"Attention all running men brothers, attention all running men brothers, Zheng Kai has already betrayed, if you meet him, tear him up or run away!"

Li Cheng was looking for envelopes in a warehouse, when he heard these words, he was immediately startled.Facing the camera, he took a big close-up of his shocked expression.Then he said: "Oh my god, Zheng Kai actually rebelled?"

The baby also realized, why did Yu Zhen and the others know that Zeng Xiaoxian would look for him before, it turns out that there are spies in the running boy brotherhood!

Zheng Kai also heard the news from Zeng Xiaoxian, and now he can be sure that Zeng Xiaoxian has seen through him and Wang Baoqiang long ago.And Wang Baoqiang must have been torn off by Zeng Xiaoxian!

Zheng Kai was a little scared, he was very aware of Zeng Xiaoxian's super power, once he found out that he would be very difficult to escape.

After switching the walkie-talkie to the Running Man channel, Zheng Kai began to speak.

"Xiaoxian, Xiaoxian, I'm Zheng Kai, how do you know I'm a traitor?"

Anyway, he has already been exposed, why not take this opportunity to satisfy his curiosity and ask Zeng Xiaoxian how he found him.

But Zeng Xiaoxian hadn't spoken yet, Li Cheng and Deng Chao scolded him first.

"Zheng Kai, you who killed a thousand swords are really a spy?"

"Zheng Kai, there is no limit to the sea of ​​bitterness, but there is still time to turn around!"

Zheng Kai felt warm in his heart.

"Thank you, brothers, but this time I can't turn back. If I look back, I will blow myself up. Let's be brothers with you next time!"

Li Cheng: "Then I will tear you apart when I meet you!"

Deng Chao: "Me too!"

Zheng Kai: "Tear it up!"


Time flies, and half an hour has passed in a blink of an eye.

During these half an hour, the Running Boy Brothers did not deliberately look for Zheng Kai, but stepped up their search for the envelope with the thief's name on it.

To be honest, this time the Dreamlike thieves are all very strong, and Yu Zhen is even more of a trainer. Except for Zeng Xiaoxian, even a big black bull can't escape the fate of being torn apart.

The other three are also very difficult to deal with. Except for him and Li Cheng, everyone else is very dangerous.

So their top priority is to find valid envelopes and eliminate them one by one.

However, these envelopes were very difficult to find, and no valid envelope was found within half an hour.

"Oh, No!" Li Cheng found a blank envelope again, and made a helpless expression towards the camera.

However, Zheng Kai also appeared in the lens of the camera at this time.

"Zheng Kai?" Li Cheng turned his head abruptly, "How dare you show up?"

Zheng Kai smiled and spread his hands, "Why not? I still want to tear up your name tag!"

Li Cheng also laughed, tearing up his name tag?In the running boys group, apart from Zeng Xiaoxian, he is the strongest, but Zheng Kai actually said that he would tear up his name tag?

"Okay, since you said so, let's tear it apart!"

The two of them took a stance, Li Cheng's attention was all on Zheng Kai, but at this moment, Yu Zhen approached from behind with a bent waist.

Zheng Kai laughed, "Li Cheng, you are dead this time, look behind you."

Li Cheng chuckled, "Don't try to fool me, let me look behind you, and then you take the opportunity to come up and tear me up, right, I'm not that stupid!"

Stab it!

Li Cheng was dumbfounded for a moment, and when he looked back, Yu Zhen was laughing at him, "Brother, Zheng Kai didn't fool you."

Looking at Zheng Kai again, the latter shrugged, "I told you, you can't blame me if you don't believe me, haha!"

"Li Cheng is out!!"

"Li Cheng is out!!"

When the news of Li Cheng's elimination came, the only three remaining members of the men's running team were shocked. Now there are only three of them left, and there are four other members on the bandit side, including the rebellious Zheng Kai. Opposite slope.

At this time, Zheng Kai directly adjusted the intercom frequency to the running man frequency, and started twittering inside, "Members of the running man business group, now your (Zhao Lihao) people have been almost wiped out, I advise you Let’s surrender quickly, hand in your guns and don’t kill me!”

Deng Chao almost lost his nose, "Zheng Kai, I'm going to tear up your...name tag!"

Zeng Xiaoxian's voice also sounded on the intercom, "Who said we will lose? As long as I am still here, you are doomed to lose, because you can't tear off my name tag, but according to the game settings, sooner or later your envelopes will be taken by me." Found it! So, as long as you can't tear off my name tag, you will definitely lose!"


Yu Zhen was with Zheng Kai at this time, and he couldn't help frowning when he heard Zeng Xiaoxian's words. Zeng Xiaoxian was right, as long as he was still there, the possibility of the thieves being eliminated in the end would continue to increase, and eventually became inevitable. .

387. Each Plans, The Decisive Battle Begins (2/8 Please Subscribe!!)

There are still four people in their Unicom Zheng Kai. If Yu Zhen is eliminated, the remaining three will basically have nothing to do with Zeng Xiaoxian. At that time, even if Zeng Xiaoxian is the only one left, he can still look for the envelope calmly. , eliminated the other two thieves, and Zheng Kai could only stare helplessly at Zeng Xiaoxian to tear them apart.

Thinking of this, Yu Zhen immediately picked up the walkie-talkie, "Everyone, get rid of the others quickly, and then encircle Zeng Xiaoxian together, hurry up!"

Guan Zhe's voice came over, "Okay, Guo Yanfu and I have found Deng Chao's traces and are about to hunt them down!"

"Okay, be quick and ruthless!"



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