Zeng Xiaoxian: "No wonder!"

The baby blushed and made a grimace, which was a default.


After Lin Gengxing and Wang Baoqiang separated, they wandered around in the hall. Suddenly, Chi Shizhen in blue came to this side. He saw Lin Gengxing and greeted him warmly: "Hello, Chinese friends !"

Lin Gengxing smiled cutely: "Hello, I'm Lin Gengxing!" Then he thought that Chi Shizhen might not understand Chinese, and was about to switch to English to speak, but he didn't expect Chi Shizhen to understand. Then he said in broken Chinese: "Hello, my name is Chi Shizhen!"

Lin Gengxing's eyes widened in surprise, "You can speak Chinese?"

Ji Suk Jin has a very kind personality. Although he is already in his forties and is the oldest member of Running Man, he will not get angry even if these young people in Running Man make fun of him in the society of Korea, which is based on seniority. , but very happy to interact with everyone.

"Yes, I have liked Chinese culture since I was a child, and I will learn some Chinese in my spare time, but I can't speak it well enough now."

"No, no, no, you've spoken very well." Lin Gengxing was very excited. He doesn't know Korean at all, and his English is very limited, so communicating with people has become a persistent problem.I met a few Korean team members there before, and they didn’t know how to communicate at all, so I just kept giggling. Now I am very happy to meet the RunningMan team members who can speak Chinese.

The two shook hands and hugged each other, not at all like rivals who wanted to tear off their brand names, but like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

After chatting for a while, Chi Shizhen said: "Brother, how is your combat effectiveness?"

"I'm not good at fighting." Lin Gengxing told his true situation honestly.

Chi Shizhen hugged him again, "Great, my combat effectiveness is also very poor, how about we two fight alone?"

"Good single tear!"

"Ahhh!" The two roared and rushed towards each other...  

After five minutes.

"Are you tired?"


"Then let's take a break and tear it up?"


Then the two sat at the base of the wall and chatted about homework.

A few photographers were a little confused, this Nima seems to be the most friendly tear-off brand in history, and he can even take a halftime break!


At the same time, in another corner of the hall, Li Cheng came out to look for other prey since he made a secret agreement with Jin Zhongguo, but he was so unlucky that he didn't meet anyone else at all.

"Oh, I'm so unlucky today, I haven't found any prey yet!" Li Cheng made a helpless expression towards the camera.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the corner, and Li Cheng cheered up: "Huh? Someone is coming, it should be the prey!" He ran over quickly, turned the corner, and his face immediately turned bitter .

"Oh, no! Why is it you again?"

Kim Jong Kook originally wanted to find Zeng Xiaoxian wholeheartedly, but he did not expect to meet Li Cheng again. He looked helpless 0.1, "It seems that there is no way to escape our fate, do you want to tear it up?"


Li Cheng also went all out, and sure enough, like a big black bull, he rushed towards Jin Zhongguo with a dash.

But Jin Zhongguo's body is there, and his strength is not covered. Li Cheng's body was stably fixed there after being rushed by Li Cheng. Li Cheng's surprise was nothing small. From this point of view, the last time Jin Zhongguo was in China was not exhausted at all. Do your best!

Kim Jong Kook squeezed Li Cheng's arm with a smile, "Well, the strength is good, and I'm going to use it next!" Then suddenly he put a hand towards Li Cheng's back, and the two quickly entangled. .

197. Lin Gengxing Out (The third update, please subscribe!!)

Fifteen minutes later, the sound in the building came to remind.

"Run, brother, Li Cheng is out!!"

"Run, brother, Li Cheng is out!!"

"Oh, no!" Deng Chao complained to the camera with a face full of disbelief: "Ah, they are really strong! Li Cheng is the second strongest member in our team, and he was torn apart so quickly?"

Zeng Xiaoxian and the baby finished tearing up Lee Kwang-soo, and started to look for new prey along the hall, and suddenly heard the sound prompt, Zeng Xiaoxian stopped.

"Li Cheng definitely met Kim Jong Kook, otherwise it would be impossible to be torn apart so soon!"

The baby also agreed, saying: "Then what should we do now?"

Zeng Xiaoxian: "We need to speed up our search, try to find Kim Jong Kook as soon as possible, and have an ultimate showdown, otherwise it will be a disaster for other team members to meet Kim Jong Kook!"

Lin Gengxing and Chi Shizhen were drinking water in front of the water dispenser while listening to the audio notification.

16 "Huh? Our team's No. [-] strongman, Li Cheng, was torn apart so quickly?"

"Is he strong?"

"Well, he is the most powerful existence in our team besides Zeng Xiaoxian, he was nicknamed Big Black Bull!"

Chi Shizhen thought for a while and said, "If it's true as you said, then he must have met a tiger!"

"Tiger?" Lin Gengxing looked confused.

Ji Shizhen explained: "Tiger is Kim Jong Kook's nickname! He is too strong!"

At this time, Liu Zaishi came over, and he saw Lin Gengxing and Chi Shizhen talking and laughing together from a long distance, and when he looked again, the name tags on both of them were still there.

"What's the matter?"

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