
Six or seven middle-aged women rushed up, almost scaring Deng Chao to the ground.

" are all Aunt Wang?"

"That's right! Our surname is Wang, so there's nothing wrong with calling us Aunt Wang!"

Deng Chao took two steps back subconsciously, but he forgot that the Wang surname is a big Wang surname in Huaxia, so there must be a lot of people!After sorting out my thoughts, I continued to narrow down the scope, "Well, I don't know if any of you belong to the Fortune Inn?"

An aunt grabbed Deng Chao's hand, "Young man, do you want to stay in a hotel? You don't have to go to the Fortune Inn. It's the same when you come to our inn. We also provide hot water and fruit salad at night. Oh!"

This aunt was tall and thick, she dragged Deng Chao away.

Deng Chaohan came down, "Hey, aunt, calm down, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive!"

The aunt didn't stop at all, and kept dragging in one direction. Deng Chao was almost crying. He was a guard with a knife, and he still held a knife in his hand. Why didn't this aunt care at all!

"Fuck me! Help!" Deng Chao Chongtian let out a high-pitched howl like killing a pig!

The two photographers following behind almost fell to the ground without laughing.


The first clue Zeng Xiaoxian looked for was the racecourse and the Governor's Mansion.He asked people all the way to the location, and suddenly Deng Chao's mournful howl came from the sky, which startled Zeng Xiaoxian.

".I'm going, Deng Chao was kicked out by dogs?"

Zeng Xiaoxian complained secretly, and when he came to the governor's mansion, an extra actor wearing glasses was feeding the donkey in front of the door.

Zeng Xiaoxian walked over, "The...donkey driver?"

"What eyes do you have, I'm a groom!" The extras looked arrogant.

"But it's obviously a donkey, okay?" Zeng Xiaoxian pointed to the donkey next to him and asked in a dazed expression.

"Who says it's a donkey? Is there any evidence? I'm a horse, okay?"

Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head, he understood that these people must have been deliberately gagged by the program crew to waste their time.

Sure enough, it was insidious enough!

"I don't care if you're a donkey or a horse!" Zeng Xiaoxian no longer chatted with him, and directly coded to him: "Air-dried buns!"

(Wang's Zhao) The extras smiled, "I found the wrong one."


It took Deng Chao a lot of effort to escape from the pimping aunt, and then he ran all the way, exhausted like a cow.

At this time, he suddenly heard arguing not far ahead.

"Say, where did you go last night? Ah?"

"Say it? Don't you say that I have nothing to do with you today!"


Deng Chao looked ahead, and saw the plaque hanging on the door of a small tavern not far away was the words "Hongyun Inn".

"Wocao, there is really no place to find if you have broken through the iron shoes, and it's easy to get here!" Deng Chao said in an arty way, and then ran in. .

378. The Insidious Setting of the Program Group (1/8 Subscribe!!)

In the tavern, a couple in their forties were arguing. The woman was very strong and cornered the man like a frightened mouse.

Deng Chao rushed in with a big knife in his hand, "Hey, who is Aunt Wang?"

When the woman saw someone coming in, she turned around and yelled at Deng Chao aggressively, "Who are you, didn't you see that we were arguing? You get out, the tavern is closed today!"

Deng Chao was dumbfounded by the aunt's yelling, and then asked weakly: "Well, I want to ask if there is Aunt Wang here?"

At this time, Wang Baoqiang also rushed in, like a monkey, he jumped on the table with a bang.

The tragedy is... the legs of the table were not firm, so he jumped, and the table collapsed, and a pile of broken wood was scattered on the ground.

"Hey, who are you, who are you all, you broke the table in our house, you have to pay for it, let me tell you!"

Wang Baoqiang originally wanted to pretend to be a little coercive, but now he couldn't pretend to be coercive and was sloppy.

"Well, I'm a guard with a knife." Wang Baoqiang got up from the ground, limping, let alone a guard with a knife, and now his aura is like a child who has done something wrong.

The middle-aged woman got more excited, and grabbed Wang Baoqiang as soon as she rolled up her sleeves, "You think you've practiced it, but I tell you, I have practiced it too!"

Deng Chao was already laughing beside him, Nima Wang Baoqiang was too funny.But in the next second, he couldn't laugh anymore, and saw that Wang Baoqiang didn't look for Aunt Wang anymore, and ran away with his ass pouted... ran away...

As soon as Wang Baoqiang ran away, Deng Chao felt that something bad was going to happen, and wanted to run with him. Unexpectedly, the middle-aged woman grabbed the waistband of his trousers and said, "Want to run, was that your accomplice just now? Now that he has run away, you have to pay for everything!"

Deng Chao was about to cry, didn't he read the almanac when he went out today?Why are you being bullied by the aunt again and again?


Zeng Xiaoxian ran out from the governor's mansion, and continued to search for the second location, and happened to meet the baby.

"Baby, this way!"

When the baby saw Zeng Xiaoxian, he jumped over like a happy little rabbit, "Xiaoxian, how did you find it?"

Zeng Xiaoxian spread his hands, "I didn't find it!"

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