
One more piece!


clack clack...

The photo was taken all morning, Zeng Xiaoxian changed various costumes and used various props.Various poss were placed.

After the shots were taken, the photographer had a difficult time. Every one of them was perfect, so handsome, he couldn't choose at all!

The photographer who has never had a choice phobia, this time also turned over a choice phobia.In the end, he had no choice but to give the photos to Zeng Xiaoxian to pick them out himself.

"This one, and this one, this one is also good..."

Zeng Xiaoxian tapped his fingers and selected thirty photos.

According to the regulations, all the remaining photos must be deleted. The photographer looked at the remaining photos and shook his head and sighed.

"Oh, I really can't bear to delete such a good photo!"

At the same time, the venue for the concert has also begun to enter the layout process. Huayi has abundant funds and directly hired the most professional team. The construction team and design team are the best in China.But after all, it is Zeng Xiaoxian's concert, so Zeng Xiaoxian still needs to look over and nod.

For this reason, Zeng Xiaoxian also went to have a look, and put forward some revision suggestions for some imperfect flaws.Especially the lights!

He wants to hold a perfect concert, all the details must be perfect, lighting is particularly important.

"Turn on the main light above!" Zeng Xiaoxian held the walkie-talkie in his hand.


The main lights were turned on.

"It's not focused enough, and the colors are a bit too bright!"

"Okay, let's adjust now!"

When the money is in place, everyone's work efficiency is not so fast, and the lighting is adjusted to Zeng Xiaoxian's most satisfactory state in a day.


507 "Hey, Xiaoxian, other aspects of the concert are ready, and now your costumes are still being prepared, but you have to try it yourself to make a final decision. Do you think you can call so that others can come in advance? "Huang Xiaohua called Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Okay, Miss Xiaohua!"

Although Naying, Ren Xianqi, and others are usually very busy, the guests for this concert have already been included in their work arrangements, so they will naturally have enough time.

"Sister Naying, are you free these days? The concert is about to start here, so I need to come over and try on some clothes!"

"Okay, I'll ask my assistant to book a ticket for tomorrow!"

"Xianqi, when will you come here, I'm waiting for you to try on clothes!"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow will pass!"

Then Yuquan brothers, Chen Yixun.

When the time is fixed, everyone is tomorrow's plane.

After doing all this, Zeng Xiaoxian directly uploaded a photo he took a few days ago on Weibo.

——Hahaha, just tell me if I’m handsome!

Fanatical fans started licking the screen again. .

367. Friendship is Priceless (2/8 Subscribe!!)

Naying and others arrived as scheduled, and Zengxia held a banquet to welcome them.

We are all old friends, and naturally we don't have any scruples when chatting.

After a round of drinking, Naying smiled and said, "Xiaoxian, how dare you say that "Ip Man" has a box office of [-] billion, are you really sure?"

Yu Fan said: "But I think Xiaoxian's movie is really good, maybe it can reach [-] billion!"

Haiquan also said: "That's right, the martial arts action in this movie is too eye-catching!"

Chen Yixun also nodded, "I heard that Hong Kong's action superstar Zheng Zidan went to Shang Hai to meet you for this purpose?"

He was located very close to Xiangjiang, so he could hear some news about Xiangjiang.

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian nodded, "It's true that Zheng Zidan came to see me, we had a good chat, and he even invited me to participate in his next movie!"

Zheng Zidan is equivalent to a business card in the action film industry. Generally speaking, if you want to ask him to make a movie, it is impossible to just pay the salary. You must accept his investment in the movie, so his movie is also right.

Then he said: "I advertised this movie as [-] billion yuan, and the outside world didn't seem to believe it, but in fact, my psychological price may be more than that, but these will not be confirmed until the movie is released."

Hearing this, everyone looked at him in astonishment, they knew that Zeng Xiaoxian was not a braggart, since he said so, he naturally had his confidence.

Naying just asked casually. On the one hand, she was also worried that if the movie did not reach [-] billion by then, it would have a negative impact on Zeng Xiaoxian's reputation. Seeing that he was full of confidence, she immediately raised her glass with a smile.

"Then let's wish Xiaoxian's movie a big hit at the box office, let's make a toast~!"

Everyone toasted and drank.

Ren Xianqi looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with a look of envy on his face. He is planning to make his own movie. Strictly speaking, his movies are also action movies. Now watching Zeng Xiaoxian's movies are so good-looking, especially in the design of martial arts actions. It can be said to be ingenious, and I immediately moved my mind.

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