The person before was suddenly at a loss for words, "Really!"

Now he can't even handle the tigress in his own family and Xiaomi in front of him. If he adds a few more, and they are so beautiful, he probably won't even be able to save his life.

After dinner, when he returned to his residence, Zeng Xiaoxian fell asleep. He was really tired today. He wrote a song and a script. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he played Or the role of a big milk cow, who was squeezed out of several cups of milk by the girls, this is the essence.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Zeng Xiaoxian got out of bed and went to the restaurant.

"Today's breakfast is very rich!" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the delicious breakfast on the table, and wondered, did they cook this breakfast?

Andy and Hu Yifei pushed a bowl of egg fried rice and two pieces of toast to Zeng Xiaoxian respectively, "Try the breakfast we made today?"

Zeng Xiaoxian took a bite of egg fried rice, "Well, the oil is just right, the salt is just right, the rice grains and eggs are sticking to each other, this egg fried rice is pretty good, and Yifei's craftsmanship has improved a lot!"

He took another bite of toast, "Well, Andy's toast is also very good, the butter is spread evenly, and the heat is well controlled."

Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian praised Hu Yifei and Andy, other people also pushed over the things they made for Zeng Xiaoxian to taste. Zeng Xiaoxian tasted them one by one patiently, and then gave good comments with a smile. All the girls were praised elated.

"Xiaoxian, for your praise, our sisters are going to give you a big reward!"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the girls who were all wearing tulle pajamas with fear on his face, quickly stuffed a few pieces of bread into his mouth, and ran away.

Nima is dressed like this, what is the so-called reward, I can think of it with my knees! .

249. Director Wang's Favors (First Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Fragrant coffee shop.

When Zeng Xiaoxian arrived, it happened that Wang Bing had just arrived. When the two met, there was no handshake or greeting on the scene. They just looked at each other and smiled, and walked in together.

Server ~ The waiter brought up two cups of latte with sugar, Zeng Xiaoxian went straight to the point, took out a copy of the script from his bag~ and handed it to Wang Bing.

In the end, Wang Bing turned it over and took a look, and in just half a minute he raised his head, "Xiaoxian, I knew that the things you brought out were all good, although I just read the beginning, but you The choice of perspective is very good!"

He took a sip of coffee and continued: "In today's society, everyone must emphasize that friends and wives should not be bullied. This is morally correct, but it is false in human nature, because human nature is complicated and selfish, and love is One aspect of humanity, which indicates that he will be deeply branded with humanity."

"You just fell in love with your good brother's girlfriend at the beginning. This perspective is very unique and very novel, but..." Wang Bing paused slightly when he said this.

Zeng Xiaoxian knew that what Wang Bing said next was the key point, so he waited silently for him to continue. Sure enough, Wang Bing rubbed his words a little, and then said: "From the beginning, this is a very good script, but in the country For the TV Administration, this kind of theme is a cross-cutting theme, and it is easy to be shot."

In fact, he has already considered this point, so in the plot design, he first designed that the hero has feelings for the heroine, but because of the brotherhood, he never showed it, and then by chance, he saw the heroine's boyfriend and other women Playing ambiguously, he rushed up and beat him up, and then the brothers began to seem to be at odds with each other.But Biaozi saw the hero's admiration for his girlfriend, so he took advantage of this to ruin the hero's reputation, but in the end, after some twists and turns, the hero not only kept his reputation, but also got Biaozi's girlfriend At this time, Biaozi had already cheated, and the heroine had officially broken up with him, and they were happily together with the hero afterwards.

Seeing Director Wang Bing bring up this point, Zeng Xiaoxian smiled slightly and said, "Brother Wang, I have also considered this point, so I have successfully avoided this problem in the follow-up plot."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Wang Bing was surprised. After all, Zeng Xiaoxian was writing a TV drama script for the first time. He didn't expect to think so comprehensively, which was not inferior to him, an old Jianghu!

