Staff in black uniform: "Calm down, I won't sell you!"

Putting on eye masks for everyone, the staff in black uniforms began to take everyone to the pre-arranged point of the entire building.

baby: ". Ah, I'm so scared, someone help me!"

Deng Chao: "Ah, I'm about to tear up the famous brand again, what a nightmare!"

Wang Baoqiang: "Where is this going, who can tell me?"

Li Cheng: "This time the brand tearing is so mysterious, I don't even know who the opponent is!"

Zheng Kai: "I have already drawn up a strategy for tearing up the famous brand this time, and that is to run!"

Follow the photographer: "Well, this strategy is good, why don't you go to heaven?"

Lin Gengxing's little heart was still beating wildly, why did he act like a prisoner?

"Have you arrived yet? Why hasn't it arrived yet? When will it arrive?"

The staff in black uniform couldn't help it anymore, "I said you (Wang Wanghao) Northeast guy can you be bolder?"

"How do you know I'm from the Northeast?"

"Nonsense, of course you can hear it from your accent!"

Different from others, Zeng Xiaoxian was very quiet the whole time, just looking at the two black uniformed staff who escorted him with pain in his face.

"Hey, I said, are you a little sloppy? My blindfold only covers one eye, didn't you notice?"

The two staff members looked really good!Quickly put on the blindfold.

Everyone was "escorted" by the man in black, walking, walking, walking, and ten minutes later, Lu Hao's voice came from the audio system in the building.

"Now, you can take off the blindfold!".

189. Running Man vs Running Man (Fifth update, please subscribe!!)

Wang Baoqiang was taken to a cosmic exhibition hall. He took off the blindfold and saw various star structure models in front of him.

"Wow, where is this? Is it space?" Wang Baoqiang looked at everything in front of him, so curious that he rushed to the model and looked around, throwing the danger he was facing out of the blue in an instant.

At this time, a mysterious bus stopped outside the Aviation Museum, and seven people wearing blue T-shirts got off the bus. Each of them wore a white mask on their faces, looking mysterious, and The language they speak is Korean.

"Oh, what is this going on? We've all come to Jeju Island, why are we still required to wear masks?"

"Yeah, I'm so handsome, it's a pity to wear a mask!"

"Oh, stop being narcissistic. Wearing a mask is a way to protect our tourism image in Jeju Island!"

"Ah! Jihyo, it's too hurtful for you to say that!"

"I think Jihyo is right!"


907 A Korean staff member waited at the entrance of the museum. Seeing that several people had arrived, they spoke standard fluent Korean, "You can take off your masks now!"

The mask was taken off, revealing the true face of the seven members of Lushan. If Zeng Xiaoxian was present, he would definitely smile knowingly, because the seven members were none other than the seven members of South Korea’s Running Man: Liu Jae-seok, Kim Jong-kook, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo, and Gary , Lee Kwang Soo!

Lee Kwang-soo is well-known for his funny and nonsensical style in Korean Running Boys. He looked around and yelled heartlessly: "I said director, there are so many handsome men and women standing here, shouldn't there be some spotlights?" , and then started to take pictures with a click? What's the matter with you alone?"

Waiting at the gate was the director of South Korea's Running Man, a middle-aged man in his thirties, "Spotlight? I only have incandescent lamps here, do you want it?"

Song Ji Hyo also began to tease Lee Kwang Soo, "Ah! This old problem of narcissism can never be changed, it is really a headache!"

Liu Zaishi, the captain, said: "Ji Hyo, you think too highly of him, it's not that you can't change it, but it's getting worse every day!"

"I feel the same way, I'm about to die!" Kim Jong Kook smiled shyly and made amends.

Lee Kwang Soo sneered at the teasing of his teammates, "Assi, you can't understand how handsome I am, this will be a regret in your life, really!"

Chi Shizhen and Gary couldn't take it anymore, and quickly interrupted: "Kwang Soo, stop talking, I almost vomited up my dinner last night, and it's true!"

The director looked at a few people, complained in his heart, and started playing tricks as soon as he appeared on the stage, alas, I really can't stand these guys!

"You all come in with me!"

When the seven members walked into the hall, the director made a gesture, and several staff members came up from all directions of the hall, each holding a name tag, and they couldn't help but tear off the Korean name tags on their backs and put them on again. Chinese famous brand.

"Hey, why are you tearing up our name tags!"

"Are you going to tear up your name tags with us? Sneak attacks are against the rules!"

"(bgbc) Huh? No, they put a new name tag on us again!"

"It's a famous brand in Chinese!"

"What does this mean?"

Before the South Korean runners could react, their eyes were already covered by blindfolds, and then several staff dragged one of them to the selected location involuntarily.

"Ah? What are you doing? What are you going to do?"

"Ah! Brother Shi, what should I do!" Lee Kwang Soo exaggeratedly shouted, making Liu Jae Suk break out in a cold sweat, thinking that this guy has such a loud voice!

"Jihyo, where are you?"

"Brother haha, I'm being taken away by them, are you the same?"

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