——A few tears have fallen

— tick tock tick tock tick tock

——Who do you talk to in a lonely night

— tick tock tick tock tick tock

——Who will wipe the sad tears


Zeng Xiaoxian's pure and slightly melancholy and sad tune floated slowly in the private room.Liu Bing and Ouyang Nana were completely fascinated when they heard it. .

279. Special beer (2/3, please subscribe!!)

After Zeng Xiaoxian sang the song, he said with a smile, "Brother Liu, what do you think of this folk song? Does it match the Northern Love Story?"

After hearing Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Liu Bin finally came to his senses, he slapped the table, laughed loudly and said, "Sure enough, it's another classic, bro, I, Liu Bin, have been in the entertainment industry for quite a while, and I've seen quite a few talented singers. But to be honest, these people will be far behind you, brother!"

Zeng Xiaoxian waved his hand, "Brother Liu is too much for the prize."

Ouyang Nana was still immersed in the atmosphere of the music at this time, she stared at Zeng Xiaoxian with rapt eyes.In the eyes, the tender affection is like a little "[-]" wife who loves her husband deeply is looking at her husband.

Seeing this, Liu Bing smiled and said: "Xiao Xian, your charm has been destroyed, and our Nana has been completely conquered by your song!"

Only then did Ouyang realize that there were two red clouds on his face, and he said coquettishly, "Oh, Director Liu, how could anyone have it? I just remembered my school years."

Although he quibbled on his lips, his eyes were full of panic, he didn't dare to look at Zeng Xiaoxian, and he picked up the orange juice in front of him and drank it to cover up the panic in his heart.

Folk songs are actually born out of campus folk songs, and many elements in them are inextricably linked with the campus, such as parting, such as secret love, for young people like Ou Yangna who have just left campus, the lethality is undoubtedly Even bigger.

Regarding this, Zeng Xiaoxian didn't make fun of Ouyang Nana, he picked up a piece of sweet and sour carp and sent it to Ouyang Nana's bowl.

Several people finished their meal, and after Zeng Xiaoxian paid the bill, Liu Bing returned to the studio early because there were still a lot of things to do in the studio, leaving only Zeng Xiaoxian and Ouyang Nana.

Just now, with Liu Bing present, there was no difference between Zeng Xiaoxian and Ou Yang Nana, but now that Liu Bing left, there were only two of them left, and the atmosphere between each other gradually became more subtle.

The blush on Ouyang's face had not completely faded, she stood on the steps with her head down, like a well-behaved little girl.

Seeing this, Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "Well, where are you going next? Shall I see you off?"

A thought was spinning in Ouyang Nana's mind. Hearing this, she smiled sweetly and said, "Xiaoxian, what's next for you? If not, can you check the script with me? After all, we play couples in Northern Love Story." Well, I haven't checked the script with you until now, I'm not sure about some of the details above, and I'm worried that the performance will fail."

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Okay, then let's find a place to correct the script."

"Okay, okay!" Ouyang Nana nodded quickly, "Why don't you go to where I live, I rented an apartment near here."

"Okay." Zeng Xiaoxian agreed casually without thinking too much.

The apartment Ouyang Nana rents is called Blue Ocean International, which is near the Golden Dragon Hotel, about [-] meters away.

Ouyang Nana rented a 1 bedroom and 1 living room, about [-] square meters. Everything in the room was carefully arranged by her. The main color is pink, plus some weird dolls, which make people feel at first sight. There is a warm and lovely feeling.

In the room, there was a faint fragrance. I don't know if it was the fragrance she had smoked with or her own body fragrance. "

After introducing Zeng Xiaoxian into the room, Ouyang said with a smile, "You sit down first, and I'll pour you something to drink."

As she spoke, she ran to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

Inside, there are all kinds of drinks, milk~milk, mineral water, cola, but she looked around, and glanced at Zeng Xiaoxian who was sitting in the living room with a flustered look. Seeing that he didn't look over here, she quickly chose a bottle of beer.  …

She took out two glasses, poured some monosodium glutamate into them first, and then poured the beer in.

In the living room, Zeng Xiaoxian was looking at Ouyang Nana's room curiously, when Ouyang Nana came over with two glasses of beer smiling.

When Zeng Xiaoxian saw it, he was a little surprised and said, "Well, do you like beer very much?"

Being asked this question, Ouyang Nana felt a little guilty, his eyes flickered and said: "I, I only have beer in my refrigerator."

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian smiled helplessly, thinking, Ouyang Nana looks like a very quiet girl, but in fact she might be a bit careless, everything in the refrigerator is gone, and she hasn't noticed it yet.

When he was in the hotel just now, he and Liu Bin were mainly talking about things, but they didn't drink much wine. Now it's okay to drink a little beer. He took the beer in Ouyang Nana's hand, took a sip, and frowned unconsciously Starting from 1.7, "This glass of beer seems to have a strange smell?"

At this time, Ouyang Nana was very nervous. Hearing this, he quickly explained: "Well, this beer is specially made, and the taste may be a bit strange. However, it is not easy to get drunk after drinking!"

As she said that, she also took a sip of the beer in her hand, but her brows furrowed unconsciously. She didn't expect that some monosodium glutamate was added to the beer, which made it taste so bad.

However, I heard that the beer prepared in this way has a certain stimulating effect on the hormones in the human body. In order to carry out the small abacus in my heart smoothly, I can't take care of so much. .

280. Terrible to the script (3/3, please subscribe!!)

Ouyang took the beer and came to Zeng Xiaoxian, "Xiaoxian, this is the first time you come to my place, let's have a drink?"

Zeng Xiaoxian did not doubt that he was there, picked up the beer, and was about to drink it, when Ouyang Nana suddenly said: "Xiaoxian, boys and girls should be bold when drinking. Let me take a sip, how about you?"


Zeng Xiaoxian was taken aback when he heard that, "Well, what's the matter with you? Didn't you say that you want to correct the script? Why did you send me wine?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was really puzzled. At the Golden Dragon Hotel just now, he and Liu Bing ordered a bottle of Wuliangye, but Ouyang drank orange juice, and she was very quiet during the whole process, and did not tease the two of them. The meaning of drinking.

But why are you so enthusiastic about persuading yourself to drink now?

"Was Director Liu there just now? Seeing the director, he would inevitably be nervous, so of course he didn't dare to talk too much. Now, it's just the two of us, and we're going to review the script later. I'm afraid I'm nervous, so Do you have to drink some wine to strengthen your courage?"

In desperation, Ouyang Nana found a very lame reason.

Zeng Xiaoxian listened happily, "Why are you so nervous, I'm not a tiger."

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