"Seeing that there is no Wang Likun, but he was born in dance, so it's a trivial matter to do splits!"

Deng Chao and Wang Baoqiang looked at each other, and they both showed solemn expressions. This group of Zheng Kai has good muscles, and it shouldn’t be a big problem to lift the dumbbells. Pulling the horizontal bar is probably effortless, and what makes them even more desperate is that this guy is still a professional singer.

The music started, the accompaniment started, and everything was so harmonious, but just when Zeng Xiaoxian was about to open his mouth to start.


A puff of yellow smoke came out from behind Zheng Kai's fart.


Li Cheng and Deng Chaozheng were sitting behind Zheng Kai, they were taken aback when they heard the voice, but when a strong strange smell came, the two of them were stupid, this damn Zheng Kai farted on them!


Odie sprayed Deng Chao's face with a sip of mineral water, and then lay on the ground with a smile.

Deng Chaobaby and the others immediately covered their mouths and noses tightly, and Li Cheng, who was sitting behind Zheng Kaizheng, staggered and fell to the ground, "God! Help!"

Both Zeng Xiaoxian and Wang Likun were still on the equipment. Although the song had already started, they couldn't sing at all. They both laughed so hard at Zheng Kai's strange behavior that they couldn't make any sound except laughing.

The entire program group couldn't hold back anymore.

Brother cameraman: "The video recording work is suspended, let me laugh for a while, hahaha!"

In the end, although Zeng Xiaoxian's group was the most capable to pass, but because of this unexpected episode, a duck egg came directly.

Li Cheng, who was the most poisoned, looked resentful: "Retribution, retribution, buddy, I was poisoned to death by you, and I deserve zero points for you!"

In the first round, all three teams were wiped out, and in the second round, the red team volunteered and went first.

- if you suddenly sneezed

- That's me thinking about you

——If you are woken up by your mobile phone in the middle of the night

- Ah that's because I care


Hong originally pinned all his hopes on Odie alone, but it turns out that only by doing it himself can he get enough food and clothing, so he had to drive the ducks to the shelves, but the tune he sang has already gone to the west.

"Red team, three minutes past six!"

After Director Lu Hao read out the score, Li Cheng became unhappy, "Director, why are you getting such a score? How well do we sing?"

Deng Chao couldn't see it anymore, "Succeed, you're applauded, the tune is going to the sky, well, I think you've been fainted by farts!" Everyone laughed... …

Next, the green team, seventy-nine points!

Just one point to pass.

Then, the yellow team played for the second time, without any suspense, under the premise of Zeng Xiaoxian as the lead singer, finally it was [-] points that blinded everyone's eyes.Get the information reminder card successfully: Next, please go to Myeongdong by yourself.


Zeng Xiaoxian really doesn't know these Korean place names, but Wang Likun knows a lot about it as a girl, "Myeongdong? I know, this is a famous commercial street in South Korea, and there are many interesting and delicious things on it!"

"Okay, let's go now!"

"I think it's a little economical. Let's take the subway?"

Several people came to the subway station, and a fashionable Korean beauty was waiting for the subway.

Zheng Kai: "That girl is so upright!"

Zeng Xiaoxian: "Do you want to soak?"

Wang Likun: "Ahem, you 0.7 should pay attention to your image, there are girls beside you!"

"Well, we just wanted to ask for directions."

At this time, the beautiful woman turned her head inadvertently, and saw Zeng Xiaoxian's surprised face, "Ah? You are the male god Zeng Xiaoxian? I am your fan!"

It turned out to be a purebred Chinese girl.

"Hello, I'm Zeng Xiaoxian, are you here to travel?" Zeng Xiaoxian felt embarrassed knowing that he was his fan.

Seeing that Seng Xiaoxian was so approachable, the woman became even more enthusiastic, "God, why don't you sign your autograph?" After speaking, she reached into her clothes and unbuttoned her bra, "Hey, just sign this!".

157. The old driver baby (sixth update)

Zeng Xiaoxian was dumbfounded.

Zheng Kai was also dumbfounded.

Wang Likun was even more dumbfounded. She looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with a pretty face and blushed, her resentful eyes were obvious, "Zeng Xiaoxian, if you want to sign, I will despise you!"

Zeng Xiaoxian's hand holding the pen trembles slightly, too many female fans can cause headaches, it hurts the kidneys!

In the end, after Zeng Xiaoxian tactfully suggested, the signature was signed on the neckline of her skirt. However, when signing, Zeng Xiaoxian kept his eyes on the nose and nose, and kept his eyes on the heart. There was no way.

After signing and several people came to the subway station, Zheng Kai went straight to an old lady and asked, "Uljiro... Uljiro... Uljiro!" He was about to say something, but the words came Only then did I realize that I can only speak the three words Uljiro in Korean, and I don’t know anything else at all, and even the three words Uljiro are not flattering. The Korean old lady listened with 16 ears After a while, I was still confused.

Wang Likun said from the side: "Zheng Kai, you are stupid, doesn't Xiaoxian speak Korean? Why are you asking for directions?"

Zheng Kai slapped his forehead, "Oh, I was a little dizzy just now because of his female fans!"

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