Lin Gengxing didn't believe it at all, "Come on, you're trying to lie to me again!" He hugged Odie tightly.

Zeng Xiaoxian waved to Odie with a bitter face downstairs, and ran away with his passport.

When I came to the corner of the corridor, I met Zheng Kai and Wang Likun.

"Ah, Xiaoxian! I finally found you!" Wang Likun was overjoyed, "I heard you found my passport?"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and stuck Wang Likun's passport on her arm, then took out Deng Chao's and Li Cheng's passports from his pocket, pasted one on Wang Likun's arm and the other on his own.

Wang Likun and Zheng Kai were dumbfounded, "Xiaoxian, where did you get so many passports?"

"Well, it's a long story. Generally speaking, two books were found, one was snatched, and the other was picked up."

Zheng Kai: "..."

Wang Likun: "..."

The three met, everyone's passports were ready, and the next step was to put their passports into the card slot in the hall, but when the three of them walked to the corner, they met the red team and the green team.

Seeing that no one in the yellow team had two passports on their arms, the eyes of both teams lit up.

"Damn it, no one of you animals has two passports!"

173. Zeng Xiaoxian's Ecstasy Formation (Sixth update, please subscribe!!)

Deng Chao: "Li Cheng, form an alliance and tear them apart!"

Li Cheng: "Alliance, must be allied!"

Wang Likun: "We have collected the passports of each of us. You have already lost, so what are you tearing up~ tear it up?"

The red team and the green team looked at each other, and said shamelessly: "The director said that you will win if you put the passport in the card slot, and you won't win if you collect all the passports of everyone!"

"Hey, we're tearing up your passports now, and you're all missing!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said: "The four of you tore the three of us apart, so you may not be able to make it happen!"

"Hey, at least we won't suffer!"

A decisive battle is inevitable, Zeng Xiaoxian's brain is working fast, they are three against four, they are obviously in a slight position, how can they go to the hall downstairs smoothly, it seems that they must set up a ecstasy formation for them.

Thinking of this, he quickly swapped the passports on the arms of Zheng Kai and Wang Likun, and then swapped the passports on the arms of himself and Wang Likun.

"Zheng Kai, there is another passage from here to below, you run fast, run down here, wait for us in the hall, don't let them catch you!"

Zheng Kai and Zeng Xiaoxian have known each other for more than ten years, and there is a tacit understanding between them. After Zeng Xiaoxian finished swapping the passports, he ran away without saying a word.

Now the red team and the green team are getting nervous. If Zheng Kai has two passports of the yellow team, then only one of the four passports of Zeng Xiaoxian and Wang Likun belongs to the yellow team.But there is another possibility, that is, the two passports of Zheng Kai do not belong to the yellow team, and the three passports of the yellow team belong to Zeng Xiaoxian and Wang Likun.

The red team and the green team couldn't make up their minds, should they chase?Still not chasing?

"This is Xiaoxian's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Zheng Kai's two passports are definitely not the yellow team's own passport!" Deng Chao shouted, stabilizing the morale of the army.

Wang Baoqiang also analyzed: "Yes, Xiao Xiangui has the most ideas, and often the least likely is the most possible, and the most likely is the least likely!"

The few people stayed still, approaching Zeng Xiaoxian and Wang Likun step by step.

Zeng Xiaoxian had an expression of scheming success, and after buying some time for Zheng Kai, he said with a smile: "Likun, I'll take a step first, and you just stand here and let them tear it up! Go downstairs and meet us later, you My passport is on me!" After saying that, Zeng Xiaoxian also turned around and ran away!

"Damn it, it's still a trap!"

The red team and the green team are not calm anymore. Zeng Xiaoxian's words are very obvious. The passports of their yellow team are all on Zheng Kai and him. Think about it. Now that there is a danger of tearing apart if there is a disagreement, how can it be possible to put the passports on the ground? What about Wang Likun?

So seeing Zeng Xiaoxian rushing backwards, the two teams lost their composure and chased Zeng Xiaoxian frantically. As for Wang Likun, no one cared at all.

Obviously, the passports of the yellow team are all in the hands of Zeng Xiaoxian and Zheng Kai. There are two possibilities for Wang Likun, one is that both passports are for the red team, and the other is that one is for the red team and the other is for the green team. of.If it is the first possibility, the red team can get all the passports, and if it is the second possibility, the green team can get all the passports.But no matter what kind of possibility, the two teams have only half the possibility of getting the passport.But no matter which team of the red and green team got the passports together, they still couldn't get the people together immediately, because Odie and Lin Gengxing went somewhere.

As for the yellow team, if Zeng Xiaoxian and Zheng Kai are allowed to arrive at the lobby, then the three passports of the yellow team will all arrive in the lobby, and all three of the yellow team are here. Once the passports arrive in the lobby, people can be seated immediately. In that case, they win!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

So the only way to prevent the yellow team from winning for now is to tear Zeng Xiaoxian away. The red team and the green team are now regretting their guts. If they knew that they would have concentrated their firepower on chasing Zheng Kai just now, it would be better than tearing Zeng Xiaoxian up now. easy!

But what the red team and the green team didn't notice was that when they passed Wang Likun to chase after Zeng Xiaoxian, Wang Likun's eyes revealed an uncontrollable joy, because she knew that her own passport was still on her body. Zeng Xiaoxian didn't change her passport when she changed her passport, but Deng Chao's. Although she didn't understand Zeng Xiaoxian's intentions, she was not stupid. What she should do now is to run away and reach the first floor hall.


Li Cheng worked hard enough to intercept Zeng Xiaoxian, so he ran up and threw himself forward, hugging Zeng Xiaoxian's heels. It was a hard floor, and it was not easy to fall to the ground after this throw. Cheng lay on the ground and grinned, but luckily he hugged Zeng Xiaoxian's heels.

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't run very fast, he stopped when he felt his heels being hugged, and he didn't fall down, but when he stopped, other members of the red and green teams immediately ran up and hugged his waist, Deng Chao On the left and right with Wang Baoqiang, they grabbed the passport on their arms and tore it violently.

Stab it!

Stab it!

Two piercing noises.

Deng Chao's face was filled with embarrassment, "Haha, Xiaoxian, how can you win now?"

Zeng Xiaoxian laughed even more than Deng Chao, "Look whose passport it is first!".

174. I'm a Genius (The seventh update is finished, please subscribe!!)


Hearing this, Deng Chao was taken aback, and Wang Baoqiang was also taken aback. Everyone had a bad premonition.

Deng Chao hurriedly opened the passport, "Fuck, Baoqiang's passport?"

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