Wang Baoqiang had sharp eyes, and after a while, he saw a glass room, and inside a glass cover was the oil bully they had been looking for.

Everyone ran over quickly, and the baby pointed to an electronic stopwatch on the glass cover of the room and said, "There is a chronograph here! There are five minutes left!"

Deng Chao saw that the time was really tight, and he hurriedly took the key to open the door, but he couldn't even get the key right, let alone find the correct key to open the door.

Zeng Xiaoxian came up, "Brother Chao, you can't drive like this, I'm afraid you may not have enough time, show me the key chain first!".

205. Dating (First update, please subscribe!!)

Deng Chao knew that Zeng Xiaoxian's head was bright, so he handed the key chain into his hands. Zeng Xiaoxian took the key chain in his hand and observed carefully for a moment, looked at the number 85 on the room, counted directly to eighty-five from the key chain, and went inside. One poke, it didn't open!

He counted to 85 from the other side and poked again!


With the sound of a lock spring beating, the door was instantly opened.

"Ah! Open it!"

Everyone cheered, Deng Chao was a little confused, "Xiaoxian, why did you open it after two tries? It's amazing~!"

The others also looked at Zeng Xiaoxian suspiciously, "Yes, Xiaoxian, what's going on?"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said: "It's very simple, there is a thick patina on this bunch of keys, which means it was not newly made by the program team, it should have been temporarily taken over from this museum, but the order note on the keys was torn off. And the museum has so many basements, for convenience, they must be arranged in order.”

"When I was looking for Youba just now, I accidentally discovered that there is a number on the door of each room, these numbers are from 1 to 100, so I guess the order of this bunch of keys should be the same as the order of the numbers on the door, and The number posted on this room is 85, so I counted to eighty-five from both ends, and one of them was always right!"

Everyone suddenly realized.


With the discovery of Youba, the running man's trip to South Korea finally came to an end. In the evening, Deng Chao invited the whole program team to eat Korean beef, and chatted about this episode of the show, and had a good time.Among the running men, Deng Chao, Baby and others all had notices on their bodies. After dinner, they would fly directly to various destinations by night plane. Only Zeng Xiaoxian was relatively relaxed.

His "Ip Man" crew preparations are coming to an end under Ye Weixing's management. It is estimated that they will start filming in a week or so. The filming location is in Xiangjiang. Now he doesn't need to see Shang Hai anymore, he simply stays here in South Korea Find a hotel to stay first, and then fly directly to Xiangjiang.

When recording the show, Zeng Xiaoxian and Song Zhixiao had already exchanged their cell phone numbers, thinking that they still owed Song Zhixiao a big meal, Zeng Xiaoxian dialed Song Zhixiao's number.

"Hello, Xiao Xian?" Song Ji Hyo on the other end of the phone looked a little surprised.

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "That's right, it's me. I will stay in Korea for a few days. When will I be free? May I treat you to dinner?"

"Are you still in Jeju Island?"


"That's great, I'm also on Jeju Island now, see you tonight!"

The two made an appointment to meet at a time and place, and hung up the phone.Zeng Xiaoxian thought for a while and called Ye Weixing again.

"Hey, Xiaoxian, I was just about to call you!" Ye Weixing's hearty voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother Ye, what do you want from me?" Zeng Xiaoxian said, he still admires Ye Weixing, and he really loves the film industry.

"It's like this. I'm almost ready to prepare. I will fly to Xiangjiang in five days. I don't know when your show will be finished. Can you come over to participate in our opening ceremony?" Ye Weixing's voice was full of excitement A little tired, it seems that he was also very tired during the preparation of the crew.

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian was a little surprised. He originally predicted that it would take at least a week for the crew to complete the preparations. He didn't expect that he would fly to Xiangjiang to hold the opening ceremony in five days.

He smiled and said, "Brother Ye, you are quite fast, a few days earlier than I expected!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

"Hahaha!" Being praised by Zeng Xiaoxian, Ye Weixing laughed happily and said, "Actually, this is not all due to me, Huayi attaches great importance to this movie, so the green light was given all the way, and the preparation progress went smoothly unexpectedly! Xiaoxian, can you come over to attend the opening ceremony in five days? After all, you are the lead actor, screenwriter, and important investor of this drama. I think it would be best if you could appear on the scene. The filming can't go away for the time being, I can postpone the opening ceremony here for a few days."

Zeng Xiaoxian said: "No need, Brother Ye, the filming of my show has been completed, and now I'm waiting to join the crew, and I'll be there on time when the time comes!"



Jeju Island is brightly lit at night, accompanied by the cool breeze blowing from the sea, which makes people refreshed.

Zeng Xiaoxian dressed up a little, and went out in a sea blue slim-fit casual clothes, and came to the entrance of Liandong Pedestrian Commercial Street in Jeju City.

Liandong Commercial Pedestrian Street is a very famous pedestrian street in South Korea, and its reputation is not inferior to Myeongdong in Seoul.

Although it is already night, the flow of people seems to be even more overwhelming, and the neon lights everywhere are swaggering the flow of people.

As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian appeared at the entrance, a pretty girl with big sunglasses on her face waved to him vigorously.

"Xiaoxian, I'm here!"

Zeng Xiaoxian was taken aback, but he laughed when he heard the voice, the girl was Song Zhixiao.

Song Ji Hyo wore an emerald green chiffon dress today. The fluffy skirt was blown by the sea breeze and swayed with the wind, giving her an air of dustiness on top of her original beauty.It's just that the pair of sunglasses that covered most of his face was a bit too exaggerated, and Zeng Xiaoxian almost didn't recognize him. .

206. New side missions (second update, please subscribe!!)

"Why did you bring such a big pair of sunglasses, isn't it too exaggerated?" Zeng Xiaoxian joked with a smile.

Song Ji Hyo rolled his eyes at him, "Many people in Korea know me, and if everyone recognizes me, rumors will spread."

Since participating in Running Man, Song Ji Hyo has become relatively well-known in South Korea. She is almost a first-line actress. If she does not cover up when she comes out, she will be recognized easily. If someone sees him walking with a handsome guy like Zeng Xiaoxian, it is inevitable. There will be a lot of gossip.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, I am unmarried, and you are unmarried." Zeng Xiaoxian winked at her narrowly, and continued to tease.

"Three three zero" Song Zhixiao blushed when she heard the words, stretched out her white and tender hands and twisted the soft flesh around his waist, and stared at him, "How dare you say that? Enemy of men!"

Zeng Xiaoxian was taken aback for a moment, it seemed like he was coming to Korea for the first time, how could he become a public enemy of men?

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