Yang Shoucheng was a little disappointed, and said: "Since you have made up your mind, forget it. You helped me Yang Shoucheng just now. I will protect your crew and women. Even if you ask your family to make trouble later, you won't dare Do something excessive to them. As for you, after all, you are not a brother in our gang, and you broke the two legs of the eldest son of the Xiang family. , I don’t have much to do, but the door of my gang is always open to you, and from now on, whenever you want to join us, I welcome it.”

238. Xiaoxian's child? (Fourth update, please subscribe!!)

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head and smiled wryly. This Yang Shoucheng said to give up, but in fact he didn't give up at all. He hoped to use Xiang Jia's hand to force him to his own Sanhe Gang.But for Zeng Xiaoxian, it was enough to have the Sanhe Gang to protect the crew, Tang Youyou, and Xiong Dailin. As for himself, Xiang Huaqiang couldn't help him.

"Then thank you Boss Yang for protecting the crew and my friends." Zeng Xiaoxian clasped his fists.

Yang Shoucheng smiled helplessly and said, "You are so stubborn!"

At this time, the hotel staff came over to announce the opening of the meeting, and it happened that the deal between Zeng Xiaoxian and Yang Shoucheng had been concluded, and everyone was hungry, so they went straight to the meeting.

During the banquet, Yang Shoucheng and Zeng Xiaoxian toasted and exchanged cups, very happy, and the four big men under him were also given this picture by Zeng Xiaoxian, and they all came to toast and apologize.

Five tastes of food, three rounds of wine.

There was a commotion outside the door.

Zeng Xiaoxian, Yang Shoucheng and Ye Weixing looked at each other and nodded slightly, the time to come finally came.


The door was kicked open directly from the outside, and a dozen big men with weapons in their hands came in, lined up, and a middle-aged man with a slicked back came in behind.

Behind his hands, he was full of aura, his pupils like poisonous snakes were full of flames of hatred, suddenly he stopped walking, and looked straight at Yang Shoucheng who was sitting at the dinner table.

"Boss Yang, you are here, why, do you want to start a war with our Bamboo Union Gang today?"

In the end, Yang stood up cheerfully and took a puff of cigarette, "What's the old Xiang talking about? Today is just the end of a friend's movie, and I'm just coming over for a meal. Why, old Xiang you are fighting?"

"Don't you understand my battle?" Xiang Huaqiang obviously knew that Yang Shoucheng was asking the question knowingly, so he seemed a little impatient, "I'm here to kill people today!"

"Oh!" Yang Shoucheng was very scared, but his acting skills can be as exaggerated as possible, he said: "Is Lao Xiang remembering wrongly, here are all my friends, they will never be for no reason Bully, do you know which brother from the Bamboo Union Gang was bullied?"

Xiang Huaqiang almost vomited blood out of anger, which little brother was bullied?What the hell, my son has been bullied, and he knows he still has to ask, is this trying to embarrass me for Huaqiang?

Thinking of this, Xiang Huaqiang winked at the deep two, "You two, go up and overturn this table!"

At this moment, Yang Shoucheng's face darkened, "Why, Xiang Huaqiang, you are such a dick, I, Yang Shoucheng, both your brother and your father had to give me three-point noodles, and now they are no longer, When it's your turn to be in charge, you're going to overturn Lao Tzu's table?"

Hearing that, Xiang Huaqiang was a little at a loss for words. Indeed, although the Zhulian Gang and the Sanhe Gang have been fighting openly and secretly over the years, they still maintain a basic peaceful state on the surface. The two big bosses can greet each other politely. If he really turned the table in front of Sanhe gang leader Yang Shoucheng today, it would mean that the Sanhe gang and the Zhulian gang had publicly torn faces, and the Xiangjiang underworld would inevitably set off bloody storms in the future.

"Boss Yang, you misunderstood. The place here is small. We have to settle a personal grievance here. This is not Boss Yang's territory. As for that kid, I know he just came from the mainland. I don't think he has a deep friendship with Mr. Yang. , so we have to move the table to free up some space for work." He pointed at Zeng Xiaoxian and said.

It has to be said that Xiang Huaqiang still has some ability to make it this far, and under his quick wits, he actually solved the siege.

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Hearing that this guy found out a set of fallacies, Yang Shoucheng laughed and said: "Who said, although I am not familiar with this young man, I am familiar with other people. Director Ye Weixing and I have been friends for many years. "

Then he pointed at Tang Youyou and Xiong Dailin again and said, "No, these two beauties are goddaughters I just recognized, but these two girls seem to be interested in that kid, that is to say, that kid is quite my godfather now Son-in-law, do you think it has nothing to do with me?"

When Tang Youyou and Xiong Dailin heard it, they didn't know that Yang Shoucheng was helping them, so they quickly sang together.


"Godfather, I don't think Xiaoxian will not marry. If he wants to go wrong, I will be a widow for the rest of my life." Tang Youyou is worthy of being an actor. Tears come as soon as they are said. I feel sad and weep.

