next moment.

Zeng Xiaoxian's title among fans has risen gloriously from male god to husband.




At first, it was only a small group of female fans who yelled this, but it gradually spread, and eventually the whole gym started to yell for husband.

".My husband loves you to death!"

"Husband, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"


Deng Chao's jaw was about to drop, "I'll go, Xiaoxian now has more than three thousand beauties in the harem, it's almost thirty thousand!"

Wang Baoqiang: "Can Xiaoxian bear it?"


But when the whole gymnasium started calling for their husband, Hu Yifei and the others in the front row were stunned.

"We call our husband and they follow along to join in the fun?"

"Yes, he was our husband in the first place?"

The female fan sitting next to her was disdainful.

"Hehe, you guys are really into the show, I even said he was my husband!"

"I have a bad temper!" Hu Yifei almost rolled up his sleeves and went up to tear it up, but fortunately, Andy stopped him.

——Spring is here again, flowers are blooming on the hillside

(Good money is good) - Sow hope and you will reap

The music stopped abruptly, and everyone's actions were frozen at this moment.

"I spent a few happy hours with everyone tonight, thank you for your company!" Zeng Xiaoxian shouted at the fans with a microphone.

"We're happy too!"

"We also thank my husband for his company!"


Amid appalling cheers, Na Ying and others came to the stage, and the music of "Little Apple" sounded again.Zeng Xiaoxian saw that Deng Chao and others couldn't hold back just now, and waved to him.

Deng Chao and the others ran up to the stage in surprise.

Some bold fans also ran onto the stage.

Everyone danced to Little Apple, and the concert officially came to an end. .

373. A Trip to Dunhuang (8/8 Subscription!!)

After the concert, Zeng Xiaoxian did not take a break, and directly boarded the plane to Dunhuang with Deng Chao and others.

The latest episode of Running Man is finally about to start broadcasting.

On the plane, a system voice suddenly came from within Zeng Xiaoxian's body.

"Congratulations to the host, successfully completed the extra task, rewarded with 5000 virtual gold coins, and rewarded with a bottle of kidney function enhancer."

"Mr. System, how do you use this kidney function enhancer?"

"Just take it orally."

Zeng Xiaoxian directly took out a small bottle of blue solution from the system, then drank it with his head raised.

Immediately, I felt a warm current from the waist and eyes on both sides spread all over the body, and the whole body was warm and very comfortable.

Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian was holding a bottle of blue solution in his hand, Deng Chao asked curiously, "Xiaoxian, what are you drinking?"

"Drink." Zeng Xiaoxian responded casually.

After a few hours.The plane arrived at the destination, and they were picked up by the bus arranged by the program group 863.However, the farther the bus goes, the farther it is from the city, and the more desolate it is.While everyone was wondering, the bus stopped.

I saw Lu Hao and other people from the program group were waiting there, and each of them still owed a camel.

Camels are rare in the mainland, so when he saw a camel, Deng Chao became amused.

"What's this called? Let me see, oh yes, a camel!"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled when he heard the words, "Brother Chao, I have a question for you, how do you write the word for camel?"

Deng Chao was immediately stunned.


"Deng Chao, aren't you known as a top student? You can't even write the word "Camel", right?"

The brothers who ran the men's team burst out laughing.

A person who often makes mistakes in elementary school arithmetic problems, and who is a little bit overwhelmed in elementary school Chinese problems actually calls himself a master?How thick-skinned this is!

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