256. Sending Songs (First Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian stood up, and shook hands with several people one by one with a smile on his face, "Welcome to the few who come, and the few who are lucky to come later."

Naying is about [-] years old and shows her head. She is not very beautiful, but she is considered to be above average. The most important thing is her short hair that reaches the ears, coupled with her straightforward personality, it gives people a heroic and valiant feeling. Make people feel good.

She said: "Xiaoxian, we all came to this class because of the reputation, each of your three songs is a classic, we couldn't help but want to see what the real person looks like, we didn't expect to be so handsome! "

Haiquan and Yufan also came up, they were not a few years older than Zeng Xiaoxian, relatively speaking, they were more enthusiastic.

Haiquan smiled and said, "Xiaoxian, Yufan and I are going to form a team, do you want to be together?"

Yu Fan also said: "Xiaoxian, join us, and you will be our boss from now on."

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said: "Haiquan, Yufan, you are too polite, I am younger than you, even if I join, I can't be the boss."

"Men don't care about their age, the ones who are the best come first!" The two said cheerfully. 470

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly thought of the earth in his previous life. The combination of these two people - Yuquan, was popular all over the country, but now it seems that they haven't had time to combine components.

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian said, "Are you planning to form a group?"

"That's right!" Haiquan and Yufan nodded and said, "We've been mixing together for a while, but we haven't made a name for ourselves, so we're going to try a combination, maybe it will be popular!"

"Then have you decided on the name of your group?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked again.

Hearing this, Haiquan and Yufan were stunned. They decided to form a group just a few days ago. As for the name, they haven't had time to think about it yet.

The two shook their heads.

"I think it's just right for the two of you to form a group, adding me would be redundant, but although I won't join, I can give you a group name and a song." Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

Hearing this, Haiquan and Yufan immediately beamed with joy. The name is a trivial matter, but Zeng Xiaoxian's song is not light. He has released three songs so far, each of which is a classic, so the two heard that Zeng Xiaoxian was going to give it to him. When they sang a song, they were immediately overwhelmed with excitement.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Zeng Xiaoxian didn't hold back, and said: "The song I gave you is called "Cold to the End", but now I only think of the song title, the lyrics and the tune, let me think about it."

The two nodded quickly, and Haiquan said again: "Xiaoxian, what are you talking about the name of our group?"

Zeng Xiaoxian said: "Look at the names of each of you, Haiquan and Yufan, if each of you takes out a word in your name to make a new word, wouldn't it be the name of your group?"

"Hai Yu?"

"Quan Fan?"

Haiquan and Yufan scratched their heads, each said a name, but this name sounds so awkward, it seems that it is not a good name.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Zeng Xiaoxian smiled helplessly, "You guys, can't you be flexible? Take out a word 'Yu' from Yufan's name, and a '(bgbi) from Haiquan's name. Spring' words, pieced together."


Wang Lei, who was next to him, murmured the words twice, and then his eyes lit up, "This name is good, it seems to have no meaning, but after a closer look, it feels far away. I think you can use this name."

Haiquan and Yufan also recited it silently a few times, with joyful expressions on their faces, the name sounds unique and cool.

"As expected of someone who is engaged in literature, the names are so awesome!"

Haiquan gave Zeng Xiaoxian a thumbs up.

"Hey, Xiaoxian, we are all here to help, you want a bowl of water to be flat!" Finally, Ren Xianqi quit, "Xiaoxian, as soon as you came up, you helped Haiquan and Yufan to name them again. The one who gave the song, shouldn't he also give one to me and Sister Na?"

Speaking of this, Ren Xianqi winked at Naying for a while, the latter understood, and of course he would not miss this opportunity, "Yes, Xiaoxian, my new album still lacks a title song, this task is entrusted to you!"

Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head and smiled wryly, it seemed that he was regarded as a big family this time, and everyone would not give up until they got some money from themselves.

"Okay, no problem, I will also give you a song for Sister Na and Xianqi." He pondered for a moment and said, "Well, the song for Sister Na is called "Conquer", and the song for Xianqi Is it called "The Heart Is Too Soft"?"


"Too soft-hearted?"

Naying and Ren Xianqi looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

"I said, Xiaoxian, did you send the wrong song? This "Conquer" sounds very domineering, isn't it a man's song? My song "The Heart Is Too Soft" looks very feminine from the title. "

Naying also nodded quickly, obviously agreeing with Ren Xianqi's point of view.However, Zeng Xiaoxian smiled mysteriously, "No mistake, you will know after I finish writing the song."

Although Naying and Ren Xianqi felt like a cat's claw in their hearts, they had no choice but to wait for Zeng Xiaoxian to write the song before reading it. .

257. A Coincidental Encounter with Weiwei (Second Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Everyone chatted for a while in the living room, Wang Jun waved his hand and took everyone to his house for lunch.

After dinner, Zeng Xiaoxian and Chen Yixun went to Huayi's recording studio to record, while Na Ying, Yu Quan, and Ren Xianqi also went to busy with their own affairs.

Three days have passed in the blink of an eye in the imperial capital~.

During these three days, the two of them thoroughly determined the accompaniment of the song "Flastic" in the recording studio.

Chen Yixun was very satisfied with the current accompaniment, and cheered happily: "Xiaoxian, in order to celebrate the successful completion of the accompaniment of the song "Flastic", I decided to invite you_..."

"You want to invite me to dinner?"

"No, I invite you to play games!"

Seeing Chen Yixun's serious face, Zeng Xiaoxian was amused, "I didn't expect you to be a game fan, what kind of games do you play?"

Zeng Xiaoxian is also very good at playing games. I think the scene of fighting Miss back then is still in front of me, but at that time the two made an appointment to come out and chat together when they had time, and they have been busy until now, so it didn't happen.

"I'm playing A Chinese Ghost Story, and my server~is also Imperial Capital Fengyun. Most of the players in it are from Imperial Capital. Maybe I can meet my friends in the game this time!"

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