The hands are opened.

Zeng Xiaoxian beat him.

Chen Yixun looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with an aggrieved face, but he didn't dare to say anything. If this guy really cut his salary by [-]%, then he wouldn't even have a place to cry.

Ouyang Nana blushed pretty, and gave Zeng Xiaoxian a coquettish look, but her heart was as sweet as eating honey.

They chatted for a while, and Naying, Haiquan, Yufan, and Ren Xianqi also arrived. They were all participating in an event in Beijing, and after they finished, they took the same plane over.

"Wow, Xiaoxian, you're handsome again!" Naying grabbed Zeng Xiaoxian with a big bear hug.

This is an authentic Northeast girl who once threatened that if she was a few years younger, she would definitely pursue Zeng Xiaoxian.

For Naying, Zeng Xiaoxian also has a good impression of her, of course she would not hesitate to give her a hug, the two of them hugged each other firmly, just like sisters.

After the other men hugged Zeng Xiaoxian, Bianjiang focused on Ouyang Nana.

"Wow, Xiaoxian, your girlfriend is so beautiful!" Haiquan and Yufan were indeed a team, they spoke in unison.

And Ren Xianqi looked Ouyang Nana up and down, and praised in his bloody Hong Kong and Taiwan accent: "Xiaoxian, I think your girlfriend is a superstar fan, and she (bgea) should be allowed to sing in the entertainment industry." Or acting in a movie, definitely has a future!"

"Xian Qi, you have a good vision, but that has already started to act in a TV series, and she is the female lead, and it will be aired soon, so everyone should cheer for it!" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

Ren Xianqi was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words: "Really, Xiaoxian, so she is an actress! That's just right, I have a movie called "Tokyo Raiders", which will start shooting in the second half of this year, and now there is still a shortage of a heroine. , Let your girlfriend try it?"

"Tokyo Raiders?" Zeng Xiaoxian tilted his head and thought for a while, as if there was this movie on Earth in his previous life, and asked, "Have you confirmed the actor of this movie?"

"I'm sure, it's me!" Ren Xianqi pointed a finger at his nose with an exaggerated expression.


Zeng Xiaoxian let out a lion's roar, and spit on Ren Xianqi's face.

Everyone laughed and laughed at Ren Xianqi.

"Haha, let Xianqi tell you this, if you want Xiaoxian's girlfriend to play the heroine, then you have to let Xiaoxian play the leading role!"

Ren Xianqi also understood, with a heartbroken expression on his face, "Xiaoxian, you, you, you, you wife-protecting madman, I just want to act in a movie!"

After arguing for a while, Zeng Xiaoxian recommended to both parties.

In the eyes of everyone, Ouyang Nana is Zeng Xiaoxian's girlfriend, and she is a sensible beauty. She immediately gained everyone's favor and became friends very quickly, especially with Naying. The two had already started discussing constellations and so on.The grown-up men who got here were bewildered.

"Constellation? What the hell? I don't understand at all!"

Chen Yixun and a few people are in the same industry, and it is inevitable to talk about music when they get together. Although they are not famous enough compared to the other people for the time being, they have their own unique insights into music.

When friends met, time passed quickly, and they were led to the big hotel that Huang Xiaohua had booked. After a short rest, they went to a seafood restaurant to clean up the dust for several people. .

294. Conquered by "Conquest" (Sixth update, please subscribe!!)

As Zeng Xiaoxian's manager, Huang Xiaohua was naturally going to attend.

She is considered an old man of Huayi, she already knew Naying, Haiquan, and Yufan, but she was relatively new to Chen Yixun and Ouyang Nana.

However, Huang Xiaohua is very good at chatting, and after just one meal, he and the two got closer and became good friends.

Seeing this, Zeng Xiaoxian became more determined to poach Huang Xiaohua over.

After drinking and eating, everyone went to rest. Early the next morning, they came to the recording studio. Wang Ou and others were so excited to see so many people in the music industry at once. They quickly took out paper and pens, person's signature.

Naying and the others are not people who reject people thousands of miles away, and they know that the musicians in this recording studio will be Zeng Xiaoxian's music team in the future, and they will also be behind-the-scenes workers for their upcoming concert tour.

They were all very straightforward. With a swipe of a pen, they signed their names and wrote some words of blessing by the way.

Chen Yixun's reputation has not yet risen. He thought that no one would ask him to sign his name. To his surprise, several people had heard of his brother and thought it was very good. When they learned that he was the deity, they immediately became enthusiastic. Handed paper and pen.

Chen Yixun was so excited that he didn't want to. He rarely encountered such a scene. He took the pen and paper and began to write on the paper.Other people's signatures are symbolic writing of a few words, but he is so good, it is almost enough to add up to [-] words for a middle school student's composition.

Zeng Xiaoxian also felt a little strange at first, but after thinking about it, he understood that although Chen Yixun is still not well-known in the eyes of the public, his songs are really good, and his singing skills are also unique, but he lacks a good show It's just a chance.

But the people who can work in this recording studio are not ordinary people, they are all professional audiences who have a passion for music.Xiang Chen Yixun, a singer who is not popular but very good in his own right, will of course be well known to them.

After these little fans finished chasing stars, Zeng Xiaoxian took out a stack of manuscript papers, on which were the songs they were going to practice today.

Na Young's is "Conquer".

Yu Fan and Hai Quan are "Cold to the End".

Ren Xianqi's "The Heart Is Too Soft".

Chen Yixun's is "Exaggerated".

Zeng Xiaoxian is "Little Apple".

A chubby young man named Liu Hai, who is the head of the recording studio, took Zeng Xiaoxian's manuscripts and flipped through them one by one.

"Cold to the end? Conquer? Too soft-hearted? Little Apple?" Liu Hai stared blankly at Zeng Xiaoxian after watching it, and thought, "Brother, are these all new songs?"

Liu Hai was really shocked. There are so many new songs in one concert, which is too awesome.

In the pop music circle, there has been a tacit agreement in recent years. When a singer holds a concert, most of them will be old songs, and only the finale will sing new songs.To put it bluntly, it’s not a tacit understanding. In fact, it’s so easy to write a new song. Many singers hire a team to write songs, but it’s amazing to release a decent new song in two years. So if they want to sing a few more new songs at a concert, even if they want to, the actual situation does not allow it.

Therefore, the concerts in recent years have deviated from the essence of music, and instead worked hard on the appearance of the singer's dress, makeup, and lighting at the concert.

Therefore, the concerts in recent years can be said to be more wonderful than the last, but when it comes to good songs, there are really not many songs.

Well now, Zeng Xiaoxian is going to release four new songs for this concert. It is estimated that when the concert starts, it will be equivalent to throwing a depth bomb. The entire pop music industry does not know how many glasses will be dropped!

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