"Baby is near you, because she has heard your bell, and now Xiaoxian is on the way, you'd better get rid of baby before Xiaoxian arrives."

"Haha!" After hearing Zheng Kai's words, Yu Zhen's hearty laughter came from the other end of the walkie-talkie, "Owl, you continue to lurk, I have my own measure here!"

After cutting off the walkie-talkie, the four thieves got together.

Yu Zhen: "According to the owl's information, now the baby is near us!"

Guo Yanjun and Guo Yanfu were eager to try, "Baby is a girl, and we four big men bully a girl, isn't it..."

Guan Zhe: "I don't think so too."

Guo Yanjun made a fierce expression, "Although it's not very good, we still have to tear it up!"

Several people took a turn, and all looked at Yu Zhen. After all, he was the leader of the thieves, and finally decided to ask him to take it.

Yu Zhen lowered his head and thought for a moment, "I don't think we should touch the baby for now!"


Several other people did not understand.

Yu Zhen said: "Because the information from the owl just now said that Zeng Xiaoxian is on his way."

Guan Zhe was nervous for a while, "Then let's tear up the baby and keep it for the New Year!"

But Yu Zhen shook his head and said: "Think about it, Zeng Xiaoxian is the most physically fit member of the men's running team, even much stronger than Li Cheng, if we can tear him off first, then our next resistance will not be small a lot of?"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it, but then dimmed again. Zeng Xiaoxian is the strongest in the men's running team, which means he is the hardest to tear apart!It's easier said than done to tear him apart at the beginning!

Seeing everyone's confused faces, Yu Zhen explained with confidence: "That's why we can't touch the baby now, because the baby is a bait for us, a bait to lure Zeng Xiaoxian to take the bait. Not only can it lure Zeng Xiaoxian to take the bait, but at the same time, if there is someone With baby by his side, it will be easier for us to tear him apart."

Everyone finally understood what Yu Zhen was thinking.

He wanted to use the baby to lure Zeng Xiaoxian over, and at the same time let the baby become his burden. Otherwise, even if Zeng Xiaoxian met the four of them at the same time, he could still escape calmly. With Zeng Xiaoxian's speed, none of the four of them could I can catch up with him.

Yu Zhen's trick of throwing bricks and attracting jade is not insidious, but they still haven't figured it out after all their calculations, Zeng Xiaoxian has already guessed the possible situation very closely.

Now that he had begun to suspect that Zheng Kai and Wang Baoqiang were the secret agents of the enemy, he naturally guessed that what he said to the baby just now had already reached the ears of the thieves.


After a while, Zeng Xiaoxian appeared in Building No. [-], but he was very careful, he walked lightly, and stopped to listen from time to time while walking.

The whole building was eerily quiet.

Seeing such a scene, Zeng Xiaoxian can already be sure that Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai are the secret agents of each other.

Because only the running men team members can hear the conversation between him and the baby, and the thieves can never hear it. If no one informs them, the thieves will definitely not know that Zeng Xiaoxian is coming.

In this way, as long as the thieves are in this building, they will be able to hear the bell, because their weakness is the letter paper with their names written in the envelope. Once they are found by the members of the running boy team and stamped, they will be automatically eliminated up.

Therefore, the sooner they can find members of the men's running team and tear off their name tags, the safer they will be, and the more dangerous they will be to reproduce.

Under such a background, the thieves must be eager to find the members of the men's running team, so the bells will naturally ring.

But Zeng Xiaoxian can't hear a dozen Si'an bells now, what does that mean?

It means that they are all hiding, why are they hiding?I want to concentrate on killing Zeng Xiaoxian, the strongest existence in the men's running team.


Then it was easy to understand, they knew that Zeng Xiaoxian was rushing towards this building, how did they know?Someone tipped off!

Zeng Xiaoxian stood in the hidden place and observed carefully for a while, then took out the walkie-talkie again, "Baby, where are you, tell me the exact location!"

The baby had already hid behind the curtains in the classroom, and when he heard Zeng Xiaoxian's voice, he quickly told him his location.

Zeng Xiaoxian adjusted his position according to the position of the baby, and came to the stairs only [-] meters away from the baby.Then turn on the intercom again.

"Baby, listen to me now, don't ask why, come out of the teacher immediately, run to the left along the corridor, I will wait for you at the stairs a hundred meters to the left! Hurry up!!"

Zeng Xiaoxian knew that it would take time to report to the thieves, so he asked the baby to act quickly in order to catch the thieves by surprise and disrupt their position.

The baby had absolute trust in Zeng Xiaoxian, upon hearing this, he immediately ran out of the teacher and ran all the way.

Yu Zhen and the others were stunned for a moment, "I'm going, why did the bait get away?".

384. Shaolin Vs Wing Chun (7/8 Subscription!!)

Just when several people were confused, Wang Baoqiang's voice appeared on the walkie-talkie again.

"Hurry up, the baby is gone, Xiaoxian will meet you at the stairs one hundred meters ahead, you guys go!"

The few people didn't have time to think too much, and immediately chased them out.





For a while, bells rang endlessly in the corridor.

When the baby heard the bell, she realized that she was being watched by others, and she was terrified. Fortunately, Zeng Xiaoxian had already appeared in front of her.

"Xiaoxian, run, there are four of them!"

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