That beautiful girl was fascinated by watching, suddenly Zeng Xiaoxian took the initiative to talk to her, his heart melted in an instant, he quickly took off the straw hat, handed it to Zeng Xiaoxian on the stage with his own hands, and at the end he did not forget to wink at him and say goodbye Put your own name: "Hi handsome guy, my name is Lin Guoer!"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled at Lin Guoer and nodded, then put that beautiful straw hat on her head.

This somewhat comical action immediately drew a burst of laughter from the audience.

At this time, the music reached its first small climax, and Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly moved, but he didn't do somersaults like Huang Na's boyfriend when he came up, but he held the top of the straw hat with one hand, and walked freely on the stage. moved around.

At first, everyone didn't think there was anything strange, but Li Zaijing and Huang Na even scoffed at it. This round of competition is in the direction of mechanical dance, not a skit, and it doesn't help that he does some funny moves on stage!

Li Zaijing was a little relieved. Although he almost knew that Huang Na's Cha Cha Wu had basically lost to Zeng Xiaoxian, Zeng Xiaoxian was [-]v[-] in this match. If he is ahead of him by a large margin in one of the items, even if he loses in the other item, it can't change the ending of his final failure!

As the saying goes, if you don't die, you won't die!

But just when Li Zaijing was secretly proud, someone in the audience suddenly exclaimed.

"Ah? What's the matter? I clearly saw him walking forward, but why is he actually walking backward? Am I dazzled?"

With this exclamation, everyone's eyes focused on Zeng Xiaoxian's two legs!

"I'm going, really!"


Li Zaijing and Huang Na also rubbed their eyes subconsciously, "How could this be? Damn!"

At this time, the eyes of the three judges were also widened, and they stared at Zeng Xiaoxian's legs without blinking.

"My God, what is the origin of this young man! Why does he make such amazing moves every time!"

"Have you seen the origin of his movements?" Goatee asked aloud, his beard trembling in surprise.

The two female judges shook their heads in bewilderment. Today, I am a big loser. I came to be a judge for others, but I don't even know the origin of the dance moves they made. The previous Cha Cha dance was like this, but now This set of mechanical dances is still the same, grandma, have you learned to dance in the stomach of a dog all these years? .

217. Fighting Dance 5 (8/15, please subscribe!!)

The eyes of the two people turned to the goatee again, did he know this time?Several people are experts in local dance, and they usually talk about each other's understanding of dance together. Generally speaking, they should be very similar, but today they know so much more than themselves. ashamed.

But what surprised them was that Goatee shook his head helplessly when he saw them looking at him, "Don't get me wrong, I don't know this set of dance moves, I've never seen them before, but mechanical dance and Cha Cha Different, Cha Cha has a relatively long history, but mechanical dance is a kind of dance that has only emerged in the world in the past ten years and is popular with young people. It is unlikely to be like Cha Cha dance. Dance moves out of everyone's sight!"

The two of them agreed with the goatee, and then they both looked at the goatee in disbelief, "You mean, this dance move was created by this young man himself?"

The goatee nodded, he really thought so, "The two of you have already seen the talent and accomplishments of this young man in dancing. If he created a set of movements on the mechanical dance, I don't think it is unreasonable." possible!"

The two of them pondered for a moment, then nodded in unison. The goatee was right. It is indeed possible for a young man with such a terrifying talent and profound attainments in dancing to create his own set of mechanical dance moves. matter!

Li Zaijing looked at Zeng Xiaoxian's flowing dance moves on the stage, and his heart began to beat. Is he going to win this round?Thinking of this, he looked at the three judges, and seeing the deep appreciation in the eyes of the three, his heart fell into an ice cellar.

And Huang Na was already a little depressed at this time. As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Before the competition, she was determined to win the huge lottery, but now seeing Zeng Xiaoxian crushing her and her Boyfriend means that the objective lottery is about to be lost to them, and they are suddenly ashamed.

In addition, she looked at Li Zaijing carefully. This time, Li Zaijing asked her to design it to embarrass Zeng Xiaoxian. Now not only did it not design Zeng Xiaoxian, but it also cost him [-] million won. This is not the most important thing The reason why Li Zaijing did this was to embarrass Xiaoxian and make him embarrassing in front of Song Jihyo. Fortunately, Zeng Xiaoxian not only did not embarrass him in front of Song Jihyo, on the contrary, he also showed a big performance, and the embarrassing Became Lee Jae Kyung.

