to encounter such a situation.

Tang Youyou was also a little at a loss, "Why don't you help him to my room, this room is definitely not available!"

"But there are a lot of them on him!" Xiong Dailin pointed at Zeng Xiaoxian's chest, "Should I wash it off?"

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