Both Chen Meijia and Lin Wanyu cried into disfigured faces, but now they both smiled happily.

Qu Xiaoxiao can also be considered a rich girl, and her family's assets are almost hundreds of millions. Just now I heard that Lin Wanyu is also a rich daughter, she immediately became curious, and she came up to chat up: "Sister Wanyu, you are also a rich daughter, then you How could you be in the love apartment? Didn't your father buy you a house?"

Andy has a lot of knowledge in the business world. He heard that Lin Wanyu is the daughter of a rich family, and her surname is Lin. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "As far as I know, there is a Lin's Bank in Huaxia, the famous 270. You can't be the Lin's Bank." Your daughter, right?"

Regarding this, Lin Wanyu felt that there was no need to hide it from everyone, so she nodded and said: "Yes, my father is indeed the chairman of Lin's Bank, but he wants me to marry the son of an oil tycoon in the United Arab Emirates, so I will Run away from marriage."

"Escaping from marriage!" Qu Xiaoxiao was really shocked. She never thought that Lin Wanyu, who seemed weak, could do such a strong thing. Marriage escaping was something that Qu Xiaoxiao had to think about if he wanted to do it.

But then she became interested in Lin Wanyu's family background again, "Lin's Bank? Is this bank big? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Andy smiled and said, "You've never heard of it, because the main business of this bank is concentrated in Europe and the United States, and its assets are about [-] billion Huaxia coins. Do you think it's big?"

Qu Xiaoxiao covered her small~ mouth, she couldn't speak well (bgfd), "Big...big...big!"

This iPartment is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are so many powerful characters, compared with Lin Wanyu's family's property, the things in my own family are simply beggars.

"Hey, have you discussed it with your family? If you finish your second year, you should hurry up and leave? The swimming pool is already set up!"

At some point, Lu Ziqiao had acquired a swimsuit, the one with a submersible, and shouted from a distance.

Seeing Lu Ziqiao's fancy dress, the girls were amused. Tang Youyou joked: "Nephew, we are having a pool party, not salvaging a sunken ship. Do you need to bring a periscope and diving equipment?"

"You don't understand, do you? This pool party has dual attributes, and his other attribute is masquerade, so everyone's time-traveling~ sense is better, and the more peculiar, the better!"

At this time, Lu Zhanbo and Guan Gu miraculously changed into their swimsuits and ran over. Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian and the others hadn't changed into their swimsuits, they hurriedly urged, "Xiaoxian, why haven't you and your girlfriends changed into your swimsuits yet?" , the pool party is about to begin, Zi Qiao has found many beauties and hot girls somewhere, we have to leave quickly!"

After speaking, the two of them and Lu Ziqiao ran away happily.

Zeng Xiaoxian and the girls also went back to choose swimsuits one after another, and after a while everyone was fully prepared.

set off!

The swimming pool is a newly opened swimming pool in the community. It's not considered luxurious, but it's really fun to be dressed up by a party company that Lu Ziqiao didn't know where to find.

There are many kinds of colored lights hanging around, and colorful and strange patterns are sprayed around the pool, which is very post-modern graffiti style.

At this time, the swimming pool was already full of beauties in a dilemma, and everyone was crazily high inside. Lu Ziqiao and Lu Zhanbo, Guan Gu, Miraculous Nobody were surrounded by a few beauties, making them fascinated.

Zeng Xiaoxian was followed by several stunning beauties, who caused a commotion as soon as he arrived at the swimming pool, the pool was full of cheers and whistles.

Lu Ziqiao's eyes went straight when he saw these extremely beautiful beauties, and shouted in the swimming pool: "Mr. Zeng, come with yours, come in, hi, what are you waiting for?"

Drinks are available.

The music is strong~ burst!

All stimulated the hormones in the bodies of these young men and women, until three o'clock in the morning, this grand pool party was not over, and at this time Lu Ziqiao, Lu Zhanbo and Guan Gu Miraculously were dragged along by several beauties. know where to go.

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the girls meaningfully, "Tonight we..."

After a night of getting to know each other, Hu Yifei and Andy have faintly become the core of the women. At this time, they hugged their chests with their hands, looked at each other, and both smiled.

"Xiaoxian, we have already booked the hotel, the luxurious presidential suite, let's go now!"

"So many of you want to be together?" Zeng Xiaoxian pointed in disbelief at the girls around him who looked at him with smirks.

"What? Are you afraid?"

"Afraid? In Zeng Xiaoxian's dictionary, there is no such word as fear!"

"Okay, let's go!"


The next morning.


Hu Yifei opened the thick curtains, and the warm sunlight shone into the room.

Zeng Xiaoxian opened his eyes feebly, and glanced at the beautiful women beside him, wanting to cry but not tears.

"Yifei, my back hurts!".

245. "Flastic" (Subscribe!!)

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's painful face, Hu Yifei glanced around the window, and then rolled his big eyes.


Zeng Xiaoxian smiled awkwardly, "Looks like having too many women is really a fatal thing, if only you could give me an indestructible kidney!"

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly thought that he seems to have a very powerful system, maybe it has a way.

"Mr. System, are you there?"

"Here, what is the host's order?"

"I want to ask if there is any way to make people's kidneys stronger?"

"Well...of course there is!"

"Why don't you say it soon?" Zeng Xiaoxian said angrily, the system seemed to be trying to whet his appetite.

"Report to the host, the "May [-] Office" found that there is a Jade Heart Sutra in the Xiyong Mall, which was taught to the emperor by the Nuwa Empress back then. If you practice to the highest level, you can control hundreds of girls at night!"

It is said that Zeng Xiaoxian is about to piss off, damn, this thing is so bull-nosed, it can actually control a hundred girls every night, isn't it okay to be a groom every night?

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