"Godfather, I already have Xiaoxian's child. It's been three months. Don't you have the heart to watch your god-grandson be born without a father? Uuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Xiong Dailin was even more desperate, even the child Out.

Zeng Xiaoxian was angry and funny watching from the side, the funny thing is that these two girls acted so realistically, even Xiang Huaqiang was taken aback by Hu, his eyes subconsciously looked at Xiong Dailin's belly, obviously he really thought Xiong Dailin is pregnant with Zeng Xiaoxian's seed.

The angry thing is that this old fox, Yang Shoucheng, is really not a cover. Although he made it clear that he would not join the Sanhe Gang, but now he has come up with a trick to save the country.

Even Zeng Xiaoxian applauded the move of accepting his daughter as his son-in-law. He did not ask Zeng Xiaoxian to join the Sanhe Gang, but also helped Zeng Xiaoxian. Xiangjiang's entertainment tabloids, he's about to hit the headlines. .

239. Xiang Huaqiang was deflated ([-]th update today, please subscribe!!)

Although it seems that Zeng Xiaoxian still did not join the Sanhe Gang, the actual effect is no different from joining the Sanhe Gang, because he has such a relationship with Yang Shoucheng, and he will have to help Yang if he asks him for help in the future, otherwise he Zeng Xiaoxian The reputation of this son-in-law is about to stink on the streets.

An old fox is an old fox, not only taking into account the principles and positions of both parties, but also achieving his own goals.

Yang Shoucheng blinked at Zeng Xiaoxian, "God-son-in-law, did you hear that, I already have a god-grandson, oh, for the sake of my god-grandson, let me help you this time?"

When Xiang Huaqiang heard this, his face turned dark, "Boss Yang, what do you mean? Is this trying to make things difficult for me, Xiang Huaqiang?"

Yang Shoucheng laughed, pretending not to know: "Thinking about "[-]", my son-in-law accidentally clashed with the younger brother of your gang, but everyone thinks peace is the most important thing, how about it, I, Yang Shoucheng One million, the medical expenses for that little brother, just expose this matter, what do you think?"

"Are you sending the beggar?" Xiang Huaqiang was about to explode with rage, hey, my son's two legs were treated for a million dollars, I'll go to your uncle!

Yang Shoucheng continued to pretend to be stupid, "I said Lao Xiang, a little brother with a million dollars is a lot to see a doctor, right?"

Xiang Huaqiang's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he stared at Yang Shoucheng with a pair of bull eyes, "Boss Yang, just pretend to be confused, you really don't know who is being bullied by him?"

"I really don't know, why don't I keep telling you?"

"What did I tell you? Wouldn't you ask that kid?" Xiang Huaqiang pointed at Zeng Xiaoxian and shouted angrily.

"Him? Oh, okay, let me ask him." Yang Shoucheng suddenly looked very talkative, and smiled at Zeng Xiaoxian, "Damn son-in-law, tell me which brother of the Zhulian Gang you bullied?" Blinking his eyes at Zeng Xiaoxian, his clothes looked like ghosts.

Of course Zeng Xiaoxian understood what Yang Shoucheng meant, so he wouldn't be foolish enough to speak to Huaqiang.Scratching his head, he looked as if he couldn't remember, "I don't seem to remember clearly, but he looks quite annoying, and at the same time, I didn't bully anyone, he was the one who molested Dai Lin and Yoyo! "

After Zeng Xiaoxian said this, Yangshou immediately climbed up the pole, and saw his face sinking, and he said in a deep voice: "Old Xiang, what's the matter? It's not my son-in-law who bullied your little brother." , but your younger brother bullied my goddaughter first! My goddaughter is pregnant with my god-grandson, if something happens to you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you can afford it? Ah?"

Yang Shoucheng spit and stared, "Originally, I, Yang Shouchang, stuck to our Sanhe Gang and Zhulian Gang, which are brother gangs, and I was willing to take the initiative to make a million dollars to make big things into small things, but now I am not only unwilling to make such a big deal. Wanwan, I also ask you to call out the little brother of your Bamboo Union Gang who dared to molested my goddaughter. According to the rules of the island, how can you not accept a leg from him? Xiang Huaqiang, you will not protect your shortcomings and want to destroy the island Rules, right?"

This time, Xiang Huaqiang is in a bad mood, what's the situation, it seems that Lao Tzu is the one who came to Xingshi to question him, why did he become the one who was Xingshi to question him in a blink of an eye?This is so unscientific!

Before, Yang Shoucheng pretended not to know the specific identity of the person who was beaten by Zeng Xiaoxian. In fact, it was a trick for Xiang Huaqiang. He expected Xiang Huaqiang to be a face-saving person. He would never take the initiative to bring up the matter, and with this as a starting point, he will gradually put Xiang Huaqiang into his cover.

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