"You...are you not gay?" Hu Yifei also looked confused, this style of painting doesn't seem to be gay at all!

"Fuck...fuck???" Zeng Xiaoxian and Guan Guwei felt that they were not well. .

339. The New Boss Zeng Xiaoxian (5/10 Please Subscribe!!)

"Yifei, what are you talking about?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked with a depressed face.

Hu Yifei immediately wanted to deny it, "Ah... did I say it, it seems that I didn't say it?"

Then she looked back at Chen Meijia and the other women, "Did you hear what I said?"

"No no!"

"Yeah, we didn't hear that!"

After the girls finished talking, they ran away in a panic, but Lu Ziqiao had a bad luck. He was going to the toilet, and the girls gave birth to him with wide tape, ran away violently, and then left.

Lu Ziqiao felt that this was a sudden disaster, he just wanted to go to the bathroom, and these crazy women came to treat him like this?But now his whole body is tightly constricted, and his mouth is entangled. He can't move or shout.It wasn't until Zeng Xiaoxian took a bath at night that he found that the shower gel in 3602 was gone, so he ran to 3601 to borrow it, and then he saw the dying Lu Ziqiao.


Zeng Xiaoxian was really taken aback, and quickly untied Lu Ziqiao, "Zi Qiao, why did you become like this?"

Lu Ziqiao, a man who was about [-] meters tall, burst into tears, "I just want to go to the toilet. Who am I to provoke?"


Half a month later, lawyer Zheng Jian approached Zeng Xiaoxian again and told him that he had contacted the boss of Zhanbo Company. As a result of the negotiations between the two parties, the other party was willing to sell the company at a price of [-] million yuan.

In this regard, Zeng Xiaoxian did not counter-offer. In his opinion, the Internet industry in this parallel world has just developed and formed. It will take about five years before it is as prosperous and colorful as it was on Earth in the previous world. The company acquired by tens of millions is worth at least [-] million.

It's not a loss anyway, Zeng Xiaoxian naturally didn't bother to bargain, and agreed without hesitation.

The next day I met with the other party, and after Zeng Xiaoxian paid the agreed amount, I fell in love with the legal representative of the convenient company as Zeng Xiaoxian.

After chatting for a while, he brought Zeng Xiaoxian to the company and introduced Zeng Xiaoxian to the employees.

"Everyone put away the work at hand first, and gather in the big conference room."

There were only [-] to [-] people in the company, and they all came to the big conference room regardless of subject. Lu Zhanbo saw Zeng Xiaoxian beside their boss, knew that the acquisition had been officially completed, and gave Zeng Xiaoxian a thumbs up excitedly.

And when some female employees in the company saw Zeng Xiaoxian's handsome appearance, they immediately became nympho, and little stars twinkled in their eyes.

Then someone recognized Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Ah? This seems to be a male god!"

"Oh, really, it's such a blessing to be able to meet the male god himself in the company!"

"The male god is really handsome!"

A dozen or so young female employees in the company became agitated one after another, ignoring the usually dignified boss.

"Male god, can I take a photo with you?"

"Male god, can you sign my autograph?"


Zeng Xiaoxian was also kind to these future employees, and those who wanted to sign and take photos were satisfied.Wait until all the female fans go down.The original boss announced with a confused face: "Everyone, be quiet, I will announce something important to you today. Our company now belongs to the industry under Mr. Zeng. In the future, everyone will work hard with Mr. Zeng. I think he will not treat everyone badly!"

"Huh? The male god has become our boss? So happy!"

"Oh oh oh, that's great!"

"My God, am I dreaming?"

"Oh Maiga, fortunately I didn't resign before, otherwise I would regret it to death!"

The original boss of the company was depressed. I have been the boss of this company for a few years anyway, and I usually treat everyone well. Why is there no one to say a word of retention or blessing.On the contrary, it seemed that everyone wished that he would leave as soon as possible.

This buddy feels like he wants to find a piece of tofu to kill him.

But it doesn't matter if you think about it, anyway, I have already got the money, and then I will take my little lover to the beach in Hawaii to bask in the sun, and you don't care so much.

After the original boss left, Zeng Xiaoxian stretched out his 703 hand to press down, motioning for everyone to be quiet, and then said: "From now on, I will be the bosses, but don't worry, I will never treat hard-working employees badly. Now I Announce the first news, from next month, everyone's salary will increase by [-], and at the same time there will be two to three months of year-end rewards at the end of the year!"

"Wow, the male god is domineering!"

"Long live the male god!"

"The boss is so handsome!"

"Long live the boss!"

This time even the male employees cheered excitedly.A monthly increase of [-] is a very considerable income for their small employees, not to mention the year-end bonus at the end of the year.

Some employees who originally planned to resign and change jobs are now secretly glad that they did not change jobs. The jobs they have worked so hard to find may not be as good as they are now!What's more, you have to face many uncertainties after jumping out of the job!

At this moment, almost all the employees were devoted to Zeng Xiaoxian, everyone was motivated and ready to perform well in front of the new boss. .

340. Drive away the fat man (6/10 please subscribe!!)

After everyone calmed down, Zeng Xiaoxian spoke again: "Next, I will announce the second decision!"

He looked at Lu Zhanbo, who immediately walked onto the stage with a happy face, Zeng Xiaoxian pulled Lu Zhanbo to his side, and said: "Mr. Lu Zhanbo, next is the technical director of our company. I hope everyone can support his work. Let’s do the company’s affairs well together!”


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