153. Nocturnal snoring, how much do you know about insomnia ([-]nd update)

Young people always like to sing a song or something, so Zheng Kai and Wang Likun are no strangers to this popular online software.But after finishing speaking, both of them seemed to understand something, "Xiaoxian, you mean that tomorrow's task is likely to be singing and scoring?"

Zeng Xiaoxian nodded, "I think it's very possible!"

"Ah?" Wang Likun's pretty face collapsed when she heard this, "It's over now, my singing is terrible, I'm out of tune!" She really can't sing, and she can't find the tune at all.

Zeng Xiaoxian comforted: "It's okay, as far as I know, baby's singing is no better than yours! As for the red team, you've heard of Wang Baoqiang's duck voice."


It's already eleven o'clock in the evening, and everyone is tired, and they have to get up at six o'clock tomorrow morning.

"good night!"

"goodning ht!"

Everyone said good night to each other and started to get under the covers.

Final arrangements.

The baby and Wang Likun shared a room, Zeng Xiaoxian and Zheng Kai shared a room, Deng Chao and Lin Gengxing shared a room, Wang Baoqiang, Li Cheng and Ou Di were the hardest, and the three elders shared a small single room.

Before going to bed, all the teasers don't forget to make a final teaser comparison. Deng Chao faces the photographer's lens and poses as a director.

"Uh one!"

"Uh two!"

The two photographers looked at him with constipated faces, "Let's go all out and play hard with you until dawn!"

Li Cheng looked mysterious, and pointed the bag in his arms at the camera, "Do you know what this is? Yes! A tape recorder! I'm worried that they will come over at night and steal our only clue. So I want to protect it personally~〃!"

Wang Baoqiang and Odie sat next to each other and watched stupidly.

"Well, let me tell you, Li Cheng, don't sleep with the tape recorder on. If you crush it at night, it will be a tragedy for our red team!"

On Zeng Xiaoxian's side, Zheng Kai cutely showed off his strong tendons to the camera, and then began to pull Zeng Xiaoxian to chat about the past.

"Xiaoxian, I didn't expect that after graduating from university, I could still sleep with you!"

"Xiaoxian, do you still remember when we occupied a seat in the library?"

"Xiaoxian, do you still remember the class flower in our class?"


Zeng Xiaoxian broke down, covering his head with the quilt, "My dear brother, please go to sleep, it's already twelve o'clock!"

After half an hour.

Li Cheng pulled off the blindfold, "Huh? Where is the sound of the electric drill coming from? Baoqiang? Are you asleep?"

"I'm not asleep." Wang Baoqiang's listless voice came.

"I heard a drill."

"It's not the electric drill, it's Odie's snoring." Wang Baoqiang slept next to Odie, so it was very real.

At the same time, Zeng Xiaoxian and Deng Chao, who were next to Wang Baoqiang's house, also widened their eyes.

"I'll go, where did the sound of the electric drill come from in the middle of the night? Could it be because of forced demolition?"

Wang Baoqiang and Li Cheng couldn't take it anymore, so they fled to Zeng Xiaoxian's room and Deng Chao's room.

"What's going on? There's an electric drill in your room!"

"It's not the drill, it's Odie's snoring!"


Everyone laughed, and Zeng Xiaoxian said with emotion: "This handsome guy has been walking in the rivers and lakes for more than [-] years. This is the first time I heard such a penetrating snoring sound! Let's go and have a look!"

A minute later, there was a circle of people around Odie, everyone had videotapes and some audio recordings, this is incriminating evidence, it will be made public tomorrow morning, collective criticism, seriously affecting everyone's sleep!

Deng Chao was in trouble, "This guy's snoring is so terrible, we won't be able to sleep all night!"

Li Cheng: "It seems that he has to be sacrificed alone, and the family is happy. For the sake of everyone's sleep, let's lift him up and throw him in the yard!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said: "You don't need to be so troublesome, one of you will find me two clothespins."

"Why do you want that thing?"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled mysteriously, "You will know the magical effect later."

After a while, Wang Baoqiang didn't know where to find it, so he grabbed a lot of plastic clips and came over.Zeng Xiaoxian picked two of them, and pinched them on the lobe of Odie's two ears, the effect was immediate, and the snoring stopped immediately.

"Huh, so amazing? He stopped snoring!"

"Haha, Odie's earrings are special enough, hurry up and take a picture!"

"Hey, yes, it must be photographed!"

Odie was cured, everyone continued to rest, but ten minutes had not yet arrived, another tragedy, this time it was in Deng Chao's room, no (good Zhao Hao) but with previous experience, this time Deng Chao directly had two Clip up, the whole world is quiet.


The next day, the first ray of sunlight shone on the small courtyard, and it was extraordinarily warm. The flowers, plants and trees in the small courtyard glowed with new vitality, and a new day finally arrived.The only difference is that now there are a few more fitness equipments in the originally empty courtyard.

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