"Won't I find them, they're all dead?"

At this time, not far away, Wang Zunan shouted, "They have so many weapons, we have no weapons!"

It turned out that the blue team and the red team met at a crossroads.

Hearing one by one, he ran over quickly, "I'm here to deliver water guns to you!"

As he spoke, he threw a handful to Haiquan, and another to Wang Zunan.

After receiving the pistol, Wang Zunan looked at it and was stunned, "Yi Yi, why did you give me a lighter? It's still such a big one!"

"Oh, this is a water gun, but it's just unique in shape!"

Wang Zunan's mouth was big, "It turns out that those strangely shaped gadgets are all water guns, so I missed a lot, no wonder I couldn't find a water gun!"

Here, Zheng Kai and Deng Chao each hold a submachine gun, while Haiquan and Wang Zunan only have a water gun.

But now that one by one came, her super giant angry bird water gun immediately suppressed the firepower of Deng Chao and Zheng Kai.

Hit hit.


Wang Zunan asked, "My friends, what are we doing?"

"Nonsense, of course it's a water fight!"

"However, our task is to find! Effective water guns and then start a water fight? Our current water guns do not change color, and they are all invalid water guns!" "

"Uh... let's go, let's go!"


Beside a wall, Wang Baoqiang poked his head out to look around, and saw that no one was there, so he turned over immediately, and his photographer followed suit.


I didn't step on it all of a sudden, and fell on all fours.

Getting up from the ground, the photographer felt a pain in his heart. Nima Baoqiang knows that you are in good health. If you don’t need to remember, you can climb over the wall. We are still carrying the camera, okay?

The baby and Zeng Xiaoxian were fighting with water all the way, when they suddenly heard movement from Wang Baoqiang's side, the two came over on tiptoe, and saw Wang Baoqiang preparing to knock down another low wall.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The baby ran over, yelling at the name tag on Wang Baoqiang's back.

Wang Baoqiang almost peed in fear, turned around quickly, leaned his body against the wall, held a water gun in one hand, and pointed at the baby and Zeng Xiaoxian respectively.

Zeng Xiaoxian intentionally frightened Wang Baoqiang: "Hey, Baoqiang, my gun is an effective water gun!"

"I don't believe it!" Although Wang Baoqiang said he didn't believe it, the expression on his face was tense.

While hiding, Wang Baoqiang quietly stepped his legs on the wall.

Choo Choo Choo!

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly launched an attack and violently irritated Wang Baoqiang.

Wang Baoqiang thought it was really an effective water gun, so he got nervous and turned over.

Now, the photographer who fell just now felt relieved.

Hey, Baoqiang, you have today too!


After teasing Wang Baoqiang, the baby and Zeng Xiaoxian immediately ran away. On a chicken coop, Zeng Xiaoxian found a strange water gun.

"Huh? Baby, this water gun might be real!"

"how do you know?"

Zeng Xiaoxian put his nose on the water gun and sniffed it, "Because I smell the water in this water gun is different from the previous ones."

Hearing this, the baby stretched out her hand, asked Zeng Xiaoxian to spray some on her palm, then put it under her nose and smelled it. Sure enough, the water in the gun had a faint smell of alcohol.

The baby found a blank cloth, "Come on, Xiaoxian, spray it on it for an interview."

After Zeng Xiaoxian sprayed it, the white cloth gradually turned red.

"Oye, we found a working water gun!"

Next, Zeng Xiaoxian gave the effective water gun to the baby, and the two began to look for the red team, and now it is time to start eliminating the red team.

At the same time, Wang Zunan and Haiquan also searched for this effective water gun all the way. Suddenly Wang Zunan found a water gun in a strange condition. After trying it out, it turned out to be an invalid water gun.

Wang Baoqiang casually threw the water gun over to the wall. Baby and Zeng Xiaoxian were here, and saw a water gun being thrown over. Baby laughed and said, "Wang Zunan must be on the other side of the wall!"

"how do you know?"

"Because he's the only one who throws water guns!"

The two quickly ran forward, and ten seconds later, they saw Wang Zunan and Haiquan.

Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian was holding huge water guns, Wang Zunan said cheerfully, "Xiao Xian, you can't fool me. You have all invalid water guns in your hands, so you can only pretend to hold them!"

(Li Lizhao) The baby smiled and said, "Then see if the water gun in my hand is an effective water gun?"

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