"No? No problem, we'll just sit and wait, but the sun is so strong, we have to buy some cold drinks to relieve the heat, the cost will be charged to you at that time!" Zeng Xiaoxian began to mutter with a calm face. Get up, "Well, one cone is [-] yuan, three cones is [-] yuan, a bottle of water is [-] yuan, how much is three bottles? Oh! That's right! Eighteen thousand yuan..."

The three members of the green team were annoyed and aggrieved. Who told them to play tricks first? Now that Zeng Xiaoxian is following them, the key people have already completed this round of missions, and there is plenty of time!

Deng Chao's heart was tugged even more, every time Zeng Xiaoxian talked about money, he would tug.

"Let's give it, why don't we give it!" The baby collapsed. Waiting is not only a waste of time, but it may also increase the cost. It's better to just give it now, and get rid of these plague gods first.

The baby is in charge of the money in the green team. He opened his wallet, took out ten ten thousand yuan bills, and patted them in Zeng Xiaoxian's hands. When he finished, he gave him a hard look. , the meaning is obvious, "This girl will never end with you!".

165. Baby Charm (First update, please subscribe!!)

Team Huang walked into a cold drink shop not far away with the money from the robbery, bought a cone for each of them, and ate it happily. Deng Chao looked at the backs of the three with a distressed face, and it was all spent on them. money!

There is a taxi stand not far from Myeongdong, several people hired a taxi, Zeng Xiaoxian handed the puzzle to the driver, and said in fluent Korean: "Master, may I ask, do you know where the place on this map is?"

"SBS!" The master is obviously an old driver, and he recognized the picture when he saw the picture, "Shangyan SBS!"

The three members of the yellow team were overjoyed, they didn't expect to meet a knowledgeable person as soon as they came out.

Seeing the yellow team get into the car and leave in a hurry, Deng Chao finally felt relieved at "five three three", "These plague gods are finally gone!"


The sound of something falling on the ground made Deng Chao look subconsciously, "Huh? Why did the test paper fall on my place?" Looking at Baby and Lin Gengxing, they both looked at themselves speechlessly, "Uh... ...Have you started yet, Brother?"

In the first round, Deng Chao lost his mind and failed, the second time he failed because of Deng Chao's mistakes, and the third time he failed because of Deng Chao's mistakes.

Baby and Lin Gengxing don't know what to say anymore, it seems that Team Huang's statement that Deng Chao is a pig teammate just now is not wrong at all!

At the same time, on the street, the red team began to look for the Russians, but this time the three learned to be smart, and instead of searching aimlessly, they stood at the corner of the street to discuss.

"I think we should draw up a strategy, and we can no longer search like headless chickens like before!"

"I agree!"

"I think we should sit on the sidelines!"

Wang Baoqiang and Oudi looked at Li Cheng in bewilderment. Is there a way to sit back and wait?But if Zeng Xiaoxian was here, he would definitely not think so, because Lu Ziqiao in the love apartment has always liked to use this method when he was a big cs.

The three of them discussed for a long time, but they couldn't come up with any reliable method. Finally, they decided to search randomly like last time!

"Ahhh! Look, there's a foreigner there!" Odie glanced at a tall European young man with afro looking over at the second-floor corridor of a small building, and immediately regained his energy.

"Hello! Hello!"

The young man with an afro is also very cheerful and lively. When he saw several people looking at him, he took the initiative to say hello to them.

Li Cheng also waved to him happily, and shouted in English: "Where are you from?"



The three of them were dumbfounded. When they needed a Frenchman, they couldn't find it. Now they don't need a Frenchman. They just find someone from France. No one is so lucky!

Wang Baoqiang: "It seems that Xiaoxian didn't lie to us, he really met a Frenchman!"


On the flag wall, the green team continued to draw the national flag, and this time the baby came out personally, "Watch me draw a Korean flag for you to see!"

"Hey, how can it be so easy to get the Korean flag!" Deng Chao, who had been hit even today, was already a little pessimistic, and waved his hands, resolutely in disbelief.

Lights, lights, lights!

"Ah, it's really the national flag of South Korea!" Deng Chao was squatting on the ground drawing circles when Lin Gengxing's ghostly cry came to his ears. When he looked up, the baby was holding the flag of which country?

"Fuck! Baby, you are possessed by the goddess of luck today!"

The baby gave him a blank look: "Do you believe it now? This girl never tells lies, okay?"

The program crew and photographers were also stunned, this is awesome, even worse than the red team just got the red flag!After all, this is Korea's home field...  

The green team was in a hurry and didn't bother to look for it. Deng Chao winked at several Korean photographers in the program group, and said in English, "Do you want to try it? You can do it!"

Several South Korean photographers were vigilant, and they backed away with the camera on their shoulders, "Brother, don't come here, really, I have hemorrhoids!"

Seeing Deng Chao frighten several Korean photographers, the baby grabbed him, reached out to grab the rubber band tied to his hair, and flicked his long flowing hair!


Both Deng Chao and Lin Gengxing were dumbfounded, Goddess!

A few Korean photographers stopped messing around and squeezed forward desperately, close-up!I want a close-up!

Among the Korean photographers, there is a chubby photographer named Quan Lie. He was almost shocked by the baby's [-]-degree high-voltage electricity and couldn't find his way. I, I, I am willing!"

"Speaking of Quan Lie, you are so fat at 1.3, why Mao ran so fast just now, like a rabbit!"

"Ahhh! Quan Lie, you insidious guy, you stole my chance to get close to the goddess!"

Several other Korean photographers were furious, and one of them was even ready to roll up his sleeves and fight Quan Lie.

Looking at the scene in front of him that was completely different from when he invited him just now, Deng Chao expressed that he was very hurt. Sure enough, being with the goddess is destined to be a green leaf at any time!

This time, Deng Chao's character exploded, except for the first time he failed because of Quan Lie's mistake, the second time several people successfully kicked ten!

"I bought Karma, finally succeeded!".

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