"President Zhu, wait a moment!" Boss Zhang hurried up and apologized repeatedly: "President Zhu, don't be as knowledgeable as I am. I don't know that Mr. Zeng has something to do with you! Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to treat him if I borrowed another bill." Do it!"

Regarding this, President Zhu didn't stop, and he didn't give any explanation to Boss Zhang. He just said lightly: "Boss Zhang, the bank's funds are tight recently. Let's talk about your more than [-] billion low-interest loans later."

Hearing this, Boss Zhang lost his footing and sat on the ground.

At this time, his face was ashen, and he wanted to cry but had no tears. That was a regret!Zeng Xiaoxian's comic company doesn't dare to think about anything anymore, and now the low-interest loan of more than two billion has gone!

And the bosses behind were also shocked, looking at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice in their hearts.Why didn't they plan to attack Zeng Xiaoxian's comic company, but they haven't put it into practice yet. Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian's name has such a great influence on President Zhu, everyone is secretly thinking, what is this young man? background?

But they won't feel sorry for Boss Zhang. Usually, their company also has a competitive relationship. Now that Boss Zhang has suffered a big loss, it's a good thing to hate them. .

352. The leading trailer of "Ip Man" (8/10 for subscription)

As for the company's website, the technical team led by Lu Zhanbo worked hard to tackle key problems, and now it is ready to launch version 2.0 of Zeng's Comics.com.The new version adopts a new architecture, optimizes many details, and can support an astonishing five million simultaneous online users.

At the same time, the company's mobile phone App~p is also under intensive development. Previously, due to the company's limited manpower and the need to speed up the website, the development of the mobile phone App~p was postponed for a while. Now as the website has begun to gradually On track.The company's personnel department also recruited several technicians for Zhanbo, so Zhanbo immediately separated some people from the original technical team Li Mina to set up a "mobile group", and "[-]" was specially responsible for developing mobile apps.

Regarding the concert tour, Hua Yi has already released information through some informal channels. At present, there are speculations about this mysterious concert everywhere on the Internet.And Zeng Xiaoxian is one of the most popular guesses.

Like Zeng Yingwei, fans of Zeng Xiaoxian's Weibo couldn't hold back their curiosity, and left messages in the comment area to ask questions.

"God, are you going to hold a concert? Give me a letter?"

"Yeah, let's announce which city it will open in, okay? Let's book a hotel in advance, too!"

"Male god, he just likes to whet his appetite! Hmph, Tsundere face."

"I bet [-] million, this Huayi concert must be held by a male god!"

"I also think so, because Naying and Ren Xianqi are both artists under Huayi, and some time ago they both appeared in Shanghai at the same time, and they practiced songs with the male god for several days!"

"Haha, let me add some more to the upstairs. According to the news from the Luside News Agency, Yu Quan is also a signed artist of Huayi, and it is said that Chen Yixun also signed a contract with Huayi not long ago, so...you understand!"


When Zeng Xiaoxian's Weibo comment area was full of speculation, Zeng Xiaoxian posted a new Weibo.

A handsome photo exploded.Wearing a hip-hop suit with a tropical style, and @王大军 below, there is another sentence: Boss, how about this look?

Now the fans' speculation became even more frenzied. The affirmative answer in everyone's mind was about to come out, and it was only a boy's own confirmation, but Zeng Xiaoxian just whetted everyone's appetite and refused to admit it.

"Ahhh, male god, are you going to say that we fans are crazy?"

"It means you're crazy!"

"Calm upstairs, well, I admit I'm crazy too!"


At the same time, the backup dancer for "Little Apple" that Zhong Lingdang was in charge of was almost finished. During this period, Zeng Xiaoxian took the time to watch it.

As expected of a student of Jinling Conservatory of Music, he has danced well in such a short period of time. Zeng Xiaoxian gave some suggestions for improvement in some details, and Zhong Lingdang immediately implemented them.When I went to see it for the second time, it was close to perfect.

For this, Zhong Lingdang contributed the most, and this girl also has a carefree personality, so she directly asked Zeng Xiaoxian for credit.

"Male god, isn't our dance not bad?"


"Haha, is the male god going to reward us?" Zhong Lingdang's big eyes flashed with anticipation, and the others also looked at Zeng Xiaoxian expectantly. After all, it's been a long time since I had dinner with the male god. Woolen cloth!To be exact, the male god hasn't invited them to dinner for a long time.

Of course, Zeng Xiaoxian would not be stingy about this, he waved his hand, and led this group of energetic young people straight to the restaurant... After a big meal, everyone clapped their drums in unison belly.

"Hoo hoo, full!"

"Haha, the meal invited by the male god is delicious!"


To explain some trivial things, the promotional work of the movie "Ip Man" has just begun.

Zeng Xiaoxian, as the leading actor and soul of the film, of course had to be there, so Ye Weixing called him to confirm the time.

"Xiaoxian, when are you free? Our movie can start promoting at any time, so you can be there!"

"Don't worry, Brother Xing, I will definitely be there, tell me the specific time, and I will find you when the time comes!"

"Haha, that's good, but you don't need to come looking for it. Our school decided to put Shanghai as the first stop of our promotion. Tomorrow, our main creators will arrive. But before that, I want to announce the movie's leading trailer. The film will be put on the Internet first.”

Regarding this point, Ye Weixing and Zeng Xiaoxian thought of going together. I remember that on Earth, it has become a common practice to release the leading trailer at the beginning of the movie promotion 2.7. However, no one has done so in this world so far. This is their first time. A person who eats crabs.

In the evening of the same day, the leading trailer of "Ip Man" landed on the Internet as scheduled.

The leading trailer is three minutes and twenty seconds long, and Ye Weixing edited it himself, which not only exposed some explosive points in the movie, but also protected the story of the movie from being leaked.

As soon as this pilot trailer was released, the relatively quiet Internet in the past few days instantly caused waves. After countless netizens accidentally clicked on it, they were all shocked by the wonderful martial arts scenes in it! .

353. The Reaction of the Trailer (9/10 Please Subscribe!!)

This action movie is a pioneer in the design of martial arts. In the original action movies in this world, the design of martial arts moves is more fancy. It looks like dancing. Although it looks good, once there are too many things, it will produce aesthetic fatigue.

But this "Ip Man" is different. Its martial arts action design is closer to reality. If people who know Wing Chun see it, they will be amazed, because many of the above actions are born out of Wing Chun, but they are exaggerated. out of shape.It not only retains the practicality, but also increases the ornamental value.

"Wow, this" martial arts moves are simply amazing!

"Yeah, I've never seen this kind of action movie, and I don't know when it will be released?"

"Haha, everyone upstairs, don't even look at who starred in this movie!"

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