Thinking of this, he laughed, "Brother, I'm being rude, relying on the old to sell the old, and started to make comments before reading the script. Brother, I will punish myself with a cup of coffee." He picked up the cup of coffee on the table and drank it down.

Zeng Xiaoxian was amused, Wang Bing usually looks very serious, but he still looks decent when he makes a little humor from time to time, he said: "Brother Wang, you are serious, it's okay."

After chatting with Zeng Xiaoxian for a few words, Wang Bing continued to look down at the script. This time he read it more carefully, nodding and smiling during the process. It was not until half an hour later that he basically finished a script.

Wang Bing stared fixedly at Zeng Xiaoxian, with admiration and confusion in his eyes. What he admired was that such a young man could do everything to the best of his ability, which made even the old people in the industry have to admire.What confuses him is that he is still so young, how can he get so much time and energy, you must know that it takes a person to spend half a lifetime studying and polishing any one of these things.

Seeing Wang Bing's eyes like this, Zeng Xiaoxian felt a bit wary, Brother Wang's eyes were a little...

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????

"Brother Wang, I like women."

"Ah?" Hearing this, Wang Bing was taken aback for a moment, but then he came to his senses and scolded with a smile: "You bastard, what are you thinking in your head? Brother Wang, I also like women, so I won't fall in love with you, brother!"

The atmosphere became lighter.

The two chatted for a while again, and Wang Bing said: "I am very optimistic about this script, and I am very much looking forward to working with you, brother!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said: "Thank you, Brother Wang, but I still have one condition."

"You say, as long as I can satisfy, I will try my best!" Wang Bing was very straightforward.


Zeng Xiaoxian said: "I remember that Brother Wang has a young female artist named Ouyang Nana, can she be the female number one in this TV series?"

As soon as Wang Bing heard this, the expression on his face brightened, "No wonder you said you like women just now, brother, so the reason why you made a big circle was to find a girl?"

Zeng Xiaoxian blushed, and what Wang Bing said was basically correct, he was indeed mainly for Ouyang Nana this time, so he climbed up the pole, "Hey, my fair lady is so good! Do you know if Brother Wang can be convenient and convenient?"

Wang Bing laughed a few times, "I've always been known for being strict in the entertainment industry. If someone else appoints me the heroine of a drama, even if he's a billionaire, I won't sell it. , but you are different, brother! You are a talented genius, and geniuses cherish their own feathers. You will not watch the script you worked so hard to be tarnished, so you choose Ouyang Nana, I believe you really think She is suitable for the heroine of this show, so I will sell you this old man!".

250, The beauty of fate (first update, please subscribe!!)

After deciding with Zeng Xiaoxian that the heroine of this drama is Ouyang Nana, Wang Bing took out his mobile phone and dialed Ouyang Nana's number.

"Hello, is that that? I'm Wang Bing. We're at Xiangnong Cafe. If you're free, come over here. I'll talk to you about anything."

Ouyang Nana has been in the school library for the past few days. Ever since she failed to interview the second female lead in Wang Bing's new play last time, she has realized that her acting skills are still not enough and she needs to make up for it.

No, Ouyang Nana, who has already entered the internship period, moved back when other students started to move out of the dormitory to experience the new world outside.

During the day, she went to the library to read the great theoretical work "Three Two Three", and at night she came back to watch the best TV dramas in recent years.

After this period of hard work, she felt that if she appeared in the play directed by Wang Bing again, she would be able to handle it well and would not be dismissed again, but many times in life, there is only one chance, although Director Wang Bing told her, She is talented, if the acting skills can be more proficient, then his next new play will give him a role, but this is probably just a polite word, and he doesn't dare to have much hope.

However, at this time, suddenly, Zeng Xiaoxian flashed in her mind. It was because of his love of life that she met director Wang Bing by chance and later became the second female lead. Interview.

"Speaking of which, I still owe him a favor. I wonder how he is doing now?"

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