She knows Li Zaijing's character, he is the one who will get revenge, this time because of her, he made a fool of himself, there is no guarantee that he will not find an opportunity to deal with her and her boyfriend in the future, thinking of this, she began to regret, secretly I decided to leave Jeju Island with my boyfriend and live in another city after this incident is over.

Compared to Lee Jae Kyung and Huang Na, Song Ji Hyo and Kim Jong Kook were very happy. If the song just now made them feel surprised, then this mechanical dance now makes them crazy.

Both of them made their living in the entertainment circle, and this circle is naturally curious about many novel things.Some time ago, Uncle Ma’s horse-riding dance in South Korea became popular all over the world, not because of how sophisticated the horse-riding dance is, but because the horse-riding dance itself is very simple, so that everyone can imitate it. In addition, the horse-riding dance itself has a humorous typhoon , This is the most important reason for his popularity.

On the other hand, Zeng Xiaoxian is now dancing this unique mechanical dance on stage, especially the magical footwork. It is clearly walking forward, but in fact it is actually walking backward. It is not only novel but also very cool. It can be called The top is a sharp weapon!Just relying on this one can greatly mobilize everyone's curiosity and enthusiasm for imitation!

They all thought that Zeng Xiaoxian would become the second Uncle Ma soon, even more popular than Uncle Ma!

On the stage, like a fish swimming in water, Zeng Xiaoxian kept sliding, moving forward!backwards!Sideways!No direction can cause a burst of screams from the audience. These people are the elite class in society, and they are rarely so crazy, but today, Zeng Xiaoxian's dance ignited the long-lost madness in their hearts!

Some people even began to unconsciously imitate Zeng Xiaoxian's footwork in the audience, but it was a bit nondescript for the time being!

At the end of the song, Zeng Xiaoxian stood quietly on the stage, holding the brim of the straw hat with one (good) hand, his eyes were slightly closed, and his whole body was still on the stage like a statue.

After a long time, amidst the applause of everyone, he made a gentleman's salute, looked at the three judges in the audience, and said with a smile: "Three teachers, please announce my score¨"? "

Many viewers came to their senses. They were so absorbed in the performance just now that they forgot about scoring. Now that they were reminded by Zeng Xiaoxian, they all looked at the three judges on the stage in unison.

"Three judges, tell me the score, I want to see how many points my idol has!"

"Yeah, hurry up and show the score! I can't wait!"

"Yes, yes, bright score!".

218. It's called a moonwalk (9/15, please subscribe!!)

Under the urgent urging of the crowd, the three judges showed no impatience, but looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with a smile. Among them, the goatee judge was the first to ask: "Well, don't rush to see the scores. Before that, we have a I want to ask Mr. Zeng first, if I don’t know if it’s okay?"

As soon as Goatee said this, the audience on the field almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Damn, what is the score? Don't rush to watch, everyone is eager to watch, okay?Besides, Mr. Zeng is also anxious to see if it is good, or he would not take the initiative to bring it up, would he?

Zeng Xiaoxian returned the straw hat to the beautiful girl, and now the girl saw Zeng Xiaoxian with a naked aggressive look, wishing she could drag him to the bed and strip him naked, and then...

At the same time, among the beauties present, there are not a few who have the same thoughts as the beautiful girls. For a moment, Zeng Xiaoxian felt that there were dozens of hot~hot eyes scanning him non-stop.

This made Zeng Xiaoxian a little uneasy. Nima, 460 is a beauty after all, so can't you be more reserved?

Just now that the goatee was talking, he was also happy to have someone help him out, so he quickly said respectfully: "I don't know what this teacher wants to ask?"

The goatee quickly waved his hands when he heard the words, "Oh, Mr. Zeng, please don't call me teacher. Judging from the two dances you performed just now, Mr. Zeng's attainments are definitely higher than mine, so it's better for us to be called equals. My surname is Zhang, Mr. Zeng can call me Lao Zhang if you don’t mind it.”

Regarding Goatee's words, the two female judges also agreed with each other, and reported their surnames, expressing their hope to discuss friendship with Zeng Xiaoxian on an equal footing.

Regarding this, Zeng Xiaoxian was not hypocritical, and changed his words: "That's fine, what is the question you want to ask?"

Mr. Zhang stroked the goatee on his chin, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zeng just danced the mechanical dance. There is a set of movements in it. It seems that I have never seen it before, so I want to ask Mr. Zeng, what is this set of movements?" Did you create it yourself?"

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