For an action movie, an action director is indispensable. This position was originally called an action director. In recent years, martial arts movements have become more and more important in action movies. Correspondingly, the role of action directors has become more and more important. The bigger it is, so I changed the name to action director.

In that trailer, only the names of the director and the leading actor were written, but the name of the action director was not indicated, so Zheng Zidan called Ye Weixing to ask for clarification.

"Action director? It's the lead actor of this movie. His name is Zeng Xiaoxian. He designed all the martial arts moves in this movie." Ye Weixing Mizuguchi said.

Zheng Zidan on the other end of the phone could only feel his body shaking. The action director is actually the leading actor?

He saw the lead actor just now. Although he is a newcomer, his acting skills are really good. Zheng Zidan is also very impressed with this young man, but in his perception, this movie has the greatest impact on the entire category of action movies. It's not the acting skills, but the novel martial arts action design, so he wants to know who the action director is.

But unexpectedly, the action director and the lead actor are the same person, and this person is very young, and at the same time, Zheng Zidan subconsciously thought that this person was a newcomer, but now he has wavered.

Can a rookie design such a subversive but highly entertaining martial arts action?

He didn't believe it.

"Well, Director Ye, I want to ask, has the actor named Zeng Xiaoxian acted in any other film and television dramas~¨?" The old warriors who have worked hard for more than ten years don't even know anything about the talented backs that have emerged in this industry.

Ashamed, ashamed!

But when Zheng Zidan asked this question, Ye Weixing was a little confused, but then he realized that Zeng Xiaoxian really didn't want newcomers, whether it was acting or other aspects.

It's no wonder that Zheng Zidan thinks that Zeng Xiaoxian is not a newcomer.

Thinking of this, Ye Weixing chuckled twice on the phone, and said: "Zidan, you misunderstood, Xiaoxian is indeed a newcomer! Strictly speaking, "Ip Man" is his first movie. "


For a moment, Zheng Zidan felt that his brain was not enough, and he subconsciously took a deep breath.

A rookie actor not only has the same acting skills as the old ones, but also can design such subversive martial arts moves?Zheng Zidan has lived for more than [-] years and this is the first time he has heard of it.

But he also knew that it was impossible for Ye Weixing to deceive him, and there was no need to deceive him. Since he said so, it meant that Zeng Xiaoxian was indeed a newcomer.

Zheng Zidan suddenly felt a wave of blood boiling in his body, maybe this young man was sent from heaven to save Huaxia action movies!

"Director Ye, can you tell this Mr. Zeng Xiaoxian for me, and ask him when is it convenient. I want to visit him."


Ye Weixing thought he heard it wrong, although he was very optimistic about Zeng Xiaoxian's future, but in the film and television industry he always valued seniority.Under normal circumstances, even Zeng Xiaoxian has become a superstar, but since Zheng Zidan is his senior, Zeng Xiaoxian should take the initiative to visit him.

But now Zheng Zidan proposed to visit Zeng Xiaoxian on his own initiative?

". Zidan, why don't I tell Xiaoxian to visit you when he is free..."

But before Ye Weixing finished speaking, Zheng Zidan interrupted him, "Brother Xing, I know what you mean, but isn't there an old saying in China, the best is the first! Now Zeng Xiaoxian has completely subverted the old style in the design of martial arts moves. It’s a cliché, a new way! His contribution to the action film industry alone is no less than that of any superstar (Zhao’s), so it can be said now that Mr. Zeng Xiaoxian can be said to be our entire action film. The master of the film industry, not only is it nothing, it is even reasonable for me to visit him."

Hearing this, Ye Weixing didn't want to say anything, he knew that Zheng Zidan was a real person, since he decided to visit Zeng Xiaoxian, it was his innermost thoughts, not just being polite.

Thinking of this, Ye Weixing said with a smile: "Zi Dan, since you have made your decision, I will pass it on to Xiaoxian for you. We will meet him in Shanghai today, and I will tell him personally when the time comes!"

"Okay, thank you Brother Xing!"

After Zheng Zidan finished speaking, the two exchanged some pleasantries before hanging up the phone. .

355. Ye Cunxin's Suspicion (1/10 Please Subscribe!!)

While Zheng Zidan was talking on the phone with Ye Weixing, Ye Cunxin, the captain of the Criminal Police Department of Shanghai City Public Security Bureau, had just woken up.

She was originally a member of a mysterious women's special force in China. After retiring, she was assigned to the Shanghai City Public Security Bureau as the captain of the criminal police.But no one is lucky, just a few days after taking office, he ran into a murder case.

A few days ago in a villa on the Shangwai Bund, a young man nicknamed Ding Shao was killed. According to the testimony of the witnesses at the time, this Ding Shao privately detained women and forced them to be his sex slaves.


Judging from the wounds on these girls, they were beaten more than once during their detention.

For people like Ding Shao, Ye Cunxin personally feels that even if he dies a thousand times, he deserves it. But the country has laws, and a life is a major event. It must be investigated and dealt with according to law.

According to several girls, the one who killed Ding Shao was also a man, wearing black clothes all over his body, with a peaked cap on his head, the brim of the hat was pressed down very low, and his specific features could not be found at all, the only clue It was the man who seemed to have a hoarse voice when he spoke.

And the guy nicknamed Ding Shao was kicked from behind to his crotch and died. According to the results of the forensic medical examination, the man who shot was very strong, not only shattering Ding Shao's testicles, At the same time, even the trigeminal nerve and blood vessels of the thigh were kicked and ruptured one after another.

After all, Ye Cunxin came from the special forces. According to the conclusion of the forensic doctor, he came to the conclusion that the person who shot was probably a Lianjiazi.

She had seen this kind of person in the army before, who could break a small tree as thick as a bowl with one kick. According to the army instructor at the time, this person had already trained to the level of "full energy", which is in It is rare among martial arts practitioners.

Ye Cunxin felt that the person who killed Ding Shao should have reached the level of wholeness.

However, when she shared her analysis, she was laughed at by other colleagues in the Public Security Bureau. No one believed her words, but felt that she had read too many novels.


I thought about the case all night last night, and I have to go to work this morning. Ye Cunxin was very hurt, and woke up with two panda eyes. She washed up briefly, got some food, and then went to the police station.

"This movie feels very good, I must watch it when it is released!"

"Yeah, I think so too, and the leading actor is so handsome, even when fighting!"

When Ye Cunxin walked into the Public Security Bureau, two clerks were looking at something with their mobile phones. She asked casually, "What are you looking at?"

The two clerks were taken aback, and quickly hid their phones, only to realize it was a false alarm when they looked back to see it was Ye Cunxin.

A long-faced clerk patted his mouth fiercely and said: "Sister Cun Xin, why are you walking so silently, you scared us to death!"

Another round-faced clerk had a bigger list, and quickly waved to Ye Cunxin: "Memory verse, come and see, and watch this movie together when it's released?"


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