"Anyway, it doesn't count." Deng Chao gritted his teeth with that expression on his face that you came to bite me.

"Director, aren't you playing with me?" Deng Chao argued, the traces of acting were too exaggerated.

"Why are you playing with you? What fun do you have?" As soon as Lu Hao said this, Deng Chao subconsciously crossed his hands and hugged his shoulders, "What are you doing?"

The onlookers and everyone in the program group were already laughing.


Zeng Xiaoxian was teleported to a wax museum, where all kinds of wax figures were fake. At this time, there were still many tourists in the wax museum. When she saw Zeng Xiaoxian, a girl recognized him first.

"Ahhh, male god?" The girl was about to go crazy, and hurried over to act coquettishly and beg for a group photo. Zeng Xiaoxian agreed one by one, but then hundreds of people rushed in from outside the door. Where did I get the news.

"Haha, caught a male god!"

"Ah, male god, please take a photo with me and take it away!"

433 "Wow, what a god, he's still alive!"


The fans' madness far exceeded Zeng Xiaoxian's expectations, and there were more and more of them. They were all asking for a group photo or an autograph, and some of them wanted to send a kiss when they came up. Fortunately, Zeng Xiaoxian was tall, so he stood there one by one. Qingtian.

"Not enough, haha, not enough!"

But with more and more fans, Zeng Xiaoxian panicked. If this continues, he will be overwhelmed by fans!

The photographers also panicked, they couldn't take photos of Zeng Xiaoxian now, and they were surrounded by fans.In desperation, he immediately notified the security of the program group, dozens of burly men came and set up a personal wall, and then slowly let the fans disperse.

Then the staff handed over Zeng Xiaoxian's task card: act as a wax figure for half an hour.If you want to meet someone later, the secret code is, if the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night.

At this time, the baby finally ate the whole watermelon, but she didn't eat too much, and then she also got a card: go to the wax museum to find someone to meet, the code is: If the relationship lasts for a long time, especially in Chaochao Twilight. .

326. Photo Smash (2/10 Subscribe!!)

The baby is quite familiar with Shang Hai, and after glancing at the address on the task card, he immediately knew where it was, and then rushed away.The program staff who had just prepared the car were stunned.

"Don't you want to drive? What do you mean?"

Watching the baby run away, the two photographers in the store behind me are struggling. They still carry cameras on their shoulders, but the baby has run away. Can they take the car?


Gritting their teeth and stomping their feet, the two photographers also ran forward.

The wax museum is very big. When the baby first arrived, he didn’t see Zeng Xiaoxian, and he didn’t know if the connection person mentioned by the crew was from the men’s group. He looked confused and ran to the wax museum. How long?"

A tourist looks confused?

"If the two feelings last for a long time??"

Confused on both faces.

Then she saw another young man, she hurried over to hold him by the arm and asked, "How long will the relationship last?"

The young man was frightened, he was afraid of stealing, but the baby grabbed his wrist firmly, so he had to stand there, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Zeng Xiaoxian was not far behind the baby, seeing the baby bumping around like a headless chicken, he almost couldn't hold back his small noises.

Fortunately, at this time, the baby also saw Zeng Xiaoxian, and hurried over: "How long will the relationship last?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was like a statue, motionless, when he heard the baby's signal, he suddenly woke up, looking at the baby with affection in his eyes, "How could it be day and night?"

"Ah, is it really you, Xiaoxian` 〃?" The baby looked at Zeng Xiaoxian tenderly, and the two held hands tightly. At that moment, everyone had the illusion that this was really a couple who had passed through a century.

"It's me, baby, I've been waiting for you here for a long time, and my legs are numb."

As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian's words came out of his mouth, the baby immediately jumped into the scene and laughed.

"I hate it!" He raised his powder fist and smashed Zeng Xiaoxian's chest. What was the situation, if it wasn't flirting?

If two people successfully connect, they will automatically form an alliance according to the rules of the game, but this alliance cannot be known to others, otherwise it will be invalid.

Seeing the task card handed over by the program team, Zeng Xiaoxian and the baby glanced at each other.

"Baby, we will win this time!"


...The first day of shooting is over here, everyone should go back to the hotel to rest, but because the first day of shooting is relatively easy, everyone is not tired, and the second day of shooting is informed that it will be at night So everyone stuck to Zeng Xiaoxian and took them to Night Shanghai.

After a happy night, everyone came back and fell asleep. On the second night, Lu Hao woke them up on time, and everyone was taken to the Huangpu River.

"Huh, it's comfortable!" With the cool river breeze blowing, everyone felt refreshed.

Everyone lined up, and the director started to tell the story after recording.

The content of tonight's shooting is called Photo Brawl. Everyone needs to follow the rules to let the camera at a fixed position take pictures of them, and it counts as a share, otherwise they will not score.

After Lu Hao finished telling the story, Wang Zunan looked around and said, "Didn't you mean to take pictures, why didn't you see the camera?"

"Camera, what is a camera?" Li Cheng said suddenly.

Wang Baoqiang also looked confused, "Is that the kind of machine that can discharge electricity?"

Deng Chao also joined in the performances of these two guys, "It's an evil thing, quickly ask a mage to do it to exorcise it!"

However, at this time, Zeng Xiaoxian came up with a wonderful sentence: "Brother Chao, you are different from the setting of the plot. You are a banker. You often appear in newspapers. Haven't you ever taken pictures?"

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