"Oh, I don't feel too well, it's okay, you guys eat, we'll go buy durians later." Lu Hao looked calm.

Yu Hangying, who has never been very involved in the interaction with the members of the men's running team, also smiled bitterly: "Lu Hao, remember to buy the small durians from Malaysia, the mother loves them, and there are many thorns on the shell!"

Deng Chao was almost scared to pee.

"Director, stop playing with me, go all night, can't I treat you?" Deng Chao now feels that the most evil fruit in the world is durian! .

186. I'm in a hurry (Second update, please subscribe!!)

After blackmailing Deng Chao for a big meal, the game continues.

The staff handed over a task description card, and Li Cheng finally read it aloud: "The seven of you will form a team and compete with the Haenyeo of Jeju Island in a rock-paper-scissors contest! If one loses, your entire team will be punished." !"


"If one of the seven loses, the whole team will be punished? This game is too bad!"

"Director, this is clearly an impossible task!"

Deng Chao is worthy of being the captain of the men's running team. He was scolded by the whole program team just now, and now he has no psychological burden at all, and he cheerfully analyzed: "Director, this is indeed a bit of a "[-]" and it's too bad. So we have to beat Jeju Island haenyeo seven times in a row! By the way, what kind of haenyeo are they? What is their IQ?" He had never heard of the term haenyeo.

After all, baby has developed in South Korea, and has a better understanding of some customs and customs here. He gave Deng Chao a white look and explained: "Ama divers are not new species, they are people! They will collect abalone and other sea creatures in the shallow sea every time the tide goes out. It’s just a product, similar to our mainland fishermen!”

"Ah, that's right!"

"Hi, hello, I'm a haenyeo!" Just as the baby was explaining the haenyeo of Jeju Island to everyone, a familiar voice came from afar.

Everyone hurriedly looked around, only to see a Korean woman wearing a water fork walking towards this side with a smile, waving to everyone as she walked.But when everyone saw her face, they were stunned.

"Hai... girl?"

"Are you a sea girl?"

"Yes, I am a haenyeo from Jeju Island!"

"Aren't you a tour guide?"

"I'm an ama!"

"Tourist guide!"


Zeng Xiaoxian was also amused, this program group is good enough, it's too obvious that the female diver guide invites only one person, isn't it?He grabbed Haenyeo's hand, "Haenyeo, we met a tour guide a few days ago, she said she has a long-lost sister, it looks like you!"

Haenyeo's acting skills are also good, with a cute face, "Oh, really, tell me where she lives, I'll go find her when I have time."


Running boy group music.

Are you free to find her?How weak is the relationship between these two sisters!


Several people sat on the benches in the shallow water in order. Although it was summer, it was already evening, and the sea water was still very cold. Once they walked in, they all grinned at the ice!

After they were seated, two staff members ran over carrying a long rubber stick, and leaned the stick against everyone's stomachs.

Seeing this posture, everyone was a little confused.

"Director, what kind of trouble is this?"

"Director, what is the punishment, can you tell us first?"

Director Lu Hao put his hands on his chest and whistled, what's the rush, I'll know later.

Wang Baoqiang sat at the head of the row and smiled straight at the female diver: "Tell you the female diver, I have been playing rock-paper-scissors for [-] years, and I have never lost!"

Haenyeo looked surprised, "So you are already thirty years old?!"


Wang Baoqiang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, "Nimma, the point I want to express is not this, okay?"

Deng Chao did not forget to add a knife, "Hai Nu, your judgment is wrong, Bao Qiang cannot be born with rock-paper-scissors, so he is already in his thirties!"

Li Cheng added another killing blow: "That means Bao Qiang has already made it to four!"

The haenyeo looked sympathetic, "Wow, you are so pitiful!"

Puff puff……

This time Wang Baoqiang really squirted blood!

"Come on, don't talk nonsense, watch me kill you!"

The two stared at each other closely, with complete concentration...  

"Rock paper scissors!!"

What Hai Nu produced was cloth, and what Wang Baoqiang produced was stone.

"Ahhh!" The men's running team was originally full of excitement, but now they are driven mad by Wang Baoqiang's defeat.

Zheng Kai: "Baoqiang, didn't you say you are a master, I think you are a master with a hammer!"

Lin Gengxing said weakly: "He seems to be really a hammer!"

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