Being stared at by Tang Youyou's eyes like the famous detective Conan, Zeng Xiaoxian blushed, but he couldn't admit it even if he was beaten to death, so he just lied.

"What are you doing? Little Bear said her neck was sore, so I gave her a massage. Maybe I was a little shy seeing you coming, so I ran away?"

"You know how to massage?" Tang Youyou was shocked. Teacher Zeng still has this skill?

"Nonsense, of course I will!" Zeng Xiaoxian was full of confidence, "Don't you know who my master is?"

16 "Who?"

"Fujian Baozilin, massage bone-setting thunderbolt hand, Huang Huifeng!"

"Huang Feihong?"

"Huang Huifeng!" Zeng Xiaoxian corrected.

"Oh, I don't care if it's Huang Feihong or Huang Huifeng, but since you know how to massage, why don't you give me a massage too? With such a big lump of meat like yours, both me and Xiaoxiong are sore!"

With that said, Tang Youyou lay down on the big bed~, stretching her legs.

Zeng Xiaoxian was also polite, turned on the bed, rode on Tang Youyou's waist, and began to massage her head and neck.

I have to say that Zeng Xiaoxian's massage skills are really top-notch. Although the so-called master part was made up based on his experience of watching love apartments in his previous life, Wing Chun is Huaxia's internal boxing, and Zeng Xiaoxian has developed Ming Jin as a practitioner of Wing Chun. A master who knows the veins and meridians of the human body like the palm of his hand.

With a soft force in his hand, he pressed lightly on Tang Youyou's sun, Baihui, and a few points on the back of his neck, and immediately made the latter hum comfortably, even forgetting that Zeng Xiaoxian was riding on his waist up.

"Teacher Zeng... um... your hand is really good! It's so comfortable!"

Tang Youyou had a look of enjoyment, her eyes closed slightly unconsciously, and she spoke intermittently.

"How about it, are you comfortable? There will be more comfortable ones later! I will help you press for an hour to ensure that your tiredness will be swept away and your face will be radiant!"

Zeng Xiaoxian is like a big bad wolf, seductive and gentle.

Tang Youyou's figure is really great, riding on her waist, you can faintly feel the ting~up of Pigu, and the amazing~elasticity from above, so that Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva.

"Well... you can press it."

After massaging Tang Youyou's head and neck, Zeng Xiaoxian went all the way down.

Shoulders, ribs, waist, fart, big~legs, small~legs.

Every time Zeng Xiaoxian can quickly find the corresponding acupoint ~ Dao, press it lightly, and Tang Youyou will feel comfortable.

"The next step is to massage the soles of the feet. This is the most important thing, but it will also hurt a little, so please bear with it."

"Does it hurt?" Tang Youyou turned around, her face was bright red, and her eyes were a little blurred.

Seeing Tang Youyou's expression, Zeng Xiaoxian was taken aback, thinking, this girl is here to feel it, right?

The acupoints mentioned in Chinese medicine are actually the nerve nodes referred to in Western medicine. Continuous stimulation of these nodes can indeed make people feel the same orgasm as having sex.

But it was right in his arms, how could he give up, he was a little fooled at the moment.

"Um, it's not really painful, it's the feeling of pain and happiness."

"Oh, then press it."

Tang Youyou hesitated for a moment, but seemed reluctant to interrupt this feeling, finally nodded shyly, and quickly buried her head in the pillow, like an ostrich.

Grabbing Tang Youyou's ankle, Zeng Xiaoxian lifted a cute little foot to his eyes.

Tang Youyou's feet are very beautiful, her skin is as white as cream, her toenails are neatly trimmed, and a layer of pink nail polish is evenly applied on them.

Since I just took a bath, there was no peculiar smell on my feet. On the contrary, a faint scent of shower gel curled up and penetrated into my nostrils.

At this moment, Zeng Xiaoxian felt a mischievous little flame stretching out from his abdomen and heading straight to his forehead. He moved his head close to the place where the fragrant toes were, and 347 gently sniffed.

"It smells so good!"

Tang Youyou admires Zeng Xiaoxian's massage level now, and even that feeling makes her a little obsessed, but when lying on the bed and waiting for this feeling to strike again, Zeng Xiaoxian just grabbed her ankle , no other actions.

Waiting a little anxiously, Tang Youyou turned around curiously, but it was Zeng Xiaoxian's blush and heartbeat that caught his eye.

Eyes closed, nose close to toes, with an expression of enjoyment.

"Ah! Teacher Zeng is smelling my feet, it's embarrassing!"

Tang Youyou turned around quickly, pretending nothing happened, but her heartbeat soared from [-] beats per minute to [-] beats per minute, and her face was as red as a ripe apple.

"What should I do? Do you want to stop it? Or pretend you don't know?" Tang Youyou was in a state of confusion, but in the end she buried her head in the pillow, as if nothing had happened, but she was ashamed and happy, "Teacher Zeng Really, to smell a girl's feet and change her mind!".

229. You Are My Woman (Please Subscribe!!)

Zeng Xiaoxian never thought that a woman's feet could be so beautiful, and he was deeply fascinated for a while.

At this moment, the ankle he was holding in his hand suddenly became stiff ~ up.

Zeng Xiaoxian came back to his senses, and saw Tang Youyou buried his head deeply in the pillow in front of him, his muscles all over his body were tense, and he seemed to be still trembling slightly.

"Huh? What's going on? She seems very nervous. Could it be that this chick saw something just now?-"

Zeng Xiaoxian blushed. After all, the matter of smelling the girl's feet seemed a bit abnormal, but since Tang Youyou didn't say anything, of course he wouldn't talk too much, so everyone just keep silent.

"Yuyou, I'm going to start massaging the soles of your feet, please bear with it a little bit." Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"Well, press it, I'm fine!" Tang Youyou's voice came through the pillow.

Zeng Xiaoxian raised Tang Youyou's foot a little bit, bent his index finger slightly, and pressed his knuckles towards the spring point of the foot.

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