In the evening, Zeng Xiaoxian and a few others went to a nearby restaurant for a meal, and stayed in the villa that night.


At the same time, during this period of time, various gossip about Zeng Xiaoxian's concert began to spread around the Internet again.All major entertainment magazines and newspapers asked Hua Yi for confirmation, because the Internet uploaded it clearly and clearly, Zeng Xiaoxian's behind-the-scenes supporter of this concert is Hua Yi.

A few times ago, whenever the media asked about this issue, both Huayi and Zeng Xiaoxian practiced Tai Chi, neither admitting nor denying it, but this time when the reporter of "Entertainment Vane" asked Huayi for verification, it was the first time I got an affirmative answer once: Zeng Xiaoxian's tour concert will be held in Shanghai for the first time in half a month! .

365. Tickets are Selling Too Hot (8/8 Please Subscribe!!)

Of course, the news of the concert tour was not accidental, but a strategy that was originally set.It will never be announced until the last minute. Now that it is announced, it means that the concert is about to start.

Zeng Xiaoxian's work schedule began to get tense again.

Rehearsals, interviews, and occasionally replying to questions fans care about on Weibo~.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Seeing that everything was almost ready, the specific date and venue of the concert were also announced.

Time: August 8.Location: Shanghai Hongkou Gymnasium.

The reason for choosing such a low point is because this is the largest venue that can be found in the entire Shanghai City. It can accommodate [-] people in the whole process, and the facilities in the venue are also very good.

After the time and place were confirmed, Zeng Xiaoxian immediately posted it on his Weibo.

The fans immediately exploded.

"God, when will the tickets go on sale!"

"Yes, I'm waiting to buy tickets! I'm afraid I won't be able to get them!"

"It should be pre-sold in advance, when the pre-sale male god must be announced in time!"

Zeng Xiaoxian happened to be reading Weibo at this time, so he replied.

"The announcement should be in the next few days, and Xiaoxian will post it on Weibo at that time!"

Weibo fans were pleasantly surprised to see that Zeng Xiaoxian actually replied.

"Ah, I'm so lucky to be answered by the male god himself!"

"I also want to be answered by the male god himself!"

"Our male god is so good, he actually answers fans' questions in person!"

"No airs, I like it, haha!"


Three days later, the ticket price for the concert was released.

VIP ticket: 5000, first-class ticket: 3600, second-class ticket: 2000, standing ticket: 1000.

As soon as the fare was released, all kinds of eyeballs were shocked.

Without him, this fare is a fare that only super popular singers like Na Ying dare to offer, even higher than the fares of some first-line singers in the current music scene!

There are complaints from all walks of life.

"Hua Yi is trying to steal money, a new singer actually offers such an expensive fare?"

"That's right, I guess it won't be sold at all by then, who cares if it's so expensive!"

"This rookie singer is also too arrogant. He didn't stop Huayi from offering such an expensive ticket. He has no self-knowledge!"


However, there are also netizens who know about Zeng Xiaoxian and this concert, and they also left messages below.

"The people upstairs, please don't pretend to be fake fans, what you said is too sour!"

"That's right, you actually said that he is a rookie singer? Have you heard of "The Love of My Life"? Have you heard of "Broad Sea and Sky"? Have you heard of "Red Sun"?"

"Don't be embarrassing for others upstairs, they are just angry youths, how could they have heard the songs of these scenic spots!"

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard it, but today I have to give them some popular science. The above are all popular songs that are regarded as classics by netizens! But you may not know that these are all written by my male god. Yes, the lyrics are written by men. God, composing music is also a god, Yan Yan is even more a god! How about it, are you convinced?" This netizen is obviously a fan of Zeng Xiaoxian.

During the quarrel on the Internet, Zeng Xiaoxian posted the pre-sale webpage on his Weibo.


8000 copies were sold on the first day.

10000 copies were sold directly the next day.

The following sales also continued to be hot.

And this is only the sales volume from Zeng Xiaoxian's Weibo, other channels are also selling very well.

Hongkou Stadium had a total of [-] sitting and standing tickets, and they were sold out in just five days.Five days later, the market can only buy tickets from scalpers, but the fare is [-] yuan for a standing ticket.


That's right, the original [-] standing tickets have now soared to [-].Some fans who didn't have time to buy pre-sale tickets due to certain things were heartbroken, but they couldn't help it. They gritted their teeth and stamped their feet, and bought a standing ticket for [-] yuan.And there are not a few fans who have encountered this.

Those gamers who used to be chattering on the Internet shut up, and it's okay not to shut up. Facts speak louder than words, and their faces were slapped!


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