Fortunately, Wang Baoqiang could not understand Korean, otherwise he would have vomited three liters of blood and died.

There are many Chinese tourists in South Korea, and the trio's funny performance has attracted the attention of many tourists, many of whom are Chinese tourists.

"Hey! He looks like Odie, he looks like Li Cheng, um, and he looks like Baoqiang!"

"What do you mean by resemblance? It's just the person you are, okay?"

After recognizing a few people, the Chinese tourists went crazy and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

"Ah, Li Cheng, eggplant!"

"Ah, Odie, have a laugh!"

"Baoqiang, you are so cute!"

The three of them were very happy, and it felt really good to be noticed, haha!But they seemed to have forgotten their mission, but the photographer didn't look around. They looked at these three guys with contempt on their faces. Where's the French?did you find it?Also play?

Wang Baoqiang still had a bit of memory, and he was the first to remember that he still had a task ahead of him, so he hurriedly stopped the other two from going crazy, "You guys stop playing, our task has not been completed yet!"

Odie: "Yes, but there are a lot of our compatriots here. We can mobilize them to help us find them together, just like what we have an old saying?"

"no Zuo no Die?"

"Ah bah! It's everyone gathering firewood and making flames!"

Odie held up the French flag in his hand, his voice was full of emotion, he almost cried bitterly, "Dear compatriots, we are looking for French people, if you know anything, please let us know!"

"French? Don't know!"

"I haven't seen it!"

Everyone is here to travel and relax, so naturally they don't pay attention to which country the Europeans come from, so after Odie shouted out, everyone's faces were dumbfounded.

Li Cheng was completely discouraged, "Forget it, it seems that we are destined to lose the French, we should go back and draw the national flag again!"

After the three of them left, the beautiful men and women performing on the stage finally breathed a sigh of relief. Is it easy for us little artists to perform on the street? They were all seduced away, and they didn't play like this when they kicked the gym, okay!

Several beautiful men and women looked resentful, but fortunately they are gone now.But the next moment they were dumbfounded. A large part of the tourists who had paid attention to them ran away with the three red clothes.

Of course, these people are all Chinese tourists, so let's go to see the excitement! .

163. Meet the international footballer? (Fifth update, please subscribe!!)

In the first round, neither the yellow team nor the green team were successful. The search continued. In the second round, the two teams were drawn respectively to Canada and the United States. It seems that Deng Chao’s United States is easier to find, but Zeng Xiaoxian’s yellow team is very lucky. Yes, after only asking three times, I asked a chubby Canadian guy.

However, it is worth mentioning that the people who asked the question the first two times were all from France, and they were only [-] paces away from Wang Baoqiang and the others.

This time, without the interference from the Deng Chao team, the Huang team was full of confidence. Unexpectedly, Zheng Kai was unfavorable, and he kicked the first kick, but at the last chance, everyone cooperated tacitly and cleared the level perfectly.

"Oh yeah! It's a success!" Wang Likun jumped up happily.

"Team Yellow is the first to complete the task, and will get your puzzle pieces!" After director Lu Hao finished speaking, a staff member brought over a small cardboard box, and several members of Team Yellow took out the pieces and put them together on the square.

"Ah! The red team is here, put it away quickly!" Zheng Kai and Wang Likun took the 637 fragments and ran away. Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the three Baoqiang who had lost their eyes and asked in confusion: "What's the matter with you? ? Isn’t the French easy to find? Why? You didn’t find them?”

The three members of the red team gave Zeng Xiaoxian a blank look, "You said it lightly, but let me tell you, there are many French people, but you can't find any of them!"

"Yeah, the French definitely don't come to Korea!"

They asked dozens of foreign friends just now, and almost all provinces and countries appeared. They even asked about Afghanistan and Palestine, but they didn’t ask about France. The South Korean embassy also survived a few Frenchmen, and there must be no Frenchmen besides this!

Zeng Xiaoxian was overjoyed. He didn't know what kind of demon possessed these few people. He searched a lot but couldn't find a Frenchman. But what made him laugh the most was that he came to such a nonsense conclusion that there were no Frenchmen in Korea.

"That...although I don't want to offend you, but when we were looking for Canadians just now, we even asked two foreigners, both of whom were French!"

The three of them were stupefied, but then Wang Baoqiang said firmly: "Just make it up, Xiaoxian, it's impossible for me to tell you that the French don't come to Korea at all!"

Zeng Xiaoxian is speechless, well, you can do whatever you say, reasoning masters!

Several people sat down on the ground, rested for a while, each filled a large bottle of mineral water, and then started a new round of flag drawing.

Wang Baoqiang said: "Odie's luck is too bad, we can't let him smoke this time, Li Cheng, you smoke it!"

"Okay!" Li Cheng was full of confidence, and came to the golden barrel where the national flag was placed. After hesitating for a while, he pulled his side out. When the dazzling blue came out of the round hole, the three members of the red team were dumbfounded. .Odie directly put his head in his hands: "nonononono!"

Li Cheng had a bad feeling and wanted to put the national flag back. Director Lu Hao had quick eyesight and quick hands.

Helpless, the national flag was pulled out, looking at the familiar red, white and blue colors, the three members of the red team felt like dying, but the yellow team (bgaa) all collapsed with laughter, Zeng Xiaoxian said: "I'll go, you are going Fuck with France!"

The three members of the red team looked at the director pitifully: "Director, let's draw again, please!"

"No!" Director Lu Hao was stern and selfless.

"Just once, okay?"



The three members of the red team were soft and hard, which annoyed Lu Hao so much that they had no choice but to let go and said: "Draw it again, it will not be an example!"


This time it was Wang Baoqiang himself, "You two are so unlucky!"

Li Cheng and Ou Di were so depressed that they didn't dare to speak. Both of them smoked France, which is no one else. No wonder Wang Baoqiang said about them.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Tathagata Buddha five-star red flag, bless me!" Wang Baoqiang closed his eyes, muttered something, stretched out his hand, and before he opened his eyes, he heard the screams of Li Cheng and Ou Di, who knocked Wang Baoqiang half to death. I thought I got the damn French flag too!

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