"Hee hee, I won't tell you!" 677

Li Cheng was hit hard, "Baby, you said that you are such a kind girl, why did you become so black-bellied when you mixed with Xiaoxian?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was amused by this guy, "Eh? Big Black Bull, you are wrong to say that, why did it involve me again?"

Deng Chaodao: "Since you two have completed the task, instead of resting at the finish line, you rowed back, are you full?"

"Of course it's because we have a high awareness. We are a group. We can't just think about completing the task by ourselves, but also come here to help our group complete the task together!"

The three of Deng Chao were stunned. This awareness is a bit too high, isn't it?We all know that we are willing to help others. Is this still the dark-bellied Zeng Xiaoxian?

"Haha, you are here to help? My dear ones, we are just too tired, come on, let's change the boat first!"

The three of them were very happy, but the next moment they were not calm, Zeng Xiaoxian and the baby floated past the three of them in a small boat, with no intention of stopping at all.


"What's the matter with you, didn't you say to help? We need help now!"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled brightly at Deng Chao and the others, and the baby even took out the mobile phone he got just now to take a picture of them.

"Who said we are helping you! We are going to help Baoqiang and Zheng Kai, after all, they are the last one!"

The three of them didn't realize it for a while, dammit, you didn't plan to help us and told us so much, didn't you intend to let us see that we couldn't eat it!

"Xiaoxian, you black-bellied bastard!" Li Cheng broke down, and today he finally realized that rowing is really a physical job.

Lin Gengxing's cute face was full of depression, "Ah, I thought they were here to help us, but now I feel more tired from rowing, what should I do?"

With exaggerated grief and indignation on his face, Deng Chao stood on the boat and shouted at Zeng Xiaoxian's back: "You two bastards, I curse your love boat to capsize!!"

Hearing Deng Chao say the word "love", the baby couldn't help but panic, two blushes (bgai) appeared on her pretty face, and she fought back with her hands on her hips, "We hope your boat leaks soon!"

Deng Chao was triumphant, "Hey, our boat won't leak, because our boat has a long bone, do you know what a long bone is? You definitely don't know, haha!"

But as he was talking, he suddenly felt cool under his feet, and when he looked down, a small crack in the bottom of the boat was bubbling water.

"Fuck?!" Deng Chao was scared to pee, and Li Cheng and Lin Gengxing were also scared to pee, "Ah, baby, you crow mouth!!"

Baby and Zeng Xiaoxian were rocking the ship back when suddenly they heard the panicked yelling of Deng Chao and the others behind him.

The baby was a little uncertain: "Xiaoxian, their boat is not really leaking, should we go back and take a look."

Zeng Xiaoxian: "No, didn't you hear what Deng Chao said just now, their boats have long bones so they won't leak water, so they're probably trying to trick us back by bluffing, we don't want to be fooled!"

The baby nodded, "Well, your analysis makes sense!"


Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai were struggling. After the whole ship turned over, a lot of water flooded in, and the hull had turned into a mass of paste. According to director Lu Hao's suggestion, let the two of them give up this mission directly and serve as the crew's return ship. to the end.

But Wang Baoqiang's temper is now on the rise. Although he is afraid of water, he fell into the water just now, and it was not dangerous. No matter what, stick to the finish line.

This was completely beyond the expectation of the director Lu Hao, and he comforted: "Baoqiang, you're doing well, don't worry, we rescuers are right next to you, and nothing will happen to you, not to mention that as far as I know, this section of water is so dangerous. No one has been drowned in decades!"

Wang Baoqiang trembled all over his body, his eyes widened, "Director, what did you mean when you said that you didn't drown anyone? Can you explain?".

182. Colorful Auspicious Clouds (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Although Wang Baoqiang decided to persevere to the end, he still had a sense of fear of the water, so he finally decided that Zheng Kai supported the stern of the boat, with his legs in the water to provide power in a dog-planing manner.Wang Baoqiang was lying on the bow of the boat, kicking his legs back hard.This strategy should have a good effect, but their hull is really dilapidated and there is a lot of resistance. Even if the two of them work so hard, the speed of the boat is still unsatisfactory.

Interestingly, from the photographer's point of view, the two people and the broken hull together look like a big toad, which is extremely funny.

Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai felt the strange eyes from the surrounding photographers and program crew, and they were a little puzzled~.

"Zheng Kai, do you feel that others look at us a little strangely?"

"I feel it, it's like looking at a fool!"

"Hey, we really got screwed this time, I don't know what happened to Xiaoxian and Deng Chao?"

At this moment, Zheng Kai suddenly called out, "Baoqiang, look, is that Xiaoxian and baby? Why are they back?"

Wang Baoqiang looked into the distance following Zheng Kai's eyes, and it really was Zeng Xiaoxian and baby, who were waving to them while rocking the boat.

Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai also waved happily to them.

"Why are you back again?"

"Have you reached the end yet?"

"We have reached the finish line and completed the mission, and now we are coming back to help you complete the mission!" Baby said, looking at the dilapidated hull under the two of them, he couldn't help laughing, "How did your boat become so messy? What does it look like?"

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't hold back either, and said with a smile, "Did you encounter a typhoon just now?"

Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai blushed. Before the start, they vowed to fight for the first place. Fortunately, the baby and Zeng Xiaoxian have completed the task, but the two of them are still wandering not far from the starting point. Not only that, A boat was almost destroyed.

"Uh... this is hard to describe!"

"Yeah, it's a long story!"

Zeng Xiaoxian and baby didn't want to poke their scars, so they took out the rope they collected from the end, tied Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai's broken boat to the back of the ship, and let them board their own and baby's small boat, although it was a bit crowded. , but barely able to hold.

Just like that, Zeng Xiaoxian and the baby were still turning the wheel, Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai were paddling, and the four of them were holding the broken boat to the finish line together.

When we reached the finish line, the time was fixed at six minutes and fifty-eight seconds.

When Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai learned that they had completed the task, they hugged each other excitedly, dancing and laughing. The task that they had no hope of completing was successfully completed now. This kind of emotional jump from great sadness to great joy made them a little uncontrollable Hold on to your emotions.

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