The beauty took out a police officer's card and waved it in front of Hu Yifei, saying, "My name is Ye Cunxin, from the Shanghai Public Security Bureau. Ask Mr. Zeng 16 for some information."

When Hu Yifei heard that it was from the Public Security Bureau, she immediately became worried, "Has Zeng Xiaoxian committed any crime?"

Ye Cunxin smiled, "It's nothing, don't be nervous, I just want to ask him to understand the situation."

Zeng Xiaoxian had already woken up and was playing computer games in his room. When he heard that the police station was at the door, he understood in his heart that it must be for Ding Shao's affairs.

But he was a little surprised that the female police officer was called Ye Cunxin. On Earth, the name Ye Cunxin came from a TV series "Fire Phoenix".Could this Ye Cunxin be the same Ye Cunxin from "Fire Phoenix"?

Thinking of this, he walked out of the room and asked, "Yifei, who is it?"

Then he saw a short-haired beauty standing at the door.His name is Ye Cunxin, and his appearance is exactly the same as Ye Cunxin in Fire Phoenix. It seems that this world has also been mixed with the plot of Fire Phoenix.

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian coming out, Ye Cunxin slid past Hu Yifei and came in.

Hu Yifei is also a martial arts practitioner. She was originally a black belt in karate, and Zeng Xiaoxian later taught her Wing Chun. It is really not easy for ordinary people to get past her, but this Ye Cunxin did all this without any difficulty Hu Yifei also understood that the female police officer in front of her was even more skilled than herself.

Zeng Xiaoxian was slightly surprised when he saw this scene, Ye Cunxin's kung fu is not bad, and he is probably not far behind his level.

"Can I chat with you in your room?" Ye Cunxin came to Zeng Xiaoxian's side, looked him up and said.

"Okay, come in." Zeng Xiaoxian took the lead and walked in.

Close the door.

"Is the police officer looking for something for me?" Zeng Xiaoxian sat down on the bed, and Ye Cunxin sat down, and asked directly.

Ye Cunxin pulled a chair over by herself and said, "You should know Wing Chun, right?"

Now she can basically confirm that Ding Shao died at the hands of a master of energy, and Zeng Xiaoxian is the object of her high suspicion, so she wants to ask step by step, trying to get more valuable things from Zeng Xiaoxian's mouth.


In this regard, Zeng Xiaoxian did not deny it. Many people knew that he knew Wing Chun, including many people in the crew of "Ip Man".

"If I'm not wrong, your Wing Chun should be pretty good, right?" Ye Cunxin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian and continued to ask.

Zeng Xiaoxian chuckled, "What level of practice do you think is good and bad for the police officer?"

He is not stupid, he is the only one who knows whether he practiced well or not, so of course he will not tell Ye Cunxin straightforwardly.

Ye Cunxin was not angry about this, but instead smiled slightly and said, "You should have practiced to the point where you are full of strength, right?"

"Stick?" Zeng Xiaoxian pretended to be stupid, "I don't understand what you're talking about at all."

The corner of Ye Cunxin's mouth curled up in a sly arc, she suddenly raised her foot and kicked Zeng Xiaoxian, the target was his chin.If Zeng Xiaoxian didn't dodge or block, this kick would dislocate his jaw.

She believed that if Zeng Xiaoxian was really a master of Wing Chun, he would definitely respond out of stress.


However, Zeng Xiaoxian really didn't react, Ye Cunxin's feet were in front of his chin, he still didn't seem to react, his eyes were full of fear but his body didn't move.

Ye Cunxin's foot finally stopped a centimeter below Zeng Xiaoxian's chin.

"Officer, why did you hit me?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked angrily.

"You really can't dodge?" Ye Cunxin frowned, she felt that Zeng Xiaoxian would have reacted if he was really a master of energy, and just now he looked terrified, how could he have the slightest demeanor of a master!

Did you guess wrong?

But what Ye Cunxin didn't know was that Zeng Xiaoxian was not only a master of Wing Chun, but also an old drama player, and also had a monster's IQ. He had thought that Ye Cunxin might try to test him. In order to reduce future troubles, of course he had to act in a play. .

"Why can't we avoid it?" Zeng Xiaoxian was furious, "Do you know that in today's legal society, even the police can't beat people casually, and you even came to my house to beat me, I want to sue you! ".

363. Make Ye Cunxin Defeated (6/8 Please Subscribe!!)

When Ye Cunxin heard that Zeng Xiaoxian wanted to complain to her, his expression froze immediately.

After she began to doubt Zeng Xiaoxian, she expressed her thoughts in the internal meeting of the Public Security Bureau, but was unanimously opposed by everyone, and everyone felt that she took it for granted.

The Public Security Bureau conducted a comprehensive survey of Ding Shao's villa, and found that the gate of the villa was locked from the inside that night, and there was no sign of prying the door.

They don't believe that they can enter the house smoothly, let alone murder.

What's more, everyone knows a common sense, that is, movies are acted out, and those action superstars are all wise and powerful in movies, but in reality they are just ordinary people.Action superstar Zheng Zidan once came to their Public Security Bureau for advice on acting in a movie, that is to say, his skills are average, not great at all.

Therefore, Ye Cunxin's idea was rejected at the internal meeting of the Public Security Bureau, and that's why she personally visited the door during her break.

Originally, this was something she had done on her own, but now if someone complained to the Public Security Bureau, it would be no wonder the director didn't scold her!

Thinking of this, Ye Cunxin smiled without confidence, "Mr. Zeng, don't get excited, I was just joking with you just now, really!"

"Are you kidding me? Well, then I'll make a joke with you too!" As he spoke, he called the complaint hotline of the Public Security Bureau.

This girl's skeptical spirit is still very strong, if Zeng Xiaoxian doesn't act a little more fiercely this time, it is impossible for her to suspect him again in the future.

"Hey, the Public Security Bureau? I want to file a complaint! One of your police officers named Ye Cunxin came to my house early in the morning and beat me up. Let me tell you what to do. I'm a celebrity with tens of millions of fans. , if you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I will expose you on Weibo ~ "!"

The person who answered the phone was a female police officer. When she heard that Zeng Xiaoxian had more than [-] million fans and wanted to expose their Public Security Bureau, she immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

Now it’s not like before. Self-media is everywhere. Although they are state violence agencies, if they are not careful, they will become the cusp of public opinion and be criticized by the masses. Then the good image established in the hearts of the masses over the years will be completely destroyed. .

Thinking of this, the policewoman immediately comforted her: "Sir, don't get excited, I'll report your situation right now!"


Yang Xiong, director of the Public Security Bureau, was playing mahjong at home when he suddenly received a call from the Public Security Bureau. Thinking something unexpected happened, he pushed the mahjong and ran out to answer the phone